Barnaby Dodd

[Galactic Threats, Personalities]

Barnaby Dodd is the first of the Minor Enemies, (called in slang M&M's or Mission Miniboss) that the pilots might have to fight when tracking the deep jungle of the Rizpah Moon. 

Status: Unknown. As happens with other villains that seems to use clones to keep a delusion of immortality, Barnaby has been reported as dead although his decease is unconfirmed.

Last known location: Rizpah Jungle Moon

Known partners: Dorian Cogworthy.

Allegiances: Droch'ah servant.

Known skills: Highly skilled Mech pilot, Massive body build and trained in dirty fighting styles, don't engage him in personal combat without the protection of your personal Mech or a good taser.

Other features and demeanor:

In the past, Barnaby Dodd was a sergeant of the Legionaries of Galactic Trade, under the command of Dorian Cogworthy. When Dorian left the Legionaries, Dodd remained loyal to his superior and followed him in his fall. The latest data places him in the jungles of the moon of Rizpah, protecting the deposits of Niobium that Dorian and his people are plundering to deliver to Droch'ah.

Barnaby's Squadron:

Always constituted by eight Mechs, usually with the following composition:

1 Red Ant. Callsign: Drone Cygnus
1 Dread. Callsign: Drone Dread
1 iMech. Callsign: Drone iMech
1 Keradon. Callsign: BotBot
1 Nifthel. Pilot: Margo Mark
1 Oggun. Pilot: Starr

 2 Fides. Callsign/Pilots: Barnaby Dodd & Drone Z

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(By GJ - 685605)