Pirate King

[Galactic Threats, Personalities]

Portrait of the Pirate King based on unreliable descriptions

The Pirate King is one of the most elusive villains in the galaxy. So much so that his name is little more than a legend embodied by someone whose true identity is absolutely unknown, and may even be an archetype whose role is played by multiple individuals over time, instead of one.

Although like him, other enemies have managed to escape the destruction, retreating beyond the uncharted areas, like Doctor Drake Novum, Doctor Gorax or Evil Santa; however, their real identities, their past and their motivations are well known. But it is not so with the Pirate King, of whom known information is limited and based on hypothesis.

Although in appearance, the plans of the Pirate King have been disrupted and his forces repeatedly defeated, the opinion of some of the most reputable military analysts is that the Pirate King is one step ahead of the Mercenary Clans and that they have not yet managed to scratch more than the surface of his plots and that his defeats could be sacrifices foreseen in his dark agenda, where his deeper plans have not yet been discovered.

The truth is that his activities seem to generate many unresolved questions.

One of the personal Mechs attributed to the Pirate King

Great skills of Leadership and Strategy

Although his plans have been seemingly frustrated in the different battle scenarios, his astuteness, complexity and efficiency given the conditions under which the pirates had to fight the mercenary clans, demonstrate a privileged mind and extensive knowledge of strategy, which could point to a former senior officer of one of the Great Powers or even a former mercenary faction leader. However, this is a mere hypothesis.

Former Shogunate or Hegemony Citizen

Although again, there is no conclusive evidence, the fact that his piracy activities and more recent military actions have been directed against the Clarke Federation or the Cogwerk Society, could infer as probable origin any of the two great Powers, the Shogunate or the Hegemony. Although this theory is not binding and could be due simply to a matter of chance or merely business.

Blackwing Bonds

It has been established a recurring relationship between the Blackwing Bandits and the Pirate King; it could be because the Pirate King were the warlord of this legendary unit of outlaws or simply, that they show respect to the Pirate King in virtue to the unwritten code of honor that pirates have maintained since the antiquity of Old Terra.

Recent Activity

3322. Battle of Dorrin 4

In the year 3321, taking advantage of the absence of most of the mercenary clans, who were fighting the threat of Xeon in the alternative universe of Unification, the Pirate King set his eyes on the many resources of the Clarke Federation. Casting several attacks from DZK314-G, also known as Dorrin 4, a former mining colony turned to be the Pirate King's operation base, hid in the deep fringe, in which he began to store and process high-tech materials, processed from raw materials and stolen components from numerous Clarke settlements, mines, trade cargos and industries. 

As soon as the Mercenary Clans returned from their campaign against Xeon, they were successful dismantling the complex high scale Pirate King's operations, but unable to capture the Pirate King himself.

3331. Battle of Masks

The pirates reappeared harassing the commercial routes and numerous mining planets of the Society of Cogwerk Planets (SoCP) during the years 3330 and 3331 manifesting an amount of unusual operatives, especially considering their recent defeat in Dorrin. The attacks, which were the result of a dark plot by the enemies of the Cogwerk Society, were also capitalized by two emerging political Cogwerk parties that confronted each other, highlighting the growing weakness of the SoCP and of which Duke Crimson emerged victorious, although very dependent of the mercenary clans that he also manipulated during his dirty political campaign.

Eventually, the Pirate King was once again defeated, though he managed to avoid capture, disappearing into the uncharted zone with some of his most important units, leaving behind his sacrificial pawns, which the Pirate King seems to be able to replenish at an uncomfortable speed.

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(By GJ - 685605)

Battle of Masks

[History, War]

When during the years 3327 to 3331 the Blackwing Bandits and many other Pirate Units under the command of the Pirate King harassed the Cogwerk periphery, isolating and controlling numerous mining enclaves and assaulting a worrying number of commercial transports, the Cogwerk society convulsed, giving rise to a confrontation between two political parties that pretended to have the solution definitive to the plague of piracy.

Taking advantage of the momentum (the political confusion experienced during their Politic Powerplay) both, Shogunate and Hegemony fueled the Pirate threat to deteriorate the stability of the Cogwerk Society and to invade a portion of its perypherial area and perhaps initiating the collapse of the Cogwerk territorial balance.

The Shogunate and the Hegemony used the services of the Pirate King, or they, the Major Powers and the own Pirate King manipulated each other. This extreme is something that has not yet been determined.

