Niode Abstinence Syndrome

[Physics, Medicine]

The Niode abstinence syndrome, or NAS, is a common ailment in many of the elite pilots, used to manage important amounts of Niodes, which literally burn with the ever-incessant needs of their overcrowded hangars.

As a result, there grows in them an agonizing need to acquire a geometrically increasing amount of Niodes, which when it cannot be satisfied promptly, manifests itself in the first symptoms of the NAS.


A constellation of physiologic changes undergone by Niode dealers and pilots who have become mind and physically dependent on Niodes to keep their forces updated and improving, who are abruptly deprived of that resource. 

The intensity of the syndrome varies with the amount of Niodes the pilot still needing to fully update his force. 

Usually, the effects observed are in an opposite direction from those produced by the acquisition of Niodes; the withdrawal syndrome from Niodes consists of insomnia, restlessness, tremulousness, hallucinations, and, in the extreme, potentially fatal convulsions. Onset time and severity of the syndrome depend on the rate at which new Niodes were acquired.

Palliative Care

Likewise, strange behaviors have been observed in some pilots, such as the convulsive elaboration of press articles, interviews, comics, and even poems adducing that through them they can acquire new Niodes with which to satisfy the incessant demands of their Mechs.

Contact here the different Media Sites for confirmation, in case you experience the same symptoms and look desperately for a Niodes cache:

Another way to get the precious Niodes and that seems to be very effective in reducing the symptoms of the NAS is by purchasing it from a Niode dealer, swallowing the last ten thousand advertisements of the Kentucky Fried Snavurm (through the function Videos in the console of your cockpit) or surrendering to a maelstrom of missions, intensive training and search and capture of some of the most dangerous villains in the galaxy.

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(By NiobiumPharma)