Mech Features: Capabilities

[Mech technology]

The capabilities, or skills, of a combat Mech are quantified by a series of standardized magnitudes throughout the galaxy and accepted by all major Mecha manufacturers.

The basic capabilities of the Mech are common to all of them and defined by the controllers of the Mechas' Artificial Intelligence (Precision), its engine plant or motor reactor (Speed), actuators and avoidance systems (Dodge) and the shielding of its structure and exoskeleton (Shield and Armor).

Meson DriveCaspian Legs

Basic Capabilities
  • Precision: Accuracy, Ability to hit enemy target.
  • Speed: Scalar quantity of velocity, moving and hitting enemy targets.
  • Dodge: Avoidance of enemy hits.
  • Armor: Structural resistance to damage.
  • Shield: Cover and reduction of enemy damage.
Apart from these basic capabilities, there are special or secondary capabilities specific to each Mech provided by additional systems and programs, installed in the AI ​​as well as by auxiliary devices.

Special or Secondary Capabilities
  • Auto Repair: Restore the damage received to a Mech's structure and systems.
  • Burn: Chemical weapons with the ability to inflame an enemy Mech.
  • Crit-Kill: Accuracy support systems availing a critical shot knocking down the target.
  • Damage amplifiers (x1.5, x2, x3): Systems to increase damage inflicted.
  • Fork: Capability to target two Mech opponents in a single shot.
  • Freeze: Chemical weapons with the ability to trap into a stasis field or to surround the enemy in frozen effects.
  • Kickback: Miss function resulted from pilot a mech whose weight was higher than the pilot skills, or from certain unstable weaponry or Mechs.
  • Slow: A generated effect that places the target into micro stasis fields that affects their actuators, lowering their speed.
  • Splash: Rain effect damage weapons or systems that allow damage to the target and those Mechs on either sides of the targeted Mech.
  • Trample: Overwhelming ability to over crush a target and damage any Mech behind in the same line of fire.
  • Weapon enhancement: Systems that raises the damage that can be done through a certain type of weapon.
  • Wide Fork: Unleash a storm of damage that targets every Mech in the current enemy line.
  • Wild: Deceiving ability to randomly acquire a target in the current enemy line, making its ballistic  path unpredictable.

Related entries:

 (By GJ - 685605)

Mech Features: Size and Weight

[Mech Technology]

The build characteristics of a Mech are determined by a balance between the capabilities required for combat, the materials used in its build and the limitations given by the dimensions of the gateways, since if it is extremely large, the Mech couldn't use a gateway, losing all possibility of inter-planetary travel.
The height of a mech varies typically between 5 and 10 meters (approximately between 16.5 and 33 feet) and its weight between 10 and 100 tons, usually in increments of 5 tons for standardization purposes.

Technically a Mech can be much larger, although Mechs higher than 10 meters in height won't be able to enter through a gateway's transport envelope, so those higher sized are rarely considered practical and therefore are discarded from the chains of production.

Although some behemoths have been developed in the past as planetary defences, it was demonstrated that lower size Mechs were superior in manoeuvrability and evasion, beating with shameless effectiveness the big behemoths, whose only advantages were superior armour and massive firepower, but at the cost of not being able to evade the attacks of the smaller Mech on account of rather scarce precision against them.

Thus the smallest Mech is the Red Ant, originally a machined suit of 10 tons designed for mining extraction and adapted for combat. And the largest Mech built by the various manufacturers are not more than 100 tons.