Although the Pirate King's ultimate plans are unknown, the overwhelmed force deployment and his brilliant strategy were able to put the SoCP forces in check, which once again resorted to the mercenary clans' wild card.

During the various campaigns against the Pirate King, he has demonstrated a high level of knowledge of the labyrinthine structure of the Gateways, which he has always exploit to build a huge advantage against the overwhelming allied forces of SoCP and the Mercenary Clans.

Towards the end of 3330, some mercenary clans found evidence of a plot by the Hegemony and the Shogunate against SoCP, and they were behind the piracy actions.

However, the Pirate King had his own plans, and although both powers: Hegemony and Shogunate, took a step back, he took advantage of everything he gained to continue his campaign of conquest and clandestine activities.

When the Mercenary Clans once again set off the grinding wheel of their unparalleled war machine, a whole host of new units emerged from anonymity to take a leading role as they thwarted the clever but fragile Pirate King's house of cards.

The final battle received the name of Battle of Masks, in part, because of the covert war that the great powers maintained and that gave rise to this campaign and partly because of the new emerging clans with the final battle, units like Black Lotus, Crimson Cavaliers and Mastodon, which for some gave rise to a kind of carnival dance.

However, after defeating the last pirate stronghold and disrupting the plans of the Pirate King, he once again managed to evade the siege of the allied forces and escape safely.

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(By GJ - 685605)

Barnaby Dodd

[Galactic Threats, Personalities]

Barnaby Dodd is the first of the Minor Enemies, (called in slang M&M's or Mission Miniboss) that the pilots might have to fight when tracking the deep jungle of the Rizpah Moon. 

Status: Unknown. As happens with other villains that seems to use clones to keep a delusion of immortality, Barnaby has been reported as dead although his decease is unconfirmed.

Last known location: Rizpah Jungle Moon

Known partners: Dorian Cogworthy.

Allegiances: Droch'ah servant.

Known skills: Highly skilled Mech pilot, Massive body build and trained in dirty fighting styles, don't engage him in personal combat without the protection of your personal Mech or a good taser.

Other features and demeanor:

In the past, Barnaby Dodd was a sergeant of the Legionaries of Galactic Trade, under the command of Dorian Cogworthy. When Dorian left the Legionaries, Dodd remained loyal to his superior and followed him in his fall. The latest data places him in the jungles of the moon of Rizpah, protecting the deposits of Niobium that Dorian and his people are plundering to deliver to Droch'ah.

Barnaby's Squadron:

Always constituted by eight Mechs, usually with the following composition:

1 Red Ant. Callsign: Drone Cygnus
1 Dread. Callsign: Drone Dread
1 iMech. Callsign: Drone iMech
1 Keradon. Callsign: BotBot
1 Nifthel. Pilot: Margo Mark
1 Oggun. Pilot: Starr

 2 Fides. Callsign/Pilots: Barnaby Dodd & Drone Z

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[Mech Technology]

The first and most formidable creation of General Nova and his consultative consortium and technology Mech designs, NovaStar. Nova used his long experience as strategist, tactician and legendary pilot, combined with the Forerunner technology, to design one of the most powerful and destructive 100-ton monsters, the Fext class.

Equipped with the AI class Charon-17, Fext's capabilities focus on the thorough destruction of each target it aims, with an increased damage capacity previously unknown.

Nova, a friend of military history, baptized his creation with the name of Fext, a mythical and immortal being whose legend was forged around some of the greatest generals who intervened in the Thirty Years' War, (seventeenth century in Old Terra).

  • Release Year: 3303
  • Manufacturer: NovaStar Factories
  • Quality: Niode
  • Class: BFM (Big Fighting Machine)
  • AI: Charon-17 
  • Tonnage: 100
  • Armor (base): 235
  • Heavy skill required: 55
  • Pilot Qualification for acquisition in legal markets: 94
  • Cost: 
    • Niodes: 140
    • Ferrite: 22,000
    • Bioptics: 15,500

2. EQUIPMENT: Fext can get at his max upgrade the following equipment modules:
Cockpits: 7 (Superior)
Progression: 5, 8, 18, 30, 42, 92, 101.
Chassis: 6 (Standard)
Progression: 6, 12, 23, 34, 58, 89. 

Engines: 8 (Excellent)
Progression: 4, 13, 21, 35, 40, 75, 121, 181. 

Shields: 5 (Standard)
Progression: 7, 10, 26, 38, 151.

