
[Mech Technology]
The Great Combat Machine of the Anubis Class is the latest and fiercest creation of Dr. Drake Novum, bringing to reality the dreams of the missing member of the League of Ages, Otto von Bismarck, the Iron Man, who once ruled Old Terra as one of the most brilliant military and statesmen of ancient Europe.

Inspired by the Egyptian God of Death: Anubis, identified by a jackal's head, this BFM also brings death to the battlefields with a formidable set of lethal capabilities.

When the German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck called the Final Reich to conquer the Galaxy, the Anubis class was taken as one of the Four Apocalypse's Horsemen, leading the front of the countless Bismarck's Reichkriegsmaschine

As a novelty, the Anubis class was equipped with a ceramic shell interspersed with dark matter generators that produce a field of high energy absorption, which gives the Anubis great protection against expansive damage as well as its characteristic dark appearance.


  • Release Year: 3294
  • Manufacturer: Gothan Industrial - Oversight by the House of Aurelius (Hegemony)
  • Quality: Niode
  • Class: BFM (Big Fighting Machine)
  • AI: Drake Id II Type.
  • Tonnage: 95
  • Armor (base): 255
  • Heavy skill required: 50
  • Pilot Qualification for acquisition in legal markets: 85
  • Cost: 
    • Niodes: 135
    • Ferrite: 19,250
    • Bioptics: 12,600

2. EQUIPMENT: Anubis can get at his max upgrade the following equipment modules:

Cockpits: 6 (High)
Progression: 1, 5, 14, 31, 40, 56.

Chassis: 5 (Standard)
Progression: 3, 11, 19, 32, 65. 

Engines: 7 (Superior)
Progression: 2, 10, 17, 34, 37, 78, 145. 

Shields: 5 (Standard)
Progression: 4, 8, 23, 35, 96.

Equipment progression by level 
(Cockpits / Chassis / Engines / Shield module slots)
  • Level 1: (1 / 0 / 0 / 0) 
  • Level 2: (1 / 0 / 1 / 0) 
  • Level 3: (1 / 1 / 1 / 0) 
  • Level 4: (1 / 1 / 1 / 1) 
  • Level 5: (2 / 1 / 1 / 1) 
  • Level 8: (2 / 1 / 1 / 2) 
  • Level 10: (2 / 1 / 2 / 2) 
  • Level 11: (2 / 2 / 2 / 2) 
  • Level 14: (3 / 2 / 2 / 2) 
  • Level 17: (3 / 2 / 3 / 2) 
  • Level 19: (3 / 3 / 3 / 2) 
  • Level 23: (3 / 3 / 3 / 3) 
  • Level 31: (4 / 3 / 3 / 3) 
  • Level 32: (4 / 4 / 3 / 3) 
  • Level 34: (4 / 4 / 4 / 3) 
  • Level 35: (4 / 4 / 4 / 4)
  • Level 37: (4 / 4 / 5 / 4) 
  • Level 40: (5 / 4 / 5 / 4) 
  • Level 56: (6 / 4 / 5 / 4) 
  • Level 65: (6 / 5 / 5 / 4) 
  • Level 78: (6 / 5 / 6 / 4) 
  • Level 96: (6 / 5 / 6 / 5) 
  • Level 145: (6 / 5 / 7 / 5)  Maximum Development


Weapon Focus: Anubis is a missile platform obtaining an massive enhancement to missile weapons of +72 % damage. 

 Weapon Slots: 10 base + 1 weapon every 3 upgrades (Excellent)
  • Level 50: 26
  • Level 100: 43
  • Level 150: 60
  • Level 200: 76
  • Level 250: 93
  • Level 300: 110
  • Level 350: 126
  • Level 400: 143
Anubis comes from manufacture loaded  with the following 10 weapons:
  • Arbalest x1 (Tier 13 Elite missile weapon)
    • 125 Dmg, 100 Speed, Fork 84%, Splash 12%
  • Magnet Missile x2 (Tier 6 Elite missile weapon)
    • 60 Dmg, 99 Speed, Fork 25%, Splash 10%
  • Metal Mamba x3 (Tier 7 Common missile weapon)
    • 74 Dmg, 100 speed, Splash 11%
  • Locust Swarm x3 (Tier 7 Common missile weapon)
    • 68 Dmg, 99 speed, Splash 7%
  • Crescendo x1 (Tier 4 Elite missile weapon)
    • 36 Dmg, 99 speed, Precisión (3), 3x Dmg 2%


Anubis comes from assembly line with:
  • Speed - 30
  • Missile Damage +12%
  • Splash Shield 26%
  • Fork Shield 26%
  • 1 Cockpit Module Slot
After reaching maximum skill development at level 130, the Anubis class will possess the following skills (without equipment):
  • Precision (12) 
  • Speed - 6
  • Offensive Skills:
    • Missile Damage +72%
    • 2X Damage 20% 
    • 3X Damage 20% 
    • Wide Fork 12% 
  • Defensive Skills:
    • Fire Shield 19% 
    • Fork Shield 26% 
    • Laser Shield 16% 
    • Splash Shield 26% 
    • Trample Shield 50% 
    • Wide Fork Shield 52% 
  • Vulnerabilities:
    • None

  • Level 1  Missile Damage + 12% (Acc. 12%)
  • Level 1 Speed - 30 (Acc. -30)
  • Level 1 Splash Shield 26%
  • Level 1 Fork Shield 26% (Max value 26%)
  • Level 4 Trample Shield 50% (Max value 50%)
  • Level 7 Missile Damage + 6% (Acc. 18%)
  • Level 8 Speed + 4 (Acc. -26)
  • Level 10 Laser Shield 5% (Acc. 5%)
  • Level 13 Fire Shield 5% (Acc. 5%)
  • Level 14 Precision (6) (Acc. 6)
  • Level 16 Speed + 4 (Acc. -22)
  • Level 17 Missile Damage + 6% (Acc. 24%)
  • Level 20 Laser Shield 6% (Acc. 11%)
  • Level 22 3X Damage 10% (Acc. 10%)
  • Level 22 2X Damage 10% (Acc. 10%)
  • Level 24 Missile Damage + 6% (Acc. 30%)
  • Level 26 Wide Fork Shield 26% (Acc. 26%)
  • Level 30 Laser Shield 5% (Max value 16%)
  • Level 32 Speed + 4 (Acc. -18)
  • Level 35 Fire Shield 7% (Acc. 12%)
  • Level 37 Missile Damage + 6% (Acc. 36%)
  • Level 40 Speed + 4 (Acc. -14)
  • Level 43 Fire Shield 7% (Max value 19%)
  • Level 46 Wide Fork Shield 26% (Max value 52%)
  • Level 47 Missile Damage + 6% (Acc. 42%)
  • Level 50 Wide Fork 6% (Acc. 6%)
  • Level 62 Missile Damage + 6% (Acc. 48%)
  • Level 72 Missile Damage + 6% (Acc. 54%)
  • Level 82 Missile Damage + 6% (Acc. 60%)
  • Level 85 Speed + 4 (Acc. -10)
  • Level 92 Missile Damage + 6% (Acc. 66%)
  • Level 100 Wide Fork 6% (Max value 12%)
  • Level 102 Missile Damage + 6% (Max value 72%)
  • Level 105 Speed + 4 (Max value -6)
  • Level 122 2X Damage 10% (Max value 20%)
  • Level 122 3X Damage 10% (Max value 20%)
  • Level 130 Precision (6) (Max value 12)

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(By GJ - 685605)