

The Craftsmen usually require a screenshot of the mission you are performing for their missions contests.

How to record the image you get on the screen of your cockpit, may vary, depending on the software used by your A.I.

Some pilots still using vintage hardware and software and those devices can have different procedures to catch the missions' report capture.

Here's how to get the screenshot step by step.

A. Windows

1. Press the print screen key [Prt Scn] or [Print Screen]

2. Check for the [Print Screen] key at the top right of the keyboard. The button can contain the identifying text in abbreviated form.

3. Now, the capture is in the clipboard of the memory of your computer. To paste it into a document or directly on Facebook, you can use the command "paste"

Hold pressed the key control [Control] and press [V] 

4. You can also paste the image into a graphic file so you can edit or save it as an image. (with format jpg or png, perhaps).

a. Start "Paint" 
b. Paste (Control and V keys) or through the option in the tool bar.
c. Save the file.

B. Mac

1. Take the Screen Shoot by pressing [Command] and [Shift] and [3].

2. Your Mac capures all the screen image and save it as a file in your descktop. The name of the file will be like "Screen Shoot 2017-09-12 at 16:30.png".

3. If you don't want to create a file and you want just a image capture in your clipboard, hold pressed the key [Control]. Your Mac will make a copy in your temporary memory clipboard.

4. Now, to paste the capture, hold pressed [Command] and press [V]. Your Mac will paste the image in Facebook or in the document or image you were editing.

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(By GJ - 685605)

Cogwerk Powerplay


