Smaller Gateways KotM

[Circuits & Tournaments]
A Smaller Gateways KotM is a King of the Mountain event in which the participating Mechs can not exceed a certain specified tonnage, although they can be of lower weight.

This simulates combat situations with limitations of the combat environment, such as narrow gorges, caves and small tunnels, etc.

The event establishes a limit on the total tons that can be used in the formation.

Any Mech of choice are allowed, but the assigned division will limit the total tonnage.

Extra Mechs above the limited tonnage will get removed from the fight at random till match the maximum available tonnage.

A sample of total tonnage assigned per division:
  • Division 1 (Levels 226 & up): 955 Ton Limit
  • Division 2 (Levels 163-225): 880 Ton Limit
  • Division 3 (Levels 118-162): 805 Ton Limit
  • Division 4 (Levels 100-117): 730 Ton Limit
  • Division 5 (Levels 80-99): 655 Ton Limit)
  • Division 6 (Levels 64-79): 580 Ton Limit)
  • Division 7 (Levels 46-63): 505 Ton Limit
  • Division 8 (Levels 32-45): 430 Ton Limit
  • Division 9 (Levels 23-31): 355 Ton Limit
  • Division 10 (Levels 15-22): 280 Ton Limit
  • Division 11 (Levels 13-14): 205 Ton Limit
  • Division 12 (Levels 1-12): 130 Ton Limit


This combat modality is also present in the tournament specialists (CW, FW and SW), with slight changes in the tonnage that will require small adjustments. It is of great interest to keep up-to-date training for each type of tonnage.

The maximum tonnage requirement is announced with the start of every new KotM event, within any other detail and requirement for the participation.

Any Mech of tonnage over the maximum allowed, will be automatically discarded and will not enter combat with the rest of the Mechs placed in formation that do qualify the authorized tonnage. This will only weaken the formation strength, leaving empty spaces in the attack lines. That is why it is always prudent to check that the formation matches the event requirements.

If you recently added a new Mech to the main formation and your remaining formations had free slots, check them because said Mech could have been added in any of their empty slots, which can sometimes cause some unpleasant surprise when breaking the requirements of the competition through this unexpected addition.

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(By GJ - 685605)