Clone Rules (Alt Rules)

[Mech Tournaments, Clone Policies]

To combat the uncontrolled proliferation of clones (aka alts) and regulate their participation in the games and Mech tournaments, the craftsmen established rules that will prevent their abusive use, for the benefit of a clean and sporting participation.

At the present time and for the participation in the events organized by the Craftsmen, the clones or alts of a single pilot authorized to participate are eight (8) nice counting with the original pilot license (up to nine accounts), and in the case of clan, squad or faction tournaments (Clan Wars, Squad Wars and Faction Wars), the clones can't monopolize the unit, the said Clan, Squad or Faction must have at least three real pilots, although a discrete number of clones is allowed, always following the unwritten rules of sportsmanship and fair play.

Below, you can read the original statement by Nick Shapiro, Head of the Craftsmen.

The reference to the prohibition of a number of licenses (accounts) equal to double digits, clearly indicates that the authorized number is reduced to nine (9.-) including the original pilot, that is, no more than eight (8.-) clones or alts.

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(By Mechanomicon)