Mad Mulligan

[Galactic Threats, Personalities]

Mad Mulligan is the second M&M's (Mission Miniboss) that the mercenary pilots will face while venturing into Vupa 6. 

Status: Reported as dead although his decease is unconfirmed, as many other pilots reported to continue fighting him over time. It is rumoured that the defeated ones aren't but clones from the true villains.

Last known location: Vupa 6

Known partners: Malicious

Allegiances: Droch'ah and A.M. 

Known skills: His highly deranged mind has turned him immune to fear, making him an unpredictable and dangerous berserk Mech pilot.

Other features and demeanor: 

The notorious madness that plagues the mind of Mad Mulligan can easily be explained by the extremely long exposure to the purple atmosphere of Vupa 6, as for the Yoram telepathic influence, longer than any known human, and his rotten flesh is yet another example of the adverse effects of its virulence. However, Mulligan's twisted mind doesn't stop him from piloting his Buccaneer with unpredictable wildness.

Mulligan's Squadron:

Always constituted by eight Mechs, usually with the following composition:
 1 Anzu. Callsign/Pilot: Bob
1 iMech. Callsign/Pilot: CraCra
 1 Orcus. Callsign/Pilot: Feddy Go Gan
1 Buccaneer. Mad Mulligan's Personal Mech

2 Vupa Walkers. Callsigns/Pilots: Malicious, Meathead
2 Bone Walkers. Callsign/Pilots: Sparkplug, Sinful Sue

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(By GJ - 685605)