Galactic Powers

[Factions, History, Politics]

Since 2287, the year in which Falcon Lisi discovered the way to make the jump through the Forerunner Gateways, mankind began to spread through these, colonizing in an uninterrupted advance what is now the known Galaxy. This colonizing phase has not yet been completed, and small peripheral states arise and are rapidly extinguished, while only a few large galactic alliances have been able to consolidate their power and influence, guaranteeing their survival with an almost feudal structure.
The Great Powers: The Illyrian Hegemony, The SoCP and The Shogunate
These factions were the product of great alliances between clans, since the states as they were born in the past, with their stable boundaries created by natural barriers, became now obsolete and dependent on the complexity of the gateways, which allow a free flow in almost any direction

The Battle of the Markets in 3087, marked the beginning of the consolidation of the great alliances known today, with the creation of the first mech army, capable of defeating a numerically superior force, but without the abilities that the mechs are capable of providing. During that year, the Radix Tribe, a clan belonging to the starting Illyrian Hegemony, was able to defeat a large conventional force of tanks with the use of a smaller force of Red Ant mechs, the first mech evolved from mining mechanized units.

The appearance of Mech as military units of great versatility, mobility and superior combat capacity, capable to move in small units capable of projecting a force superior to that of any conventional army, was the germ and guarantee of survival of the great alliances, they were only allowed to defend their status and lifestyle through their mecha armies.

Major Powers 
  • Illyrian Hegemony
  • Society of Cogwerk Planets (SoCP)
  • Shogunate
Mid Powers
  • Clarke Federation
  • Sengakuji Reaches
It is notorious that linked to each of these factions, there is always a group of manufacturers that guarantees the production of their own mech armies. These factories also constitute the main source of wealth, of these factions, either directly or indirectly.

Often these powers collide with each other with brief wars usually resolved through diplomacy and economic agreements.

Another faction as influential as the mentioned powers, constitutes the set of all the mech mercenary clans. Although in the past, these clans enjoyed a greater autonomy, over the last decades, they have frequently converged towards common goals, few divided into two large blocks and often joining a common cause like the defence of the Galaxy against dangerous threats as the Forerunner Droch'ah or Unification.

The interaction of the mercenary clans, who maintain contractual relations with the major Powers, often marks the course of conflicts, or their cessation.

Related entries:

(By GJ - 685605)

Dr. Drake Novum

[Galactic Menace and Legendary Pilot]

Revoked Pilot License # 706289

Sometimes the universe, which loves and seeks the balance of opposites, arranges for privileged minds to take sides, by one or another cosmic principle... Whether by order or by chaos. Go ask the Universe about his eery reasons.

Speaking of privileged minds, we have an outstanding example in the mysterious and obscure person of Doctor Drake Novum, who throughout his life has achieved a notoriety only surpassed by Droch'ah himself.

The many fields of science that Drake has approached and perfected to a meticulous perfection, to incorporate them into his evil plans of invasion and conquest include, among many others: mech engineering, neuroscience and biotic engineering, hadronic computer science and A.I's engineering, biogenetics in the specialty of cloning and some more bizarre as mechanics and a degree as an elite projectile gunner with an unbeaten score of 99.999% at the Illyrian military academy of Novum Charybdis.

After a successful career as a frontline researcher in the scientific colony of Novum Dolorum, he tackled cloning projects through practices that caused remorse even among the often harsh and imperturbable Hegemony Military Staff, who afraid of the consequences and repercussions of the Dr. Drake's researchs, decided to destroy his works and make him disappear discreetly. Drake, who by keeping hacked the Novum Dolorum network was aware of the plans of the authorities, was evaded along with the valuable data of his studies, establishing his refuge somewhere in the galaxy, beyond the borders of Uncharted areas.

Drake's work in the field of cloning led him to create a clone army with which he tested the Major Powers in 3282, and later to associate with numerous villains, such as Gorax or some of Droch'ah's lieutenants: Xerxes and Otto Von Bismarck, providing them with clone armies (3293 and 3294) with which they could undertake their plans for conquest. These experiences served him to obtain the necessary resources with which to create a second and improved clone army that he released in 3297 (however, with a success similar to the one of its first clone army, being disrupted by the mercenary clans).