    Equipment progression by level 
    (Cockpits / Chassis / Engines / Shield module slots)
    • Level 4: (0 / 0 / 1 / 0)
    • Level 5: (1 / 0 / 1 / 0)
    • Level 6: (1 / 1 / 1 / 0)
    • Level 7: (1 / 1 / 1 / 1)
    • Level 8: (2 / 1 / 1 / 1)
    • Level 10: (2 / 1 / 1 / 2)
    • Level 12: (2 / 2 / 1 / 2)
    • Level 13: (2 / 2 / 2 / 2)
    • Level 18: (3 / 2 / 2 / 2)
    • Level 21: (3 / 2 / 3 / 2)
    • Level 23: (3 / 3 / 3 / 2)
    • Level 26: (3 / 3 / 3 / 3)
    • Level 30: (4 / 3 / 3 / 3)
    • Level 34: (4 / 4 / 3 / 3)
    • Level 35: (4 / 4 / 4 / 3)
    • Level 38: (4 / 4 / 4 / 4)
    • Level 40: (4 / 4 / 5 / 4)
    • Level 42: (5 / 4 / 5 / 4)
    • Level 58: (5 / 5 / 5 / 4)
    • Level 75: (5 / 5 / 6 / 4)
    • Level 89: (5 / 6 / 6 / 4)
    • Level 92: (6 / 6 / 6 / 4)
    • Level 101: (7 / 6 / 6 / 4)
    • Level 121: (7 / 6 / 7 / 4)
    • Level 151: (7 / 6 / 7 / 5)
    • Level 181: (7 / 6 / 8 / 5) Maximum Development


    Weapon Focus: By build, Fext masters as a laser Mech obtaining an enhancement to Laser weapons of + 55% damage. Either way, it is possible to equip it to cause devastating damage with any type of weapon because of its damage-augmentation integrated systems.
     Weapon Slots: 11 base + 1 weapon every 3 upgrades (Excellent)
    • Level 50: 27
    • Level 100: 44
    • Level 150: 61
    • Level 200: 77
    • Level 250: 94
    • Level 300: 111
    • Level 350: 127
    • Level 400: 144
    Fext comes from manufacture loaded  with the following 11 weapons:
    • Blue Dragon x1 (Tier 13 Elite laser weapon)
      • 125 Dmg, 104 Speed, Crit-Kill 19%
    • Prism Flower x2 (Tier 8 Elite laser weapon)
      • 79 Dmg, 103 Speed, 2x Dmg 8%, 3x Dmg 8%
    • Man O' War Ray x2 (Tier 8 Common laser weapon)
      • 77 Dmg, 102 speed, 2x Dmg 10%
    • Blurring Beam x6 (Tier 7 Common laser weapon)
      • 67 Dmg, 101 speed, 2x Dmg 7%


      Fext comes from assembly line with:
      • Speed - 27
      • Laser Damage + 5%
      • 1.5X Damage 10%
      • 2X Damage 3%
      • 3X Damage 3%
      • Ice Shield 20%
      After reaching maximum skill development at level 176, the Fext class will possess the following skills (without equipment):
      • Precision (5) 
      • Speed + 2
      • Offensive Skills:
        • Fork 9% 
        • Laser Damage + 55% 
        • 1.5X Damage 80% 
        • 2X Damage 24% 
        • 3X Damage 31% 
      • Defensive skills:
        • Ice Shield 70% 
        • Trample Shield 70% 
      • Vulnerabilities:
        • None

