
[Legendary Clan]

Mercenary Clan Registry number # 5253

"The power is in our hands"
FUSION banner created by Gary Allsop
Although Fusion is not one of the veteran clans, this unit has carved a niche in the history of the galaxy as one of the most powerful units of its time, and in the history of the Mech competitions achieving an unbeatable record during twenty five years (sixteen of them as Fusion and nine as Juggernaut).

Under the name of Fusion, they repeated the record of the RND faction, by becoming unbeatable through twelve consecutive Clan Wars in which they conquered the Gold of the Champions in the First Division Mech-Olympus, and which continued after 3320 after becoming under the Juggernaut Flag with another nine (9) golds.


The clan was created in 3303 by the legendary Kristopher Fleet, Don Davis and Gary Allsop.

Prior to the founding of Fusion, this triumvirate constituted a part of the planning and strategy staff for The Brotherhood. When the former commander-in-chief of the Brotherhood, the legendary pilot Thodoris Liolios abandoned the leadership of the old and big faction and withdrew, the influential Brotherhood official Deborah Roaché-Hudak took control of the faction.

Between the new leadership of the Brotherhood and these three pilots there were frictions and disagreements that led them to leave the Brotherhood to create their own group in the First division.

Check this article published in the Galaxy Gathering if you want to learn more about the Fusion foundation. 


3303. The Original Crew
  • Kristopher Fleet (Former member of The Brotherhood)
  • Don Davis (Former member of The Brotherhood)
  • Gary Allsop (Former member of The Brotherhood)
  • Paul Copeland (Former member of The Brotherhood and prior, from M&L) 
  • David Buchanan (Former member of The Brotherhood)
  • Sherrif Leary Wrethan (Former member of Affiliation AFF)
  • Shawn Wrethan (Former member of the Affiliation AFF)
  • Ales Hasala (Former CyberStorm, in 3304 he left Fusion to join the MMI)
  • David Holley (Former member of The Brotherhood. Fought until 3309, in which retired)
Later incorporation

  • Fabio Favaro (Formerly a Smurf Faction member)
  • Dexter Berry (Coming from the Affiliation (AFF)
  • Sal Vezzosi (Coming from a brief stage in Spirit of Bunny, after The Brotherhood)
  • Walter Doman (Joined from FISSION, the Fusion's prospective unit, after the Brotherhood)

As an independent group, they created a clan that from the first moment constituted the new champion on Division One, writing their achievements in gold letters for long years and becoming unbeaten from their foundation and through their two eves, as Fusion and as Juggernaut, until their split in 3328.

Fusion was intended to fight another legendary clan on Division One: CyberStorm, however, that unit disbanded the previous year, after a Faction War, disabling the eventual clash between both titans.

Tournaments Records

Through the twelve (12) Clan War Tournament that Fusion fought in Division One, from their foundation on 3303 until their last battle as Fusion in 3319, they achieved a brilliant total of:
  • 12 Clan War Golds in D1
  • 1 Faction War Gold in D1
  • 2 Squad Wars Golds in D1
  • 1 Squad War Gold in D2
  • 3301 (CW) Cyberstorm won against Northwind Highlanders (brotherhood)
  • 3302 (FW) The Storm won vs. Highlanders (HF)
3303 Fusion is founded by Kristopher Fleet, Don Davis and Gary Allsop. 