He eventually came to associate with the last Forerunner himself: In exchange for his freedom to continue his own investigations, as well as an obscene amount of resources, Dr. Drake gave to Droch'ah enough knowledge for him to create his own clone army of the League of Ages as to encourage the resurgence of the Forerunner race.
In the field of the Mech Engineering, Dr. Drake has created two marvels war machines: The Antithesis, a 90 tons effective and dangerous heavy mech, and the Anubis, a deadly missile BFM that was developed in collaboration with Otto Von Bismarck.

~ ~ ~

First gold medals at each category:

~ ~ ~

Recorded videoptic archives.- Subject: Live Interview with Doctor Drake Novum.
Date: April, 10, 3320
Location: Secret Drake's Clonning Facilities, somewhere in the uncharted sector, beyond the known galaxy.

Mechanomicon - After several difficult and deep investigations, one of our scholars and investigators found a thin track leading him to the Dr. Drake facilities in the uncharted zone, where he requested successfully an interview with the elusive and dangerous Doctor. 

Greetings Dr. Drake

Dr. Drake Novum - Salutations! And thank you for the genetic sample; I can always use a new clone."Big smile as he takes a seat." Can I get you some tea? It's delicious. I spent years perfecting the plant to get just the right flavor."

M. - *grins* I would really enjoy the tea and the chance to interview you, Dr. Drake. The journey to meet you has been quite the adventure of a life. Shall we start then?

*Drake motions and a clone come in carrying a tray. He sets it down a scurry away*

Drake - Yes the uncharted zones are definitely an adventure. It is full on pesky raiders, aliens, anomalies, and unstable gateways. I have lost lots of clones that way.

- Yes ask away.

M. - Let's start from your origins, Doctor. Where are you from?

Drake - Originally Earth, but spent more time on Novum. This is why I eventually took Novum for my last name."

M. - We found several pilots coming from the Old Terra. Like if the cradle of the mankind was also a factory of the best genetic specimens when time comes to link with a Mecha A.I. 

- How young did you arrive to Novum Dolorum?

Drake - Novum Dolorum had the best schools for science, medicine, and other areas of interest to me. So I moved at relatively a young age, not like I had family to stop me from moving when I had the funds to do so.

M. - The Illyrian scientist colony is the closer place to a prison world I ever seen... I believe your life there was not easy precisely.

Drake - Well, I am brilliant and surprisingly charismatic so life there was not too difficult. And when people bothered me too much accidents, well not every invention is safe before testing.

*Drake takes a sip of tea*

M. - Aside a brilliant genius on the genetic scientist field, you are also known to be a very skilled mecha pilot and engineer... Which one was your first piloted mech, and how did you happen to end designing the marvelous Antithesis?

Drake - Don't forget the Anubis, I'm proud of that baby too. Well truthfully my first mech was one I invented, it never made it to production, became self aware and tried to destroy the facility. My second mech was another invention. One I tested on the pilot Marius Darkmoor. He defeated me and that's when I started using standard mechs. I wasn't really happy until I crafted my Antithesis though.

M. - You can be proud from your designs Doctor. Those who know how to rightly gear an Antithesis have never regretted its performance. Anubis is other question, quite the azimuth of your designs, a jewel for the missile behemoths.

- But before you became focused on your genetic research, you have been joining the sponsored Mecha games and Tournaments, right? Which one was your first clan?

Drake - Exile children, which I eventually became leader of before transferring to leadership of Exile Song. I made a deal with their leadership not to clone their members and they gave me sanctuary from the authorities.

M. - How was your experience among the Exile faction?

*Drake takes a moment, rubbing his chin.*

Drake - Fun, yes I would have to say fun. I even made it to the main clan before people started retiring.

M. - Before I started the long travel to your hide facilities, Mechanomicon checked your records into the Craftsmen Tournaments database, where we noticed a brilliant achievement during your short presence there...

