Jason Pedracini

[Renowned Pilot]

Jason Pedracini, also known as Jay Ped (Pilot license number: 176150).

A veteran who experienced his baptism of fire in the 3265 Clan Wars II tournaments with a gold in the fifth division (with the Isle of the Misfits Toys). 

He is the perfect soldier. Brief in words (it is impossible to extract sensitive information from him), loyal and an effective executor when putting into practice the battle orders, always ready to jump into the cockpit of his deadly Mech. 

If someone thinks after the interview with Jay, that he has little initiative or imagination, he will be making a fatal mistake when he comes face to face with someone who knows how to hide his secret weapons to the precise moment when they are really necessary. Jay is ​​the perfect poker player.

His resolute determination are the card of presentation of a pilot whose brain pattern is perfectly synchronized with his Mech's AI: Cold-blooded and calculating and a box of mysteries never revealed.
Division 5 -- Clan: The Isle of Misfit Toys

"Roger. . . Copy that. . . Over"

Clan Service Stages:
  • Isle of Misfit Toys (MMI): 3265 to 3275
  • Toy Box of Doom (MMI): 3276 to 3279
  • Death's Disciples (AFF): 3282 to 3303
  • Dragons (different units): 3304 till present.
~ ~ ~

Recorded videoptic archives.- Subject: Live Interview with Jason Pedracini.
Date: December 03, 3329
Location: An unnamed bar in the slums of Cogwerk Port.

Mechanomicon.- We meet with a Renowned Pilot and a veteran from the old times of CW II. Founding member of Mayhem of Misfits Incorporated and currently member of the mighty Dragons. Jason Pedracini, also known as Jay Ped. Thank you Sir for your attendance to this interview in the middle of a Faction War Tournament.

Jay Ped.- Sir is way to formal for my likes.

Mechanomicon.-  Do you wear a call sign among your clan fellows or it's just Jay?

Jay Ped.- Just Jay, don't want anyone having a tongue tie if 10 ten tons of rock are about to fall on my head from an off shot or a wide fork.

Mechanomicon.- Where are you from? 

Jay Ped.- My origins can be tracked to the slums of Cogwerk Port. 

Mechanomicon.- What made you want to become a Mech pilot?

Jay Ped.- I always loved everything concerning the Mechs, I even played Mech tabletop games as a child,  dreaming with the day in which I may get a shot to be a real pilot.

Mechanomicon.- What do you feel when you are in front of your combat console, maneuvering your war-titan?

Jay Ped.- When I'm in the cockpit of my mecha I have mixed feelings and thoughts: “ is this the day I will bite off more than I can chew, or will it be another cause for celebration back in the hanger toasting to those who have fallen”

Mechanomicon.- So, the Mech Games & Tournaments records keep as your first register in their games your participation in a Progressive Pileup KotM in December 3264. Quite a long time has passed. How do you remember those times?

Jay Ped.- Almost the same. Maybe a slow down on rewards and combat experience. Over time I always focused as double rainbow (DRB) specialized pilot. That spec seemed the most versatile over time.

Mechanomicon.- After your DRB do you have any other spec that you favoured?

Jay Ped.- Do you wish me to tip my hat to the enemy?

Mechanomicon.-  Good point. Then I guess you will also avoid answer about your preferred KotM types?

Jay Ped.- Let’s say that if you see me in double rainbow I will be in need of another Nephilax to level.

Mechanomicon.- From your veteran but averaged rank as level this is clear that you are one of those who chosen to keep a discrete profile to focus polishing your force, or in short, as other refers: Camp.

What are in your opinion the pros and cons of the strategy you joined?

Jay Ped.- Camp is harsh; more of a shift to circuit battles to keep enough crystal to level lower ton Mechas to be able to join more circuits and be able to field enough Mechs  at the time.

Mechanomicon.- But there were so lower weighted Mechs and the pilots kept as well lower ranks than those roaming around now. Don't you find differences caused by the high barriers that we have now?

