Serpentarius Alpha

[Galactic Menaces, Technology, Biology]

"I feel the warmth of starlight trickling back into my ancient bones; my children have tasted blood again. Too long have I slept in darkness, and silence. My wrath is nothing but a manifestation of my hunger."

Serpentarius Alpha

Monstrous three-headed leader of the living Serpentarius Brood (to which belong the Gigus, Nakshi and Skriag) that were modified or created by the Forerunner or by another older alien race, whose progeny possibly became as the first Mechs of the Galaxy, and maybe, the origin of the first Saurians.

The Serpentarius Brood apparently had superior specimens able to control them, whose number in the past is uncertain; it is known today the existence of a single superior specimen.


Superior in intelligence than his brood and paired with the some of the most brilliant humans; greater size (able to swallow entire Mechs and or facilities) and more power than any other of his offspring, and like them, protected with a powerful exoskeleton that covers his immortal and millennial organic body against external aggressions.


Serpentarius means literally in Old Classic Latin "Bringer of Snakes". Alpha refers to the dominant specimen within a group of the same species.


Serpentarius Alpha was searched for and found by Droch'ah at one of the forbidden and forgotten Forerunner facilities, and used her during one of his armed waves against the Galaxy, to drive an outnumbering horde of Serpentarius Living Mechs, to test the power of the factions.

Serpentarius Alpha and the brood seized the Galaxy during 3284 and 3285, the year in which the mercenary clans were able to stop this menace.

Serpentarius Alpha, a monster capable of devouring entire Mechs, had apparently another, more insidious mission: to collect samples of advanced Mech technology. It engulfed them with an unlimited ravenous apetite for further study by Droch'ah, who would thus have the best of his Forerunner world and the shy technological steps of humanity.

In his path of destruction, Serpentarius Alpha came into Novum Dolorum, devouring the Dr. Drake's laboratories with Dr. Drake still inside, while he was trying to acquire some DNA samples from Serpentarius. Only thanks to his devices, Dr. Drake avoided a certain death.


Some pilots have reported with alarm that Artemis Molly has incorporated a Serpentarius Alpha prototype in her squad, but latest tests have shown that it is a model smaller than the original one used by Droch´ah in the past. However it still constitutes a formidable Mech and a luxury seemingly only available to one of the select members of the Craftsmen.

Although no match data is kept from the raid against the original Serpentarius Alpha, the Craftsmen-modelled version, though humbly equipped, shows a high crit-kill and speed. The Craftsmen version appears to be a multipurpose Mech not focused on any specific weapon class, although with high synergy with the use of crit-killing lasers.

It can be argued that the original would have the main capabilities of the three minor living Mechs combined, enhancing laser, missile, fire, crit-kill, speed, dodge and a handful of other useful capabilities.

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(By GJ - 685605)