- A first gold into the KotM competition... Front line champion in division nine, in Dec 3282...
Fire and Ice champion in 8th division, in november 3287...
Then, the 3288, the same tear in which the Black Star faction got founded, your clan got gold medal in division 17th

Drake - Yes, my Antithesis made all the difference. Not many could stand up to me in those low divisions. The gold in div 17 was my last time as leader of the children before the second faction war.

M. - Then, after nine more years of gold and some, and after your participation in the Clan Wars of 3304, was this time when you became to create your clone army?

- I believe all those tournaments must have gave you the opportunity to collect the DNA of several experienced pilots from the whole galaxy

Drake - True. The tournaments and wars gave me plenty of time to gather genetic samples. 

- My first clone forces were unleashed upon the galaxy in December of 3282. I remember because I raided before the faction war and afterwards. I lost so many clones. I've never had enough to repeat the attacks both before and after a war again.

- Though given the chance to create and stockpile enough new clones I hope I can unleash the hordes again.

M. - Do you have cloned yourself anytime?

Drake - I have cloned myself a number of times, and even have AI's pattered after my brainwaves i.e. digital clones.

M. - So we could say you made yourself immortal, even if your original body got destroyed, right?

Drake - Well I guess so. Now that you mention it, I tend to send my clones into dangerous situations.

M. – Why, which one is your goal Dr. Drake; a tour de Force to test the armies and mercenary clans; a try aiming for pure domination or the demonstration of what a deviant genius mind can do?

Drake - Can't a man do all three? I mean sure testing the clans is fun but it does get... Sad seeing my poor clones blasted to bits, though not every raid is a loss, some clans just can't handle the overwhelming force. But truthfully I do it because it's fun to put in motion an event and see how it turns out. Like any good experiment I love learning how things work.

M. - And yet, you started dealing with the infamous Forerunner Drochah, who beyond experiments, has tried with consummate persistence to conquer this galaxy and resurrect his lineage, hundreds of years extinct, to enslave again the mankind (and luckily, always stopped by the combined effort of the whole mercenary clans)...

Drake - Well I've worked with lots of people. Gorak (now Gorax), Evil Santa, Otto Von Bismarck, tried working with Serpentarius but she swallowed my lab with me in it. If I didn't have my inventions, I would be a dead man now. My AI's would be running the show. Well one of my AI's did get out and start hacking people's mechs if I recall Toshiko had corrupted it.

M. - Thousands of pilots can't now drink and laugh at LaSalle's because of your maneuvers and business with all those villains... But I bet that won't disturb your dreams...

* Drake keeps a perfect poker face while he sips again his rare tea*

M. - After your last retirement, did you notice about the recent Clone Purge?

Drake - Heard about it, not really surprised I did make a whole lot and then people started capturing and recruiting clones for their clans. Showing them anime teaching them they have rights... utter chaos.

M. - More than that... Some of your laboratories data got leaked and other scientists copied it and started their own clone production, provided they pretended those clones were stable, but the time showed certain psychopathic conducts on them. That moved the galactic authorities to ban most of them, control and limit them. All of this happened also in the wings of the paranoia that your own actions generated along the time.

Drake - I knew my failsafe on that lab was faulty. I should have just destroyed it when I fled it like I normally do anymore. Other scientist with my clones... There is no respect for trademarks.

M. - February 3320, Craftsmen’s records show you joked all security protocols and joined once more time the KotM to become champion in the own face of General Nova in the Progressive Pileup competition... Why your return from the forbidden borders and to expose you to a possible detention by any of the hundreds of security agencies looking to catch you?

Drake - Truthfully, I'm not sure. My Antithesis was a bit dusty and I really wanted to see if I still had what it takes to be the best. I almost didn't do it. It was a struggle but with my two Antithesis, Harrell, Magnus, Dilophos, Inferno, Gigus, 2 Megazones and Ammonite; I was confident I had a shot.

- I also don't fret the authorities when it comes to tournaments as I usually have an escape plan.