      • Level 1  Laser Damage + 5% (Acc. + 5%)
      • Level 1 Speed - 27 (Acc. - 27)
      • Level 1 3X Damage 3% (Acc. 3%)
      • Level 1 1.5X Damage 10% (Acc. 10%)
      • Level 1 2X Damage 3% (Acc. 3%)
      • Level 1 Ice Shield 20% (Acc. 20%)
      • Level 2 Trample Shield 20% (Acc. 20%)
      • Level 5 3X Damage 3% (Acc. 6%)
      • Level 10 Laser Damage + 3% (Acc. + 8%)
      • Level 11 1.5X Damage 5% (Acc. 15%)
      • Level 14 2X Damage 3% (Acc. 6%)
      • Level 16 Fork 3% (Acc. 3%)
      • Level 19 Laser Damage + 3% (Acc. + 11%)
      • Level 20 Ice Shield 30% (Acc. 50%)
      • Level 22 1.5X Damage 5% (Acc. 20%)
      • Level 24 3X Damage 3% (Acc. 9%)
      • Level 25 Trample Shield 20% (Acc. 40%)
      • Level 28 Laser Damage + 3% (Acc. + 14%)
      • Level 29 Trample Shield 30% (Max value 70%)
      • Level 31 Speed + 3 (Acc. - 24)
      • Level 32 2X Damage 3% (Acc. 9%)
      • Level 32 Fork 3% (Acc. 6%)
      • Level 33 1.5X Damage 5% (Acc. 25%)
      • Level 37 Laser Damage + 3% (Acc. + 17%)
      • Level 41 Ice Shield 20% (Max value 70%)
      • Level 43 Speed + 3 (Acc. - 21)
      • Level 43 3X Damage 3% (Acc. 12%)
      • Level 44 1.5X Damage 5% (Acc. 30%)
      • Level 46 Laser Damage + 3% (Acc. + 20%)
      • Level 50 1.5X Damage 10% (Acc. 40%)
      • Level 50 Precision (5)
      • Level 50 2X Damage 3% (Acc. 12%)
      • Level 50 3X Damage 5% (Acc. 17%)
      • Level 52 Speed + 3 (Acc. - 18)
      • Level 55 Laser Damage + 3% (Acc. + 23%)
      • Level 56 1.5X Damage 5% (Acc. 45%)
      • Level 61 Speed + 3 (Acc. - 15)
      • Level 62 3X Damage 3% (Acc. 20%)
      • Level 63 Laser Damage + 3% (Acc. + 26%)
      • Level 65 Fork 3% (Max value 9%)
      • Level 66 1.5X Damage 5% (Acc. 50%)
      • Level 72 2X Damage 3% (Acc. 15%)
      • Level 73 Laser Damage + 3% (Acc. + 29%)
      • Level 77 Speed + 3 (Acc. - 12)
      • Level 79 1.5X Damage 5% (Acc. 55%)
      • Level 81 3X Damage 3% (Acc. 23%)
      • Level 85 Laser Damage + 3% (Acc. + 32%)
      • Level 88 1.5X Damage 5% (Acc. 60%)
      • Level 91 Speed + 3 (Acc. - 9)
      • Level 94 Laser Damage + 3% (Acc. + 35%)
      • Level 95 2X Damage 3% (Acc. 18%)
      • Level 99 1.5X Damage 5% (Acc. 65%)
      • Level 100 3X Damage 5% (Acc. 28%)
      • Level 100 Speed + 8 (Acc. - 1)
      • Level 100 Laser Damage + 3% (Acc. + 38%)
      • Level 103 2X Damage 3% (Acc. 21%)
      • Level 115 Laser Damage + 3% (Acc. + 41%)
      • Level 117 1.5X Damage 5% (Acc. 70%)
      • Level 125 3X Damage 3% (Max value 31%)
      • Level 130 Laser Damage + 3% (Acc. + 44%)
      • Level 132 2X Damage 3% (Max value 24%)
      • Level 135 1.5X Damage 5% (Acc. 75%)
      • Level 142 Speed + 3 (Max value + 2)
      • Level 145 Laser Damage + 3% (Acc. + 47%)
      • Level 154 1.5X Damage 5% (Max value 80%)
      • Level 161 Laser Damage + 3% (Acc. + 50%)
      • Level 176 Laser Damage + 5% (Max value +55%)

      Related Entries

      (By GJ - 685605)


      [Mech Technology]
      After the defeat of the Forerunner Droch'ah in 3314, the GDI armaments group decided to take advantage of the recent advances in ballistic technology to make their first incursion among the heavy BFM. To complete their project and perfection the design, they counted with the experience and advice of General Nova, who through his consortium and technology consultancy, collaborated in the creation of this monstrous missile platform.

      The collaboration of both independent corporations has created one of the most formidable behemoths for the BFM category, which has great offensive capabilities that very few Mechs are currently able to match.

      They named this Mech as Humbaba (𒄷𒌝𒁀𒁀 Assyrian spelling) after the monstrous giant of immemorial age raised by the Ancient Mesopotamiam god Utu, the Sun (Old Terra). Humbaba was the guardian of the Cedar Forest, where the gods lived, by the will of the god Enlil, Lord of the Sky, who assigned Humbaba as a terror to human beings.  

