Rufus Sectorum

[Galactic Threats, Personalities]
Rufus Sectorum is member of the Sectorum House, a minor noble House from the Illyrian Hegemony Army. He is the first opponent or M&M's (slang for Mission Miniboss) on the defenses of the research labs of the Novum Dolorum colony.

Status: Reported as dead although the Novum Dolorum Security Commander Tory must have cloned the whole Sectorum brothers to enlist their clones in the dangerous duty to protect the Scientist Compound. The Sectorum Clones are reported to have been killed often over time.

Last known location: Novum Dolorum Security Compound.

Known partners: Member of the Sectorum House, in service under Tory's command on the Novum Dolorum Security Facilities.

Allegiances: Illyrian Hegemony.

Known skills: He managed to include three formidable Novums in force, for what constitutes a dangerous opponent. As personal Mech, he drives a modified raging Cindron.

Other features and demeanor:

Under his Roman-style clothing, which is so frequently used in the Illyrian Hegemony, he wears a combat augmentation suit, which he completes with a visor directly connected to the AI ​​of his personal Mech, which allows him to significantly increase the aiming ability with projectile weapons.

Rufus is addicted to Stym, a drug normally injected to the hegemony scientists to keep them awake and stimulated chemically in search of an increase in their productivity and that he consumes through oral tubular inhalers, with filters to reduce their high toxicity.

When on guard, he will not worry about trying to capture the intruders alive. His motto is "shoot first and ask later"

Rufus' Squadron

Always composed by 14 Mechs, usually with the following composition:
 1 Anzu. Calsign: Beuos Tutoris
 1 Shocklite. Callsign: Jupitorus
1 Dread. Callsign: Janus
 1 iMech. Callsign: Danion (I)
 1 Nerio. Callsign: Victor Remus.
3 Novum. Callsigns: Scout & Novum x2.
2 Holmes. Callsigns: Angurm & Romulus Remus.
 1 Cindron. Personal Mech of Rufus Sectorum

 1 Vupa Walker. Callsign: Gorum

2 Bone Walker. Callsigns: Bettle Venus & Danion (II)

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(By GJ - 685605)