

The first experiments with metabolic substances capable of altering the state of consciousness, as well as the physical and mental capacities of the pilots, was denominated vitridium. The word mixes two ancient words in Latin (ancient Terran tongue): vitrum (glass) and viridium (green), because of the appearance that said substance had.

Some hypotheses suggest that one of the first scientists who investigated the possibilities of the vitridium, or perhaps its creator, is the infamous Dr. Gorax.

Although some Craftsmen like the famous Artemis Molly soon monopolized the circulation of the vitridium in the black market, the Health Ministries of the Great Powers rejected its legalization in a rare common agreement. This rejection, coupled with the so high toxicity, encouraged the different laboratories throughout the galaxy to find a refined and marketable version of vitridium, less harmful but with no real interest to eliminate the high addictive power it produced in the first unfortunate vitridium consumers.

The first to find a version less effective as vitridium, although less harmful (in a short term of time), was the famous pilot Velastien Gearnnut, who released the now famous hatoraide in 3261.

Vitridium, however, seems to continue on the deepest corners of the black market, within reach of a very select elite willing to shorten their life expectancy at the expense of the extraordinary effects, significantly superiors than those of Hatoraides, although among the veteran pilots, its consumers are considered as scum, and the mere mention of this substance has become a taboo.

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(By GJ - 685605)