3303 Cyberstorm disbands
  • 3303 (CW) Fusion won their first Gold as Clan, against Northwind Highlanders (Brotherhood)
3304  PhoenixStorm is created with CyberStorm elements.
  • 3304 (CW) Fusion won against PhoenixStorm MMI
  • 3306 (CW) Fusion won against PhoenixStorm MMI
  • 3307 (CW) Fusion won against PhoenixStorm MMI
  • 3308 (FW) Alpha Unit. Fusion refused to fight this Faction War, but finaly they called it a training season with a low level faction, the RND.  
  • 3309 (CW) Fusion won against PhoenixStorm MMI
  • 3310 (CW) Fusion won against PhoenixStorm MMI
  • 3312 (CW) Fusion won against PhoenixStorm MMI
3312-3313 PhoenixStorm disbands
  • 3313 (CW) Fusion won against Spirit of Bunny
  • 3314 (FW) Integrated as Mechalympus, won against Spirit of Zeon
3315 Zeon jumps on D1, replacing the gone PhoenixStorm as closest opponents for Fusion
  • 3315 (CW) Fusion won against Zeon
  • 3316 (CW) Fusion won against Zeon 
  • 3317 (SW) Fusion won against Cyclops Team
  • 3318 (CW) Fusion won against Zeon
  • 3319 (CW) Fusion won against Zeon 
  • 3320 (SW) Phoenix Fusions Wrath won against Cyclops Team in D1 and Fusion Squad Bravo won in D2 against Spirit of Bunny.
In 3320 One of the foundational triumvirate members, the legendary Gary Allsop, known as the strongest pilot of the moment, decided to leave the competition and permanently retired from public scene. As the Fusion members lost one of their three Core Founders, they felt like this was the end of the Fusion eve. They gave the Fusion Flag as honour haven for Gary and started a new clan, named after long thinking as Juggernaut.


The Fission Project - A Prospective Clan (3313 - 3317)

In 3313, Sal Vezzosi led the creation of a secondary clan for the Second Division, in which Fusion could bake future new members for their core unit.

The success of this unit was below the expectations created, although the project was not entirely bald and Fusion managed to experience some new strategies with this unit.

Andy Conover was the most outstanding member of this unit, where he reached the zenith of his career as a Legendary pilot, before passing away and receive the honours of the entire Mech Pilots society.

The mediocre result of the Clan Tournament of 3317 supposed the cancellation of the Fission's Project. 

From the whole Fission clan, Fusion finally took a single pilot, Walter Doman, who joined the core team in the First Division in 3318.

The Unification War (3315 - 3317)

Between 3315 and 3317, the mercenary clans, led by illustrious and mighty clans like Fusion, Zeon, Dragons, AFF, Brotherhood and many others, repelled various attempts of invasion to our galaxy from a mass force called "Unification". 

Unification came from a galaxy of an alternative dimension to ours, in which our history and inhabitants had a distorted reflection that had followed a different course.

This menace happened to be the mirrored image that Fusion adopted in that alternative universe, which under the orders of General Conover (alternative twin of the Legendary Pilot Andy Conover, of Fission, the subsidiary Fusion's clan) was in pursuit of any trace of a major plague: Xeon, mirrored twins of the Zeon clan in our galaxy.

The Chroniode and ChronoPower (3319)

When the adventurer Harlan "Half Baked" Harrisson found in 3319 a Chroniode and created ChronoPower. he required the services of the most powerful of all the mercenary clans to provide security to his company. The Fusion's David Buchanan was assigned then as Executive Advisor and Head of Security.

~ ~ ~


Juggernaut Foundation (3321)

Although the last registered activity of Fusion dates from the year 3320, and after the departure in 3319 of Gary Allsop and David Copeland, the remnant crew continued its activity under the new name and flag of Juggernaut.

Under the Juggernaut banner, the old guard of Fusion received two new members.

  • Bernard Johnson (Joined Juggernaut coming from Isle of the Misfit Toys MMI)
  • Michael Brown (Joined Juggernaut coming from Zeon)

Champions atop the Mercenary Clans

The unbeatable status of Fusion did not change now, under the name of Juggernaut, but it did their closer opponent, as Leviathan, heir of PhoenixStorm, raised as their new staunchest rival.

Every year, tournament after tournament, both titans of the First Division Olympus proved to be the undisputed masters and gods of the Mech world.

From 3321 until 3328, six Clan Wars and a couple Squad Wars have got celebrated, in which invariably Juggernaut conquered the gold and Leviathan took the silver in the top division.