M. - The Mechanomicon A.I. threw an interesting theory about your return, curiously coincident with the recent discovery of a new Chroniode... Long time Drochah has been own one, and pretending to master you; Now, with the defeat and banishment of Drochah (but probably not definitive defeat) you might want to own your own.
What marvels couldn't create the enigmatic engineer, cloning master, ancient lore researchers, mech inventor and hacker with a Chroniode?

*Drake licks thoughtfully his lips before leave the cup on the ebony table and takes out a notepad where he starts making notes* 

Drake - Yes... I just might.  If I... increase accuracy... stronger clones... must have... another raid, yes to get that...hmmm. 

- Oh you're still here. Disregard anything you might have heard.

M. – (sighs) Returning to the mechas... You were well known for your love for projectile weapons and trampling bash... Do you happen to like another specific mecha capability?

Drake - Dodge, yes an agile mech is very important to me. Don't be there to take the hit and you'll live longer in my book. 

M. - Just as time becomes tangible when it comes to technology, advances,  in mech engineering have achieved a new generation of mechas: the incomparable titans of 100 tons. What do you think about those monsters among the monsters?

Drake - I would love to build a BFM, maybe a fire ice combo with built in wide fork and decent agility. *starts making notes*

M. - Although, to obtain the maximum performance of the biggest of the BFMs the pilot skills required are as high that few can match, only this way can achieve the excellence in its handling... Do you think you would dedicate time to polish your skills to pilot them?

Drake - It might take awhile to get my skills up to piloting one.

M. - How do you find the fact that through the creation of your Antithesis and Anubis mechs you have been supporting the mankind by providing them mighty weapons against the several menaces that time to time besiege our galaxy?
Even your tries to dominate the galaxy have served as a useful training to the mercenary clans, with more success polishing their warrior skills than the own games, making them ready to confront the most dangerous threats to the galaxy as the latest invasion of Unification.

Drake – Ouch, way to hit a man where it hurts. Now my factory that makes the Antithesis was captured nothing I can do about that, and Bismarck should have destroyed the plans for the Anubis so no one else could replicate it but me.

M. - Even your tries to dominate the galaxy have served as a useful training to the mercenary clans, with more success polishing their warrior skills than the own games, making them ready to confront the most dangerous threats to the galaxy as the latest invasion of Unification.

Drake - Well it was not my plan to help the clans more like crush them, they have proven their metal time and time again. It just pushes me to make better clones in return, so the help is sort of mutual.

M. - Even the clones, at some time had been an useful resource of recruitment, when a good amount of them were offering the possibility to recycle them after free them from your mind conditioning.

Drake - They proved very effective spies for me... whoops.

M. - Mechanomicon analyzed all your attempts to take over the galaxy and has evidence that your maneuvers have been a great good for the galaxy, aside the victims of course. 

*cough*… Your actions have been catalogued as a cosmic paradox by Mechanomicon A.I.

Drake - …Burnt towns and villages… Mechs rampaging through cities… A great boon to the galaxy… Then there is the virus's I've engineered. 

*Drake frowns* 

- Paradox, yes... Fighting my own raids was a paradox.

M. - Towns and villages in a whole galaxy are nothing that some re-urbanization programs have been doing before... the virus plagues have allowed to find some new medical discoveries and new and more effective vaccines...

- Mechanomicon's A.I. has defined you as an unexpected good for the galaxy that have been training better than with any other instructor might have been prepare the galactic forces to repel the greater Evilness

- What do you think about the matter Sir?

Drake - I... I'm at a loss for words. I'm helping the galaxy…

*As the gaze of Drake Novum turns with a dangerous looking, the Mechanomicon interviewer drastically changes the subject of the questions*

M. - (cough) You stated, Doctor, that you would like to keep improving your pilot capabilities... Are you planning to do it joining a new mercenary clan or on your own?

