[Mech Technology]

After the unlocking of the Gateways by Dr. Lisi, an the subsequent colonization and expansion of mankind throughout the Galaxy, both, exploration and economic activity acquired a new dimension, with wide fields open to all kind of markets that demanded immense quantities of primary resources. With that view, sectors as mining experienced a great grow.
MC1 model geared with a Halloween customized chassis
For the development of both most demanded activities: exploration as mining in hostile environments of zero gravity or aggressive atmospheres, machines manned by a operator or pilot were created as the predecessors of the current war Mechs. Models such the Ant model, which would evolve into the Red Ant developed by the Radix Tribe engineers, or the MC1 model.

The MC1 was a mechanized unit similar the current Mechs, whose production required very high costs, unlike the more economical Ant model, but offering in return greater capacities.

The MC1 had space to accommodate numerous modules of different utility and for the purpose of exploration and collection of mining samples, and thus, an enormous amount of these machines was used during the pre-mech era to open new horizons as well as for the prospecting of the abundant riches which awaited the pioneers of the Galaxy.

During the creation and expansion of the Great Powers, in the eve of the Second Great War between the Shogunate and the Illyrian Hegemony, most of the MC1 pilots were abandoned, forgotten and isolated, so that in order to survive an prosper, it seems they began to use their MC1 units in a sort of duels between themselves, in a natural competition for control of the riches they found. To this purpose, the operators improvised their MC1 capacities converting them into combatant units. Today, some believe that the origin of the Circuit Fights and the King of the Mountain has its root on these battles.

The MC1 project was dropped around the 3100's and no one received news from those old prototypes until some of these units became to be spotted again during the year 3328.

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(By GJ - 685605)