After 3320, Fusion originates Juggernaut and PhoenixStorm originates Leviathan.
  • 3321 (CW) Juggernaut won against Leviathan
  • 3322 (CW) Juggernaut won against Leviathan
  • 3323 (CW) Juggernaut won against Leviathan
  • 3324 (CW) Juggernaut won against Leviathan
  • 3325 (SW) Juggernaut won against Leviathan
  • 3326 (CW) Juggernaut won against Leviathan
  • 3327 (CW) Juggernaut won against Leviathan
  • 3328 (SW) Juggernaut, split in two Squads: Handheld Nuke (D1) and Hand Grenade (D2) won against their respective opponents, being in D1 Leviathan.

Dissolution of Juggernaut and the end of an Eve (3328)

On 3328, the competition turned to be a Squad War, in which Juggernaut dropped their name for registry purposes, as the clan split in two, to dominate both, First and Second divisions.

The Squad names adopted were Handheld Nukes (D1) and Hand Grenade (D2), and the selection of those names was prophetic, since one of the members, Sal Vezzosi, plotted a plan to drop out the two historical leaders of Fusion/Juggernaut, claiming their progressive withdrawal and diminishing supervision, arguments widely debatable, but that undoubtedly reduced the influence of these on the core of the clan.

Although some Juggernaut members remained loyal to Juggernaut and their former leaders, the clan was decimated, so Fleet and Davis allowed the loyalists to join the new created group, named as Warlock.

~ ~ ~

Related Entries

(By GJ - 685605)


[Legendary Clan]

Mercenary Clan Registry number # 6176

Clan banner, by Gary Allsop


The clan was created in 3321, as a reforge of the legendary champion on the Division One known as Fusion.

When in 3319 Gary Allsop, one of their three historical founders, decided to permanently retire as a Mech pilot, the other Founders wanted to preserve the memory of Fusion as a memorial for Allsop, so that the clan continued in active with a new name and banner: Juggernaut

In Old Terra, a juggernaut was for the Hind culture, a mercilessly destructive and unstoppable force. The word derived from Sanskrit "Jagannatha" (world lord), which was one of the names that the god Krishna received in the ancient Sanskrit Sagas.

As this unit was created from an unbeatable crew capable to lead the whole of the mercenary clans mass to nuke the hell away from the galaxy, they chose such a name.

  • Kristopher Fleet (Former Fusion)
  • Don Davis (Former Fusion)
  • David Buchanan (Former Fusion)
  • Sherrif Leary Wrethan (Former Fusion)
  • Shawn Wrethan (Former Fusion)
  • Fabio Favaro (Former Fusion)
  • Dexter Berry (Former Fusion)
  • Sal Vezzosi (Former Fusion)
  • Walter Doman (Former Fusion)
  • Bernard Johnson (Former MMI)
  • Michael Brown (Former Zeon)

Tournaments Records

The unbeatable nature of Fusion continued now as Juggernaut and with them, another new name raised among the clans as their closer opponent and rival: Leviathan.

During eight whole years, from 3321 until 3328, Juggernaut became the champion, conquering the gold with no clan that could contest their power, despite Leviathan was close in a couple Wars.
  • 3321 (CW) Juggernaut won against Leviathan
  • 3322 (CW) Juggernaut won against Leviathan
  • 3323 (CW) Juggernaut won against Leviathan
  • 3324 (CW) Juggernaut won against Leviathan
  • 3325 (SW) Juggernaut won against Leviathan
  • 3326 (CW) Juggernaut won against Leviathan
  • 3327 (CW) Juggernaut won against Leviathan
  • 3328 (SW) Juggernaut, split in two Squads: Handheld Nuke (D1) and Hand Grenade (D2) won against their respective opponents, being in D1 Leviathan.


After the Squad Wars of 3328, Juggernaut was led by two Leaders, Kristopher Fleet and Don Davis, who were both, founders of Fusion and Juggernaut as the natural heir of Fusion (keeping almost the former crew, with the loss of a couple members and the incorporation of some others). After so many years of activity, they seemed to be increasingly distant from the public scene.

This feeling led to their most active political member, Sal Vezzosi, who had gained social influence within Juggernaut while the former leaders had lost it, given their apparent distance, managed to persuade almost half of the Juggernaut members to follow him in a new unit, leaving apart the former leaders and in fact, giving a coup d'etat. 

