Lost In Transit (LIT)

[Phenomena, Physics]

In 3328, a new incident began to be observed in relation to gateways: a phenomenon of unknown origin and nature interfered or acted on some portals, causing the loss of travelers crossing the gateway. This has been called as "Lost in Transit" (LIT).

It has been observed that when this occurs, the gateway exhibits flashes of an orange energy on its normally blue surface.

The first reports started in the middle of 3328, during the Cogwerk troubles with the growing waves of piracy in their fringe.

At the moment, it is not known what is the destination of the lost travelers at the gateways affected by this strange disturbance, if they are not disintegrated or sent to a limb from which they can not return, nor is the origin of such disturbances reported in the Lisi fields of the gateways

At the moment, gateway authorities and monitors strongly recommend that all transit through gateways be avoided when the characteristic orange glows are detected.

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(By GJ - 685605)