Pirate King

[Galactic Threats, Personalities]

Portrait of the Pirate King based on unreliable descriptions

The Pirate King is one of the most elusive villains in the galaxy. So much so that his name is little more than a legend embodied by someone whose true identity is absolutely unknown, and may even be an archetype whose role is played by multiple individuals over time, instead of one.

Although like him, other enemies have managed to escape the destruction, retreating beyond the uncharted areas, like Doctor Drake Novum, Doctor Gorax or Evil Santa; however, their real identities, their past and their motivations are well known. But it is not so with the Pirate King, of whom known information is limited and based on hypothesis.

Although in appearance, the plans of the Pirate King have been disrupted and his forces repeatedly defeated, the opinion of some of the most reputable military analysts is that the Pirate King is one step ahead of the Mercenary Clans and that they have not yet managed to scratch more than the surface of his plots and that his defeats could be sacrifices foreseen in his dark agenda, where his deeper plans have not yet been discovered.

The truth is that his activities seem to generate many unresolved questions.

One of the personal Mechs attributed to the Pirate King

Great skills of Leadership and Strategy

Although his plans have been seemingly frustrated in the different battle scenarios, his astuteness, complexity and efficiency given the conditions under which the pirates had to fight the mercenary clans, demonstrate a privileged mind and extensive knowledge of strategy, which could point to a former senior officer of one of the Great Powers or even a former mercenary faction leader. However, this is a mere hypothesis.

Former Shogunate or Hegemony Citizen

Although again, there is no conclusive evidence, the fact that his piracy activities and more recent military actions have been directed against the Clarke Federation or the Cogwerk Society, could infer as probable origin any of the two great Powers, the Shogunate or the Hegemony. Although this theory is not binding and could be due simply to a matter of chance or merely business.

Blackwing Bonds

It has been established a recurring relationship between the Blackwing Bandits and the Pirate King; it could be because the Pirate King were the warlord of this legendary unit of outlaws or simply, that they show respect to the Pirate King in virtue to the unwritten code of honor that pirates have maintained since the antiquity of Old Terra.

Recent Activity

3322. Battle of Dorrin 4

In the year 3321, taking advantage of the absence of most of the mercenary clans, who were fighting the threat of Xeon in the alternative universe of Unification, the Pirate King set his eyes on the many resources of the Clarke Federation. Casting several attacks from DZK314-G, also known as Dorrin 4, a former mining colony turned to be the Pirate King's operation base, hid in the deep fringe, in which he began to store and process high-tech materials, processed from raw materials and stolen components from numerous Clarke settlements, mines, trade cargos and industries. 

As soon as the Mercenary Clans returned from their campaign against Xeon, they were successful dismantling the complex high scale Pirate King's operations, but unable to capture the Pirate King himself.

3331. Battle of Masks

The pirates reappeared harassing the commercial routes and numerous mining planets of the Society of Cogwerk Planets (SoCP) during the years 3330 and 3331 manifesting an amount of unusual operatives, especially considering their recent defeat in Dorrin. The attacks, which were the result of a dark plot by the enemies of the Cogwerk Society, were also capitalized by two emerging political Cogwerk parties that confronted each other, highlighting the growing weakness of the SoCP and of which Duke Crimson emerged victorious, although very dependent of the mercenary clans that he also manipulated during his dirty political campaign.

Eventually, the Pirate King was once again defeated, though he managed to avoid capture, disappearing into the uncharted zone with some of his most important units, leaving behind his sacrificial pawns, which the Pirate King seems to be able to replenish at an uncomfortable speed.

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(By GJ - 685605)