This action supposed the end of an eve of domination in the top division of the Mech Tournaments that started in 3303 and culminated in 3318 with a balance of more than 20 gold medals.

The new resulting group, Warlock, could in many ways be considered as the continuator of Fusion and Juggernaut, except for the fact of having lost their alma mater.

Related Entries

    (By GJ - 685605)

    Second Metaverse


    In the middle of 3328, severe seismic movements experienced by the planet Santiago, within the space of the Clarke Federation, exposed a very old gate, created by some now ancient race, without being able to determine the dating, nor the creators, whether they were the Craftsmen, the Forerunner, the Yoram or some elder race.

    There are powerful indications that the door, which at the time of its discovery shows to be deactivated, could lead to another Metaverse, similar to those already explored during the campaigns against Unification and Xeon or the Metaverse invaded by Drochah.

    This possibility raised a great alarm in the authorities of the Clarke Federation, as it represents a significant breach in their safety, becoming a potential route of invasion by unknown forces.

    For this reason, the Federation hired a large scientists and researchers team to study the Gate and began to summon all mercenary clans willing to risk a campaign in the unknown, similar to the past Metaverse Campaigns, to secure the other side before finding a way to permanently disable the Santiago Gate concealing any possible risk of invasion.


    The Santiago Gate is built with an alloy of dark and dull color, of indeterminate alien composition nonexistent in the known galaxy.

    Although there are certain similarities with our gateways, it is speculated that the Santiago can count on a revolving door mechanism, so far untested as long as it is not activated.

    In a preliminary analysis, the Gate, which shows to be deactivated, has an interface different from any other known and apparently its activation is not done using technology based on niobium, since it does not present any terminal to use the known Niode Matrix.

    For those with the courage to face the unknown, here can be found the route to the Santiago Gate

    Related Entries
    • Clark Federation
    • Santiago (planet)
    • Santiago Gate

    (By GJ - 685605)


    [Mech Technology]

    After the unlocking of the Gateways by Dr. Lisi, an the subsequent colonization and expansion of mankind throughout the Galaxy, both, exploration and economic activity acquired a new dimension, with wide fields open to all kind of markets that demanded immense quantities of primary resources. With that view, sectors as mining experienced a great grow.
    MC1 model geared with a Halloween customized chassis
    For the development of both most demanded activities: exploration as mining in hostile environments of zero gravity or aggressive atmospheres, machines manned by a operator or pilot were created as the predecessors of the current war Mechs. Models such the Ant model, which would evolve into the Red Ant developed by the Radix Tribe engineers, or the MC1 model.

    The MC1 was a mechanized unit similar the current Mechs, whose production required very high costs, unlike the more economical Ant model, but offering in return greater capacities.

    The MC1 had space to accommodate numerous modules of different utility and for the purpose of exploration and collection of mining samples, and thus, an enormous amount of these machines was used during the pre-mech era to open new horizons as well as for the prospecting of the abundant riches which awaited the pioneers of the Galaxy.

    During the creation and expansion of the Great Powers, in the eve of the Second Great War between the Shogunate and the Illyrian Hegemony, most of the MC1 pilots were abandoned, forgotten and isolated, so that in order to survive an prosper, it seems they began to use their MC1 units in a sort of duels between themselves, in a natural competition for control of the riches they found. To this purpose, the operators improvised their MC1 capacities converting them into combatant units. Today, some believe that the origin of the Circuit Fights and the King of the Mountain has its root on these battles.

    The MC1 project was dropped around the 3100's and no one received news from those old prototypes until some of these units became to be spotted again during the year 3328.

    Related Entries

    (By GJ - 685605)



    The first experiments with metabolic substances capable of altering the state of consciousness, as well as the physical and mental capacities of the pilots, was denominated vitridium. The word mixes two ancient words in Latin (ancient Terran tongue): vitrum (glass) and viridium (green), because of the appearance that said substance had.

    Some hypotheses suggest that one of the first scientists who investigated the possibilities of the vitridium, or perhaps its creator, is the infamous Dr. Gorax.

