
[Mech Technology]
During the year 3333, September, just after the fight between the general Illyrian Scipio Aemilianus and the mercenary clans on the boundary between the Hegemony and the Society of Cogwerk Planets, several pilots commissioned by General Nova on reconnaissance missions reported sightings and even captures of a new and mysterious Mech UFM class: the massive Charon.

As soon as the news spread among the mercenary pilots, the entire galaxy became a boiling cauldron of Mecha activity, with several scattered clans and wandering around looking for a new Charon to include in their hangars.

Soon, the mystery cleared: The pirate clan known as Kanabo Krusher had stolen a complete shipment of AlphaCorp with the new Mech. An ultraheavy model that the Shogunate manufacturer had secretly completed and wanted to promote by hosting a great circuit of the King of the Mountain in which the champions could acquire one of the newer Charons.

Although Kanabo Krusher managed to steal the shipment, they were fiercely pursued by the authorities, being forced to scatter and later abandon their precious booty in their desperate flight, booty quickly and completely "recovered" by mercenary pilots once the first lucky pilots spreaded the news to the speed of light.

AlphaCorp did not resign to cancel the event and replaced the lost units with a second shipment, announcing throughout the galaxy the celebration of the Great Tourney "Ice Castles", an unprecedented KotM event, in which the best of the best pilots could be rewarded with one of the pristine Charon prototypes.

  • Release Year: 3333
  • Manufacturer: AlphaCorp (Shogunate)
  • Quality: Niode
  • Class: UFM
  • Role: Unknown
  • AI: Unknown
  • Tonnage: 105
  • Armor (base): 290 (300 for the first prototypes)
  • Heavy skill required: 65
  • Pilot Qualification for acquisition in legal markets: 146
  • Cost:
    • Niode: 150
    • Ferrite: 25,000
    • Bioptics: 20,000

    2. EQUIPMENT: Charon can get at his max upgrade the following equipment modules:

    Cockpits: 8 (Excellent)
    Progression: 4, 38, 53, 74, 103, 115, 142, 215.

    Chassis: 8 (Excellent)
    Progression: 17, 43, 64, 80, 94, 115, 154, 184. 

    Engines: 7 (Superior)
    Progression: 31, 46, 86, 127, 140, 164, 230. 

    Shields: 5 (Standard)
    Progression: 17, 58, 133, 169, 179.
    Equipment progression by level 
    (Cockpits / Chassis / Engines / Shield module slots)
    • Level 4: (1 / 0 / 0 / 0)
    • Level 17: (1 / 1 / 0 / 1)
    • Level 22: (1 / 1 / 0 / 1)
    • Level 31: (1 / 1 / 1 / 1)
    • Level 38: (2 / 1 / 1 / 1)
    • Level 43: (2 / 2 / 1 / 1)
    • Level 46: (2 / 2 / 2 / 1)
    • Level 53: (3 / 2 / 2 / 1)
    • Level 58: (3 / 2 / 2 / 2)
    • Level 64: (3 / 3 / 2 / 2)
    • Level 74: (4 / 3 / 2 / 2)
    • Level 80: (4 / 4 / 2 / 2)
    • Level 86: (4 / 4 / 3 / 2)
    • Level 94: (4 / 5 / 3 / 2)
    • Level 103: (5 / 5 / 3 / 2)
    • Level 115: (6 / 5 / 3 / 2)
    • Level 115: (6 / 6 / 3 / 2)
    • Level 127: (6 / 6 / 4 / 2)
    • Level 133: (6 / 6 / 4 / 3)
    • Level 140: (6 / 6 / 5 / 3)
    • Level 142: (7 / 6 / 5 / 3)
    • Level 154: (7 / 7 / 5 / 3)
    • Level 164: (7 / 7 / 6 / 3)
    • Level 169: (7 / 7 / 6 / 4)
    • Level 179: (7 / 7 / 6 / 5)
    • Level 184: (7 / 8 / 6 / 5)
    • Level 215: (8 / 8 / 6 / 5)
    • Level 230: (8 / 8 / 7 / 5)  Maximum Development


    Weapon Focus: Charon is a glacier assault combat unit obtaining a formidable enhancement to ice weapons of +100 % damage.

     Weapon Slots: 13 base + 1 weapon every 3 upgrades
    • Level 50: 29
    • Level 100: 46
    • Level 150: 63
    • Level 200: 79
    • Level 250: 96
    • Level 300: 113
    • Level 350: 129
    • Level 400: 146

    Charon comes from manufacture loaded  with the following 9 weapons:
    • Zero Wave x1 (Tier 16 Elite ice weapon)
      • 160 Dmg, 104 Speed, Crit-Kill 10%, Slow (5)
    • Kraken x1 (Tier 15 Elite ice weapon)
      • 150 Dmg, 104 Speed, Crit-Kill 19%
    • Negatorch x3 (Tier 10 Common ice weapon)
      • 96 Dmg, 102 speed, Slow (7)
    • Gorgon x4 (Tier 7 Common ice weapon)
      • 67 Dmg, 99 speed, Freeze 6%, Slow (4)


    Charon comes from assembly line with:
    • Speed - 33
    • Crit-Kill 2%
    • Dodge (5)
    • Precision (2)
    • Ice Damage + 5%
    After reaching maximum skill development at level 250, the Charon class will possess the following skills (without equipment):
    • Dodge (35)
    • Precision (8)
    • Speed - 3
    • Offensive Skills:
      • 1.5x Damage 25%
      • 3x Damage 25%
      • Crit-Kill 4%
      • Ice Damage +100%
      • Slow (23)
    • Defensive Skills:
      • Laser Shield (20)
      • Laser Shield 40%
      • Trample Shield 80%
    • Vulnerabilities:
      • None