Jay Ped.- I came down to what I could field with max results. Some people like myself were too constricted on resources and couldn't field smaller Mechs for different specs. I don't get a lot of ads so Niodes are so restricted.

At the end of the day, like all things it is a choice: “do I refine what I have to pristine or do I strive to the next level?

Mechanomicon.- Along the time, several new and weightier Mechs have been released by the many manufacturers of the Galaxy, how have them impacted on your force?

Jay Ped.- Heavier mechs are a burden at my skill level I would be better running under 100 tons.

Mechanomicon.- In your early days as a Mech pilot, what Mech models were more appealing for you?

Jay Ped.- Toss up  Infernos or Dilophos, Smileys close runner up and Bishops earned a mention for being nimble.

Mechanomicon.- From all the available Mechs, which one is your favourite?

Jay Ped.- So many to choose from but I would have to say Vizi.

Mechanomicon.- What do you like from the Vizi model?

Jay Ped.- Vizi reminds me my first gold and the fact it continues to be a fun Mecha to maneuver as I grow in skill as a pilot.

Mechanomicon.- After these several years, how have you seen the evolution of Mechs and the release of bigger tonnage series? 

Jay Ped.- That's a tuff one. I was lucky to be around long enough to win some equipment that make higher tons battle ready at my level another reason for double rainbow only so much gravy to go around.

Mechanomicon.- Do you think you will keep your current strategy, or do you keep hope for climb the uphill in a future?

Jay Ped.- Who wouldn't like a hanger full of the 100 ton Mechas? But keeping up with repairs and upgrades is a heavy expense.

Mechanomicon.- If you could acquire any Mech, weapons, equipment and formation, which one may be the squadron of your dreams?

Jay Ped.- A full hanger of Pikes would be nice, but I’ll have to haul in tons of scrap without becoming scrap myself.

Mechanomicon.- From a technical point of view, what are the capabilities that you mainly want on your Mechs? 

Jay Ped.- I think you have to keep more up your sleeve than just your arm, a good mix of all those things to be able to adapt to the battle field. But if I had to only pick one, then damage multipliers with a hint of trample may be my choice.

Mechanomicon.- From your time as a MMI, what can you tell us? 

Jay Ped.- The Isle of Misfit Toys were a rag tag group of pilots with dreams of a hanger full of  Dilophos. Then Richard Hein took over as leader and MMI was born and we become more focused and more tactical.

I can’t recall so much else as most of my time is a drunken blur. Too many victory celebrations kegs of rum in the ready room. What I remember is dreading to battle against a lot of the pilots that I now fight alongside.

Mechanomicon.- Who were the closer opponent/opponents for MMI by then?

Jay Ped.- The AFF was in the glorious days back then and was the clear competition.

Mechanomicon.-  Cyberstorm born in 3267, a year after Misfits foundation. How did you guys perceived them?

Jay Ped.- That was more of concern to the leadership and not mine, I just kept my Mechas on the ready to drop and follow my part of the battle plan,  regardless of the location or opponent.

Mechanomicon.- In 3276, after eleven glorious years, you left IoMT to join Toy Box of Doom, a new team belonging to MMI, dropping from the golden standard of Isle into silver. Did it lead you later to leave MMI and join the AFF?

Jay Ped.- Ah the expansion years and the influx of new pilots. Some of the best times I had on the battle field. Sadly I was wounded in those fights and had to spend a year or two in the infirmary, and I got removed for active duty. As I returned to the field I was still a bit shy in the cockpit but Bob offered me a place with AFF, willing to take a chance on a beat up washed up pilot with a hanger of rusty Mechs.

Mechanomicon.- Your first apparition under the grinning skull banner of AFF was in the FW of 3282, with a bronze, but the next year in the CW with Death's Disciples, it was a redemption with a gold in D4. How did you live your start as an AFF?

