The Heralds of Order

[History, War]
Alien race and faction, contemporary of the Forerunners, of those who were vassals.


Humanoid shape, grayish skin, average height around two and a half meters and thin but fibrous constitution. 
Sharp and elongated features and almost flat face under the superciliary arch. 
Mixed respiratory system, through gill structures in the neck, the respiration is allowed in both liquid and air.

Cultural brands: They cover their bodies with intricate bio luminescent designs of metallic and crystalline nature, that emerge from their skin, as if they were scarifications. It is speculated that these brands respond to a way of identifying a hierarchy, be it military or social.

Present History:

Towards the edge of the years 3337 to 3338, it was sighted what was initially taken by a shower of stars from the outer halo of our galaxy, approaching the Alpha sector, by the arm of Orion. The astrophysicists soon noticed that the space bodies were actually colossal ships of planetary size and superior alien technology.

In the first contact, they presented themselves to the mankind as the "Heralds of Order" and claimed to be the legitimate owners of the galaxy, which would have been promised to them by the Forerunners in payment for their services in an almost everlasting expedition to the ends of the Universe, to expand the Empire and the Forerunner Civilization.

After about one hundred thousand years they are back, and their planetary ships orbit in the vicinity of the sectors occupied by the Major and Minor Powers, pretending to protect our species in the straight path, as well as imposing the order for which they were conceived. Imposing as the first task, the definitive destruction of the treacherous Forerunner Droch'ah, whom they believe alive, hidden and protected by our species.


Mechs: The Primal Heralds

The Heralds of Order mostly use technology of Forerunner origin, which is a superior technology that humanity had around the year 3300, however, today, with the influence of the Chroniode and meta-technology, humanity has been able to take several giant steps in Mech technology, offering an opportunity for resistance to the domination of the Order Heralds.

The Heralds of Order use mainly massive waves of powerful Mechs known as the "Primal Heralds", they are super weapon-specialized Mechs built with a formidable potential in an environmental element-weapon to which they are linked (air, fire, iron ...) and given a virtual invulnerability to the linked element, but at the same time a weakness for a certain type of weapon, as happens in the basic shields.

There are five Primal Heralds models:
  • Fire Heralds (Fire Weapons immunity, Projectile vulnerability) 
  • Ice Heralds (Ice weapons immunity, Fire vulnerability)
  • Air Heralds (Missile weapons immunity, Ice vulnerability)
  • Laser Heralds (Laser weapons immunity, Missile vulnerability)
  • Iron Heralds (Projectile weapons immunity, Laser vulnerability)
Millenarian Star Ships

Humanity has not yet been able to produce star ships of this category and although the real potential of them is unknown, they represent a very real threat, capable of harboring massive waves of the Heralds, ready to invade any system or even destroy small planets from their orbital batteries.

(By Mechanomicon)