      • Release Year: 3314
      • Manufacturer: GDI & NovaStar
      • Quality: Niode
      • Class: BFM (Big Fighting Machine)
      • AI: Charon-17 (Fext's AI model)
      • Tonnage: 100
      • Armor (base): 235
      • Heavy skill required: 55
      • Pilot Qualification for acquisition in legal markets: 106
      • Cost: 
        • Niodes: 140
        • Ferrite: 23,000
        • Bioptics: 18,000

      2. EQUIPMENT: Humbaba can get at his max upgrade the following equipment modules:
      Cockpits: 7 (Superior)
      Progression: 9, 18, 41, 72, 82, 176.
      Chassis: 7 (Superior)
      Progression: 5, 30, 52, 65, 89, 103, 147. 

      Engines: 8 (Excellent)
      Progression: 2, 23, 49, 62, 71, 95, 118, 165. 

      Shields: 5 (Standard)
      Progression: 13, 35, 76, 98, 127.

        Equipment progression by level 
        (Cockpits / Chassis / Engines / Shield module slots)
        • Level 2: (0 / 0 / 1 / 0)
        • Level 5: (0 / 1 / 1 / 0)
        • Level 9: (1 / 1 / 1 / 0)
        • Level 13: (1 / 1 / 1 / 1)
        • Level 18: (2 / 1 / 1 / 1)
        • Level 23: (2 / 1 / 2 / 1)
        • Level 30: (2 / 2 / 2 / 1)
        • Level 35: (2 / 2 / 2 / 2)
        • Level 41: (3 / 2 / 2 / 2)
        • Level 49: (3 / 2 / 3 / 2)
        • Level 52: (3 / 3 / 3 / 2)
        • Level 56: (4 / 3 / 3 / 2)
        • Level 62: (4 / 3 / 4 / 2)
        • Level 65: (4 / 4 / 4 / 2)
        • Level 71: (4 / 4 / 5 / 2)
        • Level 72: (5 / 4 / 5 / 2)
        • Level 76: (5 / 4 / 5 / 3)
        • Level 82: (6 / 4 / 5 / 3)
        • Level 89: (6 / 5 / 5 / 3)
        • Level 95: (6 / 5 / 6 / 3)
        • Level 98: (6 / 5 / 6 / 4)
        • Level 103: (6 / 6 / 6 / 4)
        • Level 118: (6 / 6 / 7 / 4)
        • Level 127: (6 / 6 / 7 / 5)
        • Level 147: (6 / 7 / 7 / 5)
        • Level 165: (6 / 7 / 8 / 5)
        • Level 176: (7 / 7 / 8 / 5) Maximum Development

        3. WEAPONRY

        Weapon Focus: By build, Humbaba masters as a missile launcher Mech obtaining an enhancement to Missile weapons of + 101% damage. 
         Weapon Slots: 12 base + 1 weapon every 3 upgrades (Excellent)
        • Level 50: 28
        • Level 100: 45
        • Level 150: 62
        • Level 200: 78
        • Level 250: 95
        • Level 300: 112
        • Level 350: 128
        • Level 400: 145
        Humbaba comes from manufacture loaded  with the following 12 weapons:
        • Baba's Roar x2 (Tier 13 Elite missile weapon)
          • 130 Dmg, 101 Speed, Wide Forl 12%, Slow (10)
        • Longbowman x4 (Tier 10 Elite missile weapon)
          • 98 Dmg, 102 Speed, Fork 60%, Splash 10%
        • Retribution x2 (Tier 8 Common missile weapon)
          • 80 Dmg, 100 speed, Fork 10%
        • Metal Mamba x4 (Tier 7 Common missile weapon)
          • 74 Dmg, 100 speed. Splash 11%

          4. MECH BUILD SKILLS:

          Comes from assembly line with:
          • Speed - 24
          • Missile Damage + 10%
          • Slow (4)
          • Fork Shield 10%
          After reaching maximum skill development at level 120, the Humbaba class will possess the following skills (without equipment):
          • Precision (30) 
          • Speed + 2
          • Offensive Skills:
            • Missile Damage + 101% 
            • 1.5X Damage 10% 
            • 2X Damage 30%
            • 3X Damage 15% 
            • Crit-Kill 7% 
            • Fork 16% 
            • Slow (20) 
            • Splash 15% 
          • Defensive skills:
            • Auto Repair (4) 
            • Fork Shield 50% 
            • Proj. Shield 39% 
            • Proj. Shield (18) 
            • Shield (20) 
          • Vulnerabilities:
            • Fire Vulnerable 30% 