    Although some Craftsmen like the famous Artemis Molly soon monopolized the circulation of the vitridium in the black market, the Health Ministries of the Great Powers rejected its legalization in a rare common agreement. This rejection, coupled with the so high toxicity, encouraged the different laboratories throughout the galaxy to find a refined and marketable version of vitridium, less harmful but with no real interest to eliminate the high addictive power it produced in the first unfortunate vitridium consumers.

    The first to find a version less effective as vitridium, although less harmful (in a short term of time), was the famous pilot Velastien Gearnnut, who released the now famous hatoraide in 3261.

    Vitridium, however, seems to continue on the deepest corners of the black market, within reach of a very select elite willing to shorten their life expectancy at the expense of the extraordinary effects, significantly superiors than those of Hatoraides, although among the veteran pilots, its consumers are considered as scum, and the mere mention of this substance has become a taboo.

    Related Entries

    (By GJ - 685605)

    Clan Tournaments


    Clan Tournaments are the largest sporting event for the Mech Mercenary Clans, in which the different factions, clans and squads clash to face the glory in a competition that mimics real wars.

    The competitions come to unleash such great passions among the supporters of the different Mercenary Clans, that there are times when they forget their sporting aspect, considering the tournaments as real wars. But these are bloodless wars, in which the effects of weaponry are calculated by powerful AIs without the need to fire a single salvo of real fire. Over time, non-lethal ammunition and blast effects were added to give greater effectiveness and spectacularity, increasing the sense of realism and thus the enjoyment of the viewers across the galaxy. 

    Clan Tournaments are held every year, and are usually organized prior to any possible real threat that needs to be fought, in order to use the event itself as preparations for the actual conflict. But also the opposite has happened, that a real war has been delayed to allow the celebration of the Clan Tournaments, such is the degree of passion that Clan Wars can generate.


    Hosted by the Mecha Games and Tournaments Organization led by General Nova, with the support of the Craftsmen and numerous sponsors throughout the Galaxy, the Clan Tournaments allow to keep the Mercenary Clans entertained from interfering the politics of the Major Powers while well trained and ready to defend the galaxy against the many threats.

    A first test tournament was held in 3262, with the participation of six mercenary clans and a single battle round:

    MurderBots won against Black Watch
    Northwind Highlanders won against Achtung Pig
    Lunite Pirates who won against New Eden

    After the tests, the Organizers released on 3263 the First Clan Wars, with as much as twenty participating clans organized in three divisions. In that first official tournament, the combats were established throughout three rounds, but the pairing system favored the anomaly of allowing multiple champions, by not pairing them in the final round. This happened in the second and third divisions.

    "MurderBots" became the champion clan for the First Division and "Northwind Highlanders" as sub champions.

    "Majestic Madness" and "Elite Warriors" tied as champions for the Second Division, with "The Pyros" as silver.

    "SheepDogs" and "Reddog's Roughnecks" tied as champions for the Third Division, with "The Dysonians" as silver clan.

    After the inaugural tournament, many others took place. First spaced out in time, became to be ceelbrated more regularly as also got polished their rules, that were outlined to favour the sportmanship and clarity of their results.


    Clan War (CW)

    This is the most frequent format that allows the clash between the different Mercenary Clans registered in the tournament, grouping them in divisions according to a weighted average of the pilotage ability of the Mech pilots.

    Typically, a Clan is composed of 8 to 16 Mech Commanders, each of whom is in charge of a Mech force whose size varies according their tactical capacities. The Clan is led by a Clan Leader, also known as Clan Officer or Clan Overlord (CO).

    Faction War (FW)

    This format have not been celebrated for years, since the number of Mercenary Clans participating has been reduced after the Great Clone Purge.

    These were celebrated approximately every four years, and offered the appeal of better rewards than the Clan Tournaments.

    The faction grouped two or more clans and was composed by 16 to 32 Mech commanders under the orders of a Faction Officer or Faction Overlord (FO)

    Squad War (SW)

    After the Clone Purge, a new format was designed to alternate with the Clan Wars. This time, generating smaller teams that forces the clans to split members.

    This format doesn't enjoy the prestige that reached the Faction Wars, since the rewards often turn out to be lesser and because the SW forces the larger clans to split, separating the team members.

