Mech Features: Size and Weight

[Mech Technology]

The build characteristics of a Mech are determined by a balance between the capabilities required for combat, the materials used in its build and the limitations given by the dimensions of the gateways, since if it is extremely large, the Mech couldn't use a gateway, losing all possibility of inter-planetary travel.
The height of a mech varies typically between 5 and 10 meters (approximately between 16.5 and 33 feet) and its weight between 10 and 100 tons, usually in increments of 5 tons for standardization purposes.

Technically a Mech can be much larger, although Mechs higher than 10 meters in height won't be able to enter through a gateway's transport envelope, so those higher sized are rarely considered practical and therefore are discarded from the chains of production.

Although some behemoths have been developed in the past as planetary defences, it was demonstrated that lower size Mechs were superior in manoeuvrability and evasion, beating with shameless effectiveness the big behemoths, whose only advantages were superior armour and massive firepower, but at the cost of not being able to evade the attacks of the smaller Mech on account of rather scarce precision against them.

Thus the smallest Mech is the Red Ant, originally a machined suit of 10 tons designed for mining extraction and adapted for combat. And the largest Mech built by the various manufacturers are not more than 100 tons.