Duke Crimson

[Legendary Pilot, Politics]

Pilot License number: 1118

Grandson of Lady MechDougan, a renowned noble and pilot of the Society of the Cogwerk Planets (SoCP), he owns the gifts of natural eloquence and charm, that he employs without scruples in his political trajectory.

Duke Crimson achieved in his youth great renown as a pilot master of the Shocklite class and although since then, his abilities as Mech pilot could be somewhat rusty, he has perpetuated his reputation both in the politics of both, the Galactic Senate and the Society of Cogwerk  Planets as in activities of dubious legality as a notorious smuggler, reporting him a great fortune with which to raise small armies of mercenaries or even pirates in pursuit of his dark plans. 

During the period of activity of the Galactic Senate, he gained a reputation as a manipulative politician of mellifluous words, albeit as false as a crystal niode. 

With the decay and loss of influence of the galactic Senate, he began his career as a smuggler, to obtain resources with which to be able to buy wills and alliances in his political career, gaining influence in the SoCP.

In 3327, piracy  increased significantly in the periphery of the SoCP, but approaching the Cogwerk heart with great daring and with the hidden support of different power groups, who used the pirates to undermine the power of enemy factions. Duke Crimson was blamed himself for this piracy promotion, although he used the incidents to promote his own political party: The New Order, trying to gain more influence and perhaps, an important part in the SoCP executive power.

His political party, the New Order, was very influential and took positions in direct opposition to another political group: the Freedom Party, led by Mammoth Jack. Duke Crimson and The New Order used the mercenary clans to sell big victories full of air, which in reality did not imply any serious impact to the growing pirate activity.

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(By GJ - 685605)