    • Level 1  Speed - 33 (Acc. -33)
    • Level 1  Crit-Kill 2% (Acc. 2%)
    • Level 1  Dodge (5) (Acc. 5)
    • Level 1  Precision (2) (Acc. 2)
    • Level 1  Ice Damage + 5% (Acc. 5%)
    • Level 5  Trample Shield 20% (Acc. 20%)
    • Level 7  Ice Damage + 4% (Acc. 9%)
    • Level 8  Precision (2) (Acc. 4)
    • Level 10 Laser Shield 10% (Acc. 10%)
    • Level 10 Laser Shield (10) (Acc. 10)
    • Level 12 Speed + 2 (Acc. -31)
    • Level 14 Ice Damage + 4% (Acc. 13%)
    • Level 19 Laser Shield (10) (Acc. 20)
    • Level 20 Laser Shield 10% (Acc. 20%)
    • Level 21 Ice Damage + 4% (Acc. 17%)
    • Level 23 Trample Shield 20% (Acc. 40%)
    • Level 25 3X Damage 4% (Acc. 4%)
    • Level 26 Speed + 2 (Acc. -29)
    • Level 28 Ice Damage + 4% (Acc. 21%)
    • Level 29 Dodge (3) (Acc. 8)
    • Level 32 Slow (3) (Acc. 3)
    • Level 35 Ice Damage + 4% (Acc. 25%)
    • Level 37 Slow (5) (Acc. 8)
    • Level 40 Speed + 2 (Acc. -27)
    • Level 42 Ice Damage + 4% (Acc. 29%)
    • Level 44 Precision (2) (Acc. 6)
    • Level 47 Dodge (3) (Acc. 11)
    • Level 49 Ice Damage + 4% (Acc. 33%)
    • Level 50 3X Damage 4% (Acc. 8%)
    • Level 54 Speed + 2 (Acc. -25)
    • Level 56 Dodge (2) (Acc. 13)
    • Level 56 Ice Damage + 4% (Acc. 37%)
    • Level 61 Slow (5) (Acc. 13)
    • Level 63 Ice Damage + 4% (Acc. 41%)
    • Level 65 Trample Shield 20% (Acc. 60%)
    • Level 68 Speed + 2 (Acc. -23)
    • Level 70 Ice Damage + 4% (Acc. 45%)
    • Level 71 Precision (2) (Acc. 8)
    • Level 73 Laser Shield 10% (Acc. 30%)
    • Level 77 Ice Damage + 4% (Acc. 49%)
    • Level 82 Dodge (3) (Acc. 16)
    • Level 82 Speed + 2 (Acc. -21)
    • Level 84 Ice Damage + 4% (Acc. 53%)
    • Level 91 Ice Damage + 4% (Acc. 57%)
    • Level 96 Speed + 2 (Acc. -19)
    • Level 98 Ice Damage + 4% (Acc. 61%)
    • Level 100  Laser Shield 10% (Acc. 40%)
    • Level 100  3X Damage 4% (Acc. 12%)
    • Level 100  Slow (10) (Acc. 23)
    • Level 105  Ice Damage + 4% (Acc. 65%)
    • Level 110  Speed + 2 (Acc. -17)
    • Level 112  Ice Damage + 4% (Acc. 69%)
    • Level 114  1.5X Damage 10% (Acc. 10%)
    • Level 116  Trample Shield 10% (Acc. 70%)
    • Level 119  Ice Damage + 4% (Acc. 73%)
    • Level 121  Dodge (3) (Acc. 19)
    • Level 124  Speed + 2 (Acc. -15)
    • Level 126  Ice Damage + 4% (Acc. 77%)
    • Level 131  Ice Damage + 4% (Acc. 81%)
    • Level 136  Ice Damage + 4% (Acc. 85%)
    • Level 137  Dodge (3) (Acc. 22)
    • Level 138  Speed + 2 (Acc. -13)
    • Level 139  1.5X Damage 5% (Acc. 15%)
    • Level 141  Ice Damage + 4% (Acc. 89%)
    • Level 143  1.5X Damage 5% (Acc. 20%)
    • Level 146  Ice Damage + 4% (Acc. 93%)
    • Level 150  Dodge (5) (Acc. 27)
    • Level 150  3X Damage 4% (Acc. 16%)
    • Level 151  Ice Damage + 4% (Acc. 97%)
    • Level 152  Speed + 2 (Acc. -11)
    • Level 158  1.5X Damage 5% (Acc. 25%)
    • Level 160  Dodge (2) (Acc. 29)
    • Level 161  Ice Damage + 3% (Acc. 100%)
    • Level 166  Speed + 2 (Acc. -9)
    • Level 176  Dodge (3) (Acc. 32)
    • Level 180  Speed + 2 (Acc. -7)
    • Level 190  Crit-Kill 2% (Acc. 4%)
    • Level 194  Speed + 2 (Acc. -5)
    • Level 200  3X Damage 4% (Acc. 20%)
    • Level 200  Dodge (3) (Acc. 35)
    • Level 208  Speed + 2 (Acc. -3)
    • Level 225  Trample Shield 10% (Acc. 80%)
    • Level 250  3X Damage 5% (Acc. 25%)

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      (By GJ - 685605)