Solaris Empire (Terran Empire)


The Solaris Empire (also known as Terran Empire), was the cradle of Humanity

With the accelerated super industrialization and an excessive population growth, the various governments existing during the 22nd to the 23rd centuries on planet earth, cradle of humanity, capsized and suffered serious problems that inevitably led to a global crisis and a long and exhausting succession of wars that ended up imposing a single state on all others: the hegemony of Solaris.

At the time of the Solaris Hegemony, humanity had established colonies on all the useful planets of the solar system, but had not been able to go beyond that system.

This changed with the discovery and unlocking of the gateways starring Doctor Lisie (or Lisi), who opened the doors of the Galaxy to the pioneers who began to explore it, spreading the seed of humanity throughout the Milky Way.

The Expansion

With the unlock of the Gateways in 2287, the Solaris Hegemony grew and eventually became an Empire, the Solaris Empire (or Terran Empire). 

Initially, the human colonies owed obedience to the central administration of the Empire, but as humanity spread throughout the galaxy, the Empire's control over the new colonies became more tenuous and ineffective.

Some of the most stable and most successful colonies would give rise to alternative societies to imperial domination, with the seeds emerging from those that would become the Major Powers of today: The Cogwerk Planetary Society, the Meiji domain, which would later give rise to the Shogunate and the Illyrian Republic, later Illyrian Hegemony, began to form during the first centuries of the expansion of mankind.

Sol Invictus. The Days of Glory of the Empire

For several centuries, the hegemony of the Solar Empire imposed its law in each and every one of the new territories, obtaining an unlimited source of ever-flowing resources towards Old Terra.

At that time, the Old Terra knew a time of splendor as never before, but it was also a glory that announced a dark and anguished end.

The voracity of old land grew without measure, and the resources demanded from the colonies were increasing, which produced a great inflation in the foreign markets, which tried to dissociate themselves from the exorbitant rates and imperial tariffs.

The Decay

In a vain attempt to strengthen its control over emerging and booming colonies, the Solaris Empire resurged its iron fist policy, but this only served to accelerate the disaffection of the growing colonies.

When the tribe of Radix, a common House of the Sector of Illyria, developed the first combat mech and produced a sufficient number as to face a conventional army, they rejected the abusive imperial economic impositions. When the Solaris Empire sent a punishment force that faced the novel Mech force of the Radix Tribe in the so-called Battle of the Markets in 3087 (as it faced the Imperial economic model, the new emergent market model of the colonies) , the tribe of Radix won an overwhelming victory.

This event not only marked the birth of a new era: the Mech Era, but also meant the precipitation of the end of the Solaris Empire and its consequent collapse.

With the strength of the colony of Illyria and its transformation into a Republic, first, and in Hegemony, later, the diminished Imperial sector, including the Sun system, ended up engulfed within the domain of the raising Illyrian Hegemony.

(By Mechanomicon)