Mammoth Jack

[Legendary Pilot, Politics]

Red Ant and WarHorse Legendary Pilot - License # 1115.

Son of Lady MechDougan and uncle to Duke Crimson. Mammoth Jack started his career as military, achieving the rank of Liteutenant, commanding the 1st Cavalry Division of the SoCP Mech forces. As Commander of his unit, he was famous using the Red Ant to evaluate rookies applying in his elite unit.

Later, he switched his likings to the WarHorse, that he used in the early days of it’s release in clandestine operations against the Hegemony. Old propaganda videos from the Trinitarian cause, shows Mammoth Jack delivering aid to the settlers of the Cogwerk Fringe.

After his military career, his professional track turns blurred, reported to have become as a revolutionary activist against the Hegemony, until he started his political career, leading the Freedom Party in 3327, competing against the New Order, led by his nephew Duke Crimson. Offering the panacea against the growing problems caused by the pirate king.

During the year 3333 he organized a new elite unit called Mastodon to serve in defense of the interests of the Society of Cogwerk Planets and in particular, to support in the combat against the recent threats of the Pirate King and the Illyrian General Scipio Aemilianus.

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(By GJ - 685605)