    A squad team requires 5 to 8 Mech Commanders and their respective squadrons, all led by a Squad Officer or SO.


    Every year, sign ups are opened to allow the registration of all Mercenary Clans interested to participate.


    Faction Wars: Between 16 and 32 members.
    Clan Wars: Between 8 and 16 members.
    Squad Wars: Between 5 and 8 members.

    To ensure balanced teams, every Mech commander of the Faction, Clan or Squad, has to be within a 50% of the average clan level at sign up (average counting all members).

    During the celebration of the tournament, the unit can't change the membership to avoid trickery.

    Divisional assignment

    When a Faction, Clan or Squad is registered, the Mech Tournament Organization records the Clan level for division assignation purposes. Once all factions/clan/squads are registered and the registration time is locked, the divisions are calculated and from that point, the pilots can continue leveling without affect the position of their unit in the divisional assignation.

    For divisional bracket placement, the lowest level pilots in each team will not count toward the calculation of the average level of their respective teams.

    If there is a very odd number of teams registered, the organizers may add additional teams from those who registered after the deadline or had less than the minimum number of applications to register. Having less than the minimum registrations does not guarantee a team to avoid the tournament. Any clan who registers before the deadline is guaranteed entry. 

    The Mech Tournament Organizers usually try their best to find space for every team looking to participate.

    Participation in the tournament is at the discretion of the organizers, and unsportsmanlike conduct may be grounds for disqualification.

    Specialist formations

    Every Mech Tournament allows a different amount of specialist formations, that can go from zero to the full Clan/squad, but being usual the format with up to 3 specialists.

    Battle Rounds

    There are held three rounds with a duration of 1 day, and another day of rest between every round. 

    The system of assignation will usually face the 1st faction/clan or squad against the 5th, the 2nd against the 6th, the 3rd against the 7th and the 4th against the 8th. After that, in successive matches, the winning teams will face other winners from the previous round, as long as it were possible.

    If a round ends in a tie, that war will be automatically extended for 14 hours of "overtime".

    The team that accumulated three consecutive victories will be declared the champion of its division.

    Available targets

    During each round, pilots may attack any or all of the pilots of the enemy side, stopping once they reached two victories on a same target, beyond which they can't assign new attacks to the same target.

    Until a certain target hasn't been defeated twice, he can be attacked more times, although this will be counterproductive for the team, since with every attacking lose, the opponent will win an additional point to their score.

    After attacking a certain opponent in a clan war, a pilot can't attack the same one in that clan war for 90 seconds. In the final hour of each battle round, this will be reduced to 45 seconds.

    Beatdown Rule

    A pilot cannot continue to attack opponents that he has already defeated twice that day (Beatdown Rule)

    Defensive wins count as wins for the defender's team, but don't count as wins for the Beatdown Rule.

    During a Tournament Round, if a pilot aimed another pilot from the opponent side, the odds will count for the ongoing Round Score, despite if the attack was produced outside the competition or as a regular duel outside the tournament.


    Each victory, whether in attack or defense, grants to the victor's team +1 point to their score.

    Each pilot can produce as much as +2 points to their team score from beating as much as twice to each enemy target.

    Defensive wins will count as victory for the defending team an score +1 point, but don't count as wins for the limit of wins that a pilot can get on a determined target.

    Each pilot who loses in attack, will penalize his team, as the opponent defending pilot will get +1 to their score from every defending victory. There is not limit to the amount of attacks that can be done to a certain opponent in case of being successively defeated, so technically, an attacking loser could produce a high bonus to the enemy score. But it should be noted that the Craftsmen and the Organizers might disqualify someone showing this unsportmanship behavior.

    Medals & Awards

    All kind of rewards await both the participants and the winners of any of the tournament medals.

    The clan winning all the three rounds has the honour to become champion for their respective division, and are awarded with the Gold medal and the large rewards assigned to their divisional bracket. They also receive the formidable Vizi mech from the mysterious Craftsmen. For lower divisions, the champions receive a Zadok, also manufactured by the Craftsmen.