          • Level 1 Missile Damage + 10% (Acc. +10%) 
          • Level 1 Speed - 24 (Acc. - 24)
          • Level 1 Slow (4) (Acc. 4)
          • Level 1 Fork Shield 10% (Acc. 10%)
          • Level 4 Fork 3% (Acc. 3%)
          • Level 7 Fire Vulnerable 6% (Acc. 6%)
          • Level 10 Proj. Shield 5% (Acc. 5%)
          • Level 10 Splash 5% (Acc. 5%)
          • Level 11 Missile Damage + 7% (Acc. +17%)
          • Level 17 Speed + 3 (Acc. - 21)
          • Level 20 2X Damage 3% (Acc. 3%)
          • Level 22 Fork Shield 10% (Acc. 20%)
          • Level 24 3X Damage 3% (Acc. 3%)
          • Level 25 Missile Damage + 7% (Acc. +24%)
          • Level 26 Proj. Shield 5% (Acc. 10%)
          • Level 28 Fork 5% (Acc. 8%)
          • Level 29 Precision (4) (Acc. 4)
          • Level 31 Speed + 3 (Acc. - 18)
          • Level 32 Proj. Shield (6) (Acc. 6)
          • Level 32 Fire Vulnerable 6% (Acc. 12%)
          • Level 34 2X Damage 6% (Acc. 9%)
          • Level 37 Missile Damage + 7% (Acc. +31%)
          • Level 38 Splash 5% (Acc. 10%)
          • Level 40 Fork 5% (Acc. 13%)
          • Level 43 Proj. Shield 5% (Acc. 15%)
          • Level 46 Precision (2) (Acc. 6)
          • Level 47 2X Damage 6% (Acc. 15%)
          • Level 50 Missile Damage + 10% (Acc. +41%)
          • Level 50 Fork Shield 20% (Acc. 40%)
          • Level 50 Slow (6) (Acc. 10)
          • Level 55 Fire Vulnerable 6% (Acc. 18%)
          • Level 58 Proj. Shield (6) (Acc. 12)
          • Level 59 Slow (4) (Acc. 14)
          • Level 61 Speed + 3 (Acc. - 15)
          • Level 64 Missile Damage + 7% (Acc. +48%)
          • Level 67 Splash 5% (Max value 15%)
          • Level 68 3X Damage 6% (Acc. 9%)
          • Level 73 Proj. Shield 10% (Acc. 25%)
          • Level 74 Missile Damage + 7% (Acc. +55%)
          • Level 76 Fire Vulnerable 6% (Acc. 24%)
          • Level 77 Fork 3% (Max value 16%)
          • Level 80 Speed + 5 (Acc. - 10)
          • Level 85 Missile Damage + 7% (Acc. +62%)
          • Level 91 Precision (6) (Acc. 12)
          • Level 92 1.5X Damage 5% (Acc. 5%)
          • Level 94 Shield (10) (Acc. 10)
          • Level 97 Missile Damage + 7% (Acc. +69%)
          • Level 100 2X Damage 9% (Acc. 24%)
          • Level 100 Auto Repair (2) (Acc. 2)
          • Level 107 Crit-Kill 2% (Acc. 2%)
          • Level 109 Speed + 7 (Acc. - 3)
          • Level 110 Missile Damage + 8% (Acc. +77%)
          • Level 115 3X Damage 6% (Max value 15%)
          • Level 121 Precision (9) (Acc. 21)
          • Level 124 Proj. Shield 4% (Acc. 29%)
          • Level 130 1.5X Damage 5% (Max value 10%)
          • Level 134 Missile Damage + 8% (Acc. +85%)
          • Level 136 Fire Vulnerable 6% (Max vulnerability 30%)
          • Level 136 Proj. Shield 10% (Max value 39%)
          • Level 145 Speed + 5 (Max value + 2)
          • Level 154 Crit-Kill 5% (Max value 7%)
          • Level 157 Missile Damage + 8% (Acc. +93%)
          • Level 158 Proj. Shield (6) (Max value 18)
          • Level 163 Shield (10) (Max value 20)
          • Level 166 Precision (9) (Max value 30)
          • Level 175 2X Damage 6% (Max value 30%)
          • Level 178 Auto Repair (2) (Max value 4)
          • Level 184 Missile Damage + 8% (Max value +101%)
          • Level 187 Fork Shield 10% (Max value 50%)
          • Level 191 Slow (6) (Max value 20)

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          (By GJ - 685605)