Drake - Now that is a good question, now I may try to go solo and keep the authorities from tracking me down unless I can find sanctuary with a clan again. 

M. - It has been a pleasure to have this opportunity to interview someone with such a prodigious mind... and the tea was delicious, Doctor.
Is there something else you may want to add, or a message for the scholars coming into your entry in the Mechanomicon?

*Drake smiles sinisterly showing his menacing perfect teeth* 

Drake - It's been a delight and you've definitely have gotten me interested in what is going on in the galaxy again. Be cloning you soon.
M. - That brings to my mind a question... Is it possible to create a quality clone by cloning a clone?

Drake - Why yes, I have perfected the art. It's the only way I can craft such a large army, then there is the mechs. Getting my hands on so many of them with some being not even available to the clans is quite a chore.

M. - Once again, it has been a pleasure and a rare opportunity to be able to interview you for your entry in to the Mechanomicon.

*The investigator left the Drake's facility with a sigh of relief, but not being able to get rid of the insidious feeling that perhaps, he had not interviewed Dr. Drake, but one of his many clones...*

Entry and interview with Drake Novum Scientist (706289) by GJ (685605)

Related Entries

Serpentarius Alpha

[Galactic Menaces, Technology, Biology]

"I feel the warmth of starlight trickling back into my ancient bones; my children have tasted blood again. Too long have I slept in darkness, and silence. My wrath is nothing but a manifestation of my hunger."

Serpentarius Alpha

Monstrous three-headed leader of the living Serpentarius Brood (to which belong the Gigus, Nakshi and Skriag) that were modified or created by the Forerunner or by another older alien race, whose progeny possibly became as the first Mechs of the Galaxy, and maybe, the origin of the first Saurians.

The Serpentarius Brood apparently had superior specimens able to control them, whose number in the past is uncertain; it is known today the existence of a single superior specimen.


Superior in intelligence than his brood and paired with the some of the most brilliant humans; greater size (able to swallow entire Mechs and or facilities) and more power than any other of his offspring, and like them, protected with a powerful exoskeleton that covers his immortal and millennial organic body against external aggressions.


Serpentarius means literally in Old Classic Latin "Bringer of Snakes". Alpha refers to the dominant specimen within a group of the same species.


Serpentarius Alpha was searched for and found by Droch'ah at one of the forbidden and forgotten Forerunner facilities, and used her during one of his armed waves against the Galaxy, to drive an outnumbering horde of Serpentarius Living Mechs, to test the power of the factions.

Serpentarius Alpha and the brood seized the Galaxy during 3284 and 3285, the year in which the mercenary clans were able to stop this menace.

Serpentarius Alpha, a monster capable of devouring entire Mechs, had apparently another, more insidious mission: to collect samples of advanced Mech technology. It engulfed them with an unlimited ravenous apetite for further study by Droch'ah, who would thus have the best of his Forerunner world and the shy technological steps of humanity.

In his path of destruction, Serpentarius Alpha came into Novum Dolorum, devouring the Dr. Drake's laboratories with Dr. Drake still inside, while he was trying to acquire some DNA samples from Serpentarius. Only thanks to his devices, Dr. Drake avoided a certain death.


Some pilots have reported with alarm that Artemis Molly has incorporated a Serpentarius Alpha prototype in her squad, but latest tests have shown that it is a model smaller than the original one used by Droch´ah in the past. However it still constitutes a formidable Mech and a luxury seemingly only available to one of the select members of the Craftsmen.

Although no match data is kept from the raid against the original Serpentarius Alpha, the Craftsmen-modelled version, though humbly equipped, shows a high crit-kill and speed. The Craftsmen version appears to be a multipurpose Mech not focused on any specific weapon class, although with high synergy with the use of crit-killing lasers.

It can be argued that the original would have the main capabilities of the three minor living Mechs combined, enhancing laser, missile, fire, crit-kill, speed, dodge and a handful of other useful capabilities.

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(By GJ - 685605)