    Those achieving two victories will earn silver and the second best tier of rewards for their respective divisions.

    Those achieving a single victory, will earn a bronze medal and the third rewarding tier.

    The clans who couldn't defeat any of their opponents, will receive a participation medal, with a small sample of goods.

    Single Tournament Competitions

    Other Related Entries

    (By GJ - 685605)

    Lost In Transit (LIT)

    [Phenomena, Physics]

    In 3328, a new incident began to be observed in relation to gateways: a phenomenon of unknown origin and nature interfered or acted on some portals, causing the loss of travelers crossing the gateway. This has been called as "Lost in Transit" (LIT).

    It has been observed that when this occurs, the gateway exhibits flashes of an orange energy on its normally blue surface.

    The first reports started in the middle of 3328, during the Cogwerk troubles with the growing waves of piracy in their fringe.

    At the moment, it is not known what is the destination of the lost travelers at the gateways affected by this strange disturbance, if they are not disintegrated or sent to a limb from which they can not return, nor is the origin of such disturbances reported in the Lisi fields of the gateways

    At the moment, gateway authorities and monitors strongly recommend that all transit through gateways be avoided when the characteristic orange glows are detected.

    Related Entries

    (By GJ - 685605)

    Mammoth Jack

    [Legendary Pilot, Politics]

    Red Ant and WarHorse Legendary Pilot - License # 1115.

    Son of Lady MechDougan and uncle to Duke Crimson. Mammoth Jack started his career as military, achieving the rank of Liteutenant, commanding the 1st Cavalry Division of the SoCP Mech forces. As Commander of his unit, he was famous using the Red Ant to evaluate rookies applying in his elite unit.

    Later, he switched his likings to the WarHorse, that he used in the early days of it’s release in clandestine operations against the Hegemony. Old propaganda videos from the Trinitarian cause, shows Mammoth Jack delivering aid to the settlers of the Cogwerk Fringe.

    After his military career, his professional track turns blurred, reported to have become as a revolutionary activist against the Hegemony, until he started his political career, leading the Freedom Party in 3327, competing against the New Order, led by his nephew Duke Crimson. Offering the panacea against the growing problems caused by the pirate king.

    During the year 3333 he organized a new elite unit called Mastodon to serve in defense of the interests of the Society of Cogwerk Planets and in particular, to support in the combat against the recent threats of the Pirate King and the Illyrian General Scipio Aemilianus.

    Related Entries

    (By GJ - 685605)

    Duke Crimson

    [Legendary Pilot, Politics]

    Pilot License number: 1118

    Grandson of Lady MechDougan, a renowned noble and pilot of the Society of the Cogwerk Planets (SoCP), he owns the gifts of natural eloquence and charm, that he employs without scruples in his political trajectory.

    Duke Crimson achieved in his youth great renown as a pilot master of the Shocklite class and although since then, his abilities as Mech pilot could be somewhat rusty, he has perpetuated his reputation both in the politics of both, the Galactic Senate and the Society of Cogwerk  Planets as in activities of dubious legality as a notorious smuggler, reporting him a great fortune with which to raise small armies of mercenaries or even pirates in pursuit of his dark plans. 

    During the period of activity of the Galactic Senate, he gained a reputation as a manipulative politician of mellifluous words, albeit as false as a crystal niode. 

    With the decay and loss of influence of the galactic Senate, he began his career as a smuggler, to obtain resources with which to be able to buy wills and alliances in his political career, gaining influence in the SoCP.

    In 3327, piracy  increased significantly in the periphery of the SoCP, but approaching the Cogwerk heart with great daring and with the hidden support of different power groups, who used the pirates to undermine the power of enemy factions. Duke Crimson was blamed himself for this piracy promotion, although he used the incidents to promote his own political party: The New Order, trying to gain more influence and perhaps, an important part in the SoCP executive power.

    His political party, the New Order, was very influential and took positions in direct opposition to another political group: the Freedom Party, led by Mammoth Jack. Duke Crimson and The New Order used the mercenary clans to sell big victories full of air, which in reality did not imply any serious impact to the growing pirate activity.

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    (By GJ - 685605)