Christopher Zimmer

[Pilot of Renown]

Pilot license number: 838457.

There are few pilots in the galaxy as intrepid and devastatingly effective as Chris Zimmer, all a powerhouse and undisputed champion, ton by ton, of the mercenary faction known as Dragons.

From the beginning of his career as a Mech pilot, he demonstrated a high tactical skill in organizing his squad and managing his resources, making the force he directs, one of the most deadly in his tonnage and level. Although there are one or two pilots in Dragons who outdo him in strength, this is due to the fact that Zimmer prefers to perfect himself within his level before taking a step to the next. But it is recognized that with more combat experience, his strength would undoubtedly be the most powerful of his faction, which has been true in every sense for a long time. With more than fifty KotM golds, of which his specialty are the chronos, of which he has won more than a dozen and more than twenty-four Clan Tournament golds, Chris Zimmer sets himself up as a powerhouse able to dismantle unsuspecting opponents who outnumbered him twice his level.

In words of the Dragons CIC, Cmdr. Scott Abbott "He is an asset to any clan he joined and a loyal dragon who surely could have gone any where, but who has stayed with us."

He is undoubtedly the perfect champion of Dragons.

"Come not between the dragon and his wrath" - Shakespeare

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Weapons and skills of choice: Missiles, ice and fire are the weapons favored by Zimmer, who has ample energy able to keep him active long enough to hold barrages exchange during raids, fighting the numerous threats of the galaxy. Likewise, Zimmer has a certain specialty improving the armored shielding of his units, to guarantee a greater resilience.

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Recorded videoptic archives.- Subject: Live Interview with Christopher Zimmer.
Date: November 03, 3318
Location: Crew deck of the Tiamat combat station, Ouroboros ring orbiting Draconis 3.

Mechanomicon - One more time, we have the pleasure to present another legend among the Mech pilots, Chris Zimmer, long time champion among the Dragon Clans.

What can you tell us about your roots as a pilot?

Chris Zimmer - Greetings. Personally I started out as a humble Mech pilot in the Faction War of March 3289. I was a new recruit and very green but we managed to win Bronze and I was well on my was to becoming the Pilot I am today

M.- Your debut was with the HYDRA faction. How was your experience with them?

C.Z.- Yes, in the beginning I started out as a Member of HYDRA. As I remember it we were a group of misfits that were just trying to move up and make a name for ourselves. We were new and information on Mech lineups weapons and gear were scarce at best, but we worked on our lineups and got a good result in the FW for a bunch of green horns. It was hard when I first started, it seamed every clan had there own secret and everyone was looking for the killer lineup that would trump all.

M.- With Hydra, you participated in 2 FW and 3 CW with better success than the Faction Tournaments yet. Three Clan War Silvers, not bad. Then, in 3294 you have got inscribed in the Clan Tournament as an Illuminati {NWO} ("New World Order") member... Why the change?

C.Z.- Ya looking back we did have a good run. Dint feel like that at the time, we were fighting tooth and nail. I believe we were still in the same clan family just moved to a different division. Was a big learning curve and was a lot of fun those fist few Wars.

M. - Your first KotM gold medal came on 3293, as the champion of a limited Gateway in the 7th division… Do you recall the taste of your first triumph?

C.Z.- Ha ha ya was a sweet victory, couldn't believe it when I did it. all the hard work you put in to your lines and when you finally nail it its a great feeling. I wasn't sure how things work in my first few rounds in the KotM but in 3293 it all can together.

M.- So Illuminate was the same clan as HYDRA, but renamed? 

C.Z.- It was an evolving clan theme that worked well. But alas all thing come to an end.

M.- 3296, the end of Illuminate, aka HYDRA, came and you got recruited by the Death’s Affiliation. Death’s Curse seemed a bit less successful than Illuminati or Hydra, giving you a bronze, then, suddenly, the next year, you joined a new AFF crew, the Enlightened, enlightening your path as pilot with your first Clan Tournament Gold.

How would you describe your stage in the Affiliation Mercenary Faction?

C.Z.- Coming up through the lower levels, I was quite Green, there was no help for the lower levels. Luckily I was taken under the AFF banner and slowly gained some experience. I think the first Faction War I was in, I had so many attacking loses that I was surprised they didn't kick me out. (laughs)

All in all, they kept me on and I slowly worked my way up to be in the clan Death's Disciples AFF. It was through this time when I strengthened my forces and honed my piloting skills.

M.- In ... a part of the AFF Split out led my Cmdr. Scott Abbott under the flag and name of Dragons. What reasons made you follow them leaving the AFF?

C.Z.- After I had severed my time with AFF I was looking to expand my skills and move into a more specialized group that really worked to be the best and the strategies that come with that. I was fortunate to be involved with Dragon from the start, being part of the original Dragon Faction that formed, whom it has grown into a formidable force.

This is, I believe, because of the help that is available in the Dragon family of clans, always sharing strategies and always improving to this day where we are more tan able to hold our own and are moving up the divisions on a slow and steady march.

M.- What can you say about your stay with the Dragons?

C.Z.- Being a Dragon member from the start I have always enjoyed the being part of the fine tuning aspect of the Mechs.

I always have been part of the Dragon R&D projects, and always had the help of the other original dragon members to run ideas by and run testing. Through it a lot of credit goes to all the people involved in the Dragon clans.There all part of the strength in my own personal formation as well as the strength that is our record in the KotM's and Clan Wars. It speaks for itself.

M.- What are your final goals as a legendary pilot of the Galaxy?

C.Z.-  My goals have changed time to time over the years, but the one thing that I have always made sure I maintain is the strength in my formation. I want to be the best at my level. As I move up in level my goal is to not lose strength in my main as well as my specialist formations. Not an easy feat. For a second goal, I have always wanted to get a whole formation of Novums! How sweet would that be!

M.- At the present year of 3333, you are known to be the stronger pilot among the Dragon Faction. What factors opened that achievement to you?

C.Z:- I have been fortunate to have known the leadership in the Dragon clans since before the start of Dragons. I've always worked hard on my formations and made sure I was ready for anything that was required of me with regards to specialists in CW and FW. The strategies and placement of different pilots in clans based on their strengths has definitively help me progress and strengthen my forces.

M.- What are your favourite Mech classes and what kind of weapons and skills do you focus?

C.Z:- Personally I focused all my skills on Ice and Missile weapons, I have focused on obtaining Ice and Missile weapons with speeds over 100. I love the Ice Mechs and I am so happy there's a new one (Charon) that just came out. I can't want to get my level up to unlock it! (laughs)

M.- Do you have any advice for the youngsters and rookies?

C.Z.- Advice for the new guys, sure: Get yourself into one of the lower level clans and start working in t KotM events. You don't need gold, for starters aim for getting any medal, then build your formation and get into the Clan Wars. Make sure you have your formation figured out and focus on one specialty. You will start to medal and build from there.

And a gold nugget of advice: Speed is King in Mechs, equipment and weapons. And enter the lotto!

M.- Thank you. Fair winds of War and Gold medals for your draconian treasure!

Entry & Interview with Chris Zimmer (838457) by GJ (685605)