

[Mech Technology - Mecha]

Humanity's first encounter with the Salamander were dismissed as falsified reports.  The Salamander was too big to move that fast, dealt too much damage to too many targets for the battle records to be anything but forgeries. Dismissed as Surt encounters doctored by losing pilots to cover up poor performance, the reality was far worse.

Created by the Forerunner general staff at the end of the First Mecha Epoch, the Salamander was the ultimate expression of the Forerunner general staff doctrine of “Kol rak na”, translated as “More force is better force”, the Salamander evaded all existing limits for BFM through radical new philosophies and technologies.

The problem of responsiveness in larger machines was addressed using some of the same research Drocha used in  his dinosaur based mecha, including dispersed heuristic neural networks that “learn” from the pilots responses and generate “reflex” response loops that bypass the reaction delay in mecha so much larger than niode controls were designed to handle.  This results in superior speed and dodge than its power to weight ratio should allow, even if it does require a great deal of pilot training to optimize these networks.

To make this possible, dispersed plasma chambers were created in torso and main limbs so that ready power reserves would be available for instant response without waiting for power shunted from the main engine and amplifiers.  This huge power reserve was then coupled to the heavy plasma buffers in each weapon bay, allowing for x1.3 x1.6  x2 and x3 damage stacking. Unlike other weapon platforms designed for maximum efficiency, the Salamander chose redundancy, with the heuristic reflex networks often selecting alternate targets to “fork”, and each shot containing a heavy splash factor to damage mecha adjacent to main target.

Unapologetically a fire mecha the Salamander boasts a heavy bonus to all fire attacks, and supercharges the plasma released with massive electrical charges which slow targeted machines with every impact.  The Salamander was designed to inspire fear not simply in it’s individual foe, but in entire armies.

  • Release Year: 3337
  • Manufacturer: Star Factories
  • Quality: Elite 
  • Class: UFM (Ultraheavy Fighting Machine)
  • Role: Assault
  • AI: Redemption System
  • Tonnage: 115
  • Armor (base): 315
  • Heavy skill required: 90
  • Pilot Qualification for acquisition in legal markets: 
  • Cost: 115

2. EQUIPMENT: Salamander can get at his max upgrade the following equipment modules:

Cockpits: 8 (Excellent)
Progression: 18,32,84,100,120,212,248,288,

Chassis: 8 (Excellent)
Progression: 10,72

Engines: 9 (Excellent)
Progression: 4,56,108

Shields: 7 (Standard)
Progression: 44,96
Equipment progression by level 
(Cockpits / Chassis / Engines / Shield module slots)
  • Level 4: (0 / 0 / 1 / 0) 
  • Level 8: (0 / 0 / 2 / 0) 
  • Level 10: (0 / 1 / 2 / 0) 
  • Level 18:  (1 / 1 / 2 / 0) 
  • Level 20:  (1 / 2 / 2 / 0) 
  • Level 32: (2 / 2 / 2 / 0) 
  • Level 44: (2 / 2 / 2 / 1) 
  • Level 56:(2 / 2 / 3 / 1) 
  • Level 72:(2 / 3 / 3 / 1) 


Weapon Focus: Salamander is a Fire unit obtaining an enhancement to fire weapons of + 95% damage. 


 Weapon Slots: 13 base + 1 weapon every 2.5 upgrades
  • Level 550: 233
Salamander comes loaded  with the following 13 weapons:
    Elite Weapons:-
  • Firetongue
  • Okha x 2
  • Viking Funeral x 3
    Common Weapons:-
  • Phyrenado x 7


Salamander comes off the assembly line with:
  • Fire Damage +5%
  • Shield (20)
  • Splash 5%
  • Speed + 18
After reaching maximum skill development at level 400, the Salamander class will possess the following skills (without equipment):
  • Precision (10)
  • Dodge (10)
  • Speed 0
  • Offensive Skills:
    • 1.3 x Damage 35%
    • 1.6 x Damage 15%
    • 2 x Damage 35%
    • 3 x Damage 25%
    • Fire Damage +95%
    • Fork 30%
    • Splash 40%
    • Slow (10)
  • Defensive Skills:
    • Shield (140)


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    (By BR - 459199)