Jay Ped.- I was just happy to be in the fray again ...bronze silver gold didn't really matter it was all about the small battles and re honing my skills

Mechanomicon.- Your clan Disciples went into a golden walk through in your division, earning up to 11 consecutive golds, well in CWs or FWs with the AFF. Quite an achievement for the clan you belonged and for yourself!
We detect certain static situation, as not going up with higher divisions. Was with AFF were you embraced the camping strategy?

Jay Ped.- I played my part in that I guess but it was the leadership and hard work of others that really made that become a realty

Mechanomicon.- In retrospective, which one to you feel like a family for you, AFF, MMI or AFF?

Jay Ped.- Both and current.

Mechanomicon.- You are quite diplomatic

Jay Ped.- One doen’t stay alive on the battle field as long as I have without good people on your flanks or backing your honor guard.

Mechanomicon.- From 3303 to 3304 there was a point of inflexion in which several AFFs left following to Scott Abbott and creating a new mercenary faction, the Dragons, where you took part with Steampunk Dragons.

What happened there from your own perspective? Why the breach in AFF?

Jay Ped.- Not sure, all I knew is that the pilots I had been fighting next to were going to try something new and I was asked if I would care to continue to fight at their side. I'm a soldier and I don't get involved in the politics of things.

Mechanomicon.- So you left your AFF CIC following your nearest officers who joined the new flag under the new Dragon CIC Scott Abbott... You had to choose yet.

Jay Ped.- I’d been fighting beside Scott  for years and trusted him to have my back if so i was willing to follow him on the new venture.

Mechanomicon.- What would you say to those who stayed behind, in AFF, and that considered to these new Dragons as betrayals?

Jay Ped.- Again I'm just a solder i fight where I'm told. I’d prefer not to have to fight old comrades in arms, but if they are defending a base I'm told needs to taken then, be it. I’ll do my best to leg shoot them so they can live to fight another day.

Mechanomicon.- I will say that among those of us who were external witness of that event, I was pleased that the seemingly infinite horizon that constituted AFF narrowed enough to lead to a greater diversity of clans and greater competitiveness in the tournaments.
So, being that you have been a member for the MMI, the AFF and Dragons, what differences and what similitude can you find between those different groups?

Jay Ped.- All of them have impeccable leadership and I tip my hat to them for all the hard work they do to organize the troops.

I was lucky to cut my teeth with MMI and learn from those pilots. Under AFF I met my current comrades in arms so I don't feel like much changed as we turned into Dragons.

Mechanomicon.- Excellent. Tracking your KotM medals, there can be counted up to eleven shiny golds. Any of them brings you some special memories?

Jay Ped.- I don't look at my medals, I just feel the need to climb the mountain or run a circuit now and again when I have to earn some cash to keep up with repairs

Mechanomicon.- Do you remember the time when the Mecha Games and Tournaments had the higher participation?

Jay Ped.- By that do you mean when the bar was so full that I had to wait 20 minutes for a Rum?

Mechanomicon.- Yeah, something like that.

Jay Ped.- …Not really… I  had too much Rum. But it is always nice to see new recruits.

Mechanomicon.- Something else you wanted to speak about?

Jay Ped.- Not unless you have anything else to ask. Otherwise I have a lot of repairs and new Mechas coming in after the “Fraction Wars”

Mechanomicon.- “Fraction Wars”. Indeed, long time ago since we had the high participation that allowed us to enjoy a larger amount of divisions than the four we had now.

Mechanomicon.- Any tip or advice to the rookie pilots?

Jay Ped.- Where to start..... Have fun but be respectful. Make friends for gifts and crystal mining and let’s not forget so you can fill your honor guard when most needed. Inspect your Mecha for oil leaks, missing equipment, and weapon load outs.

Mechanomicon.- If this is all, thank you for sharing a bit of your time and have a good hunt in the planetary fields.

Jay Ped.- Be safe and keep your head low.

Entry & Interview with Jay Ped (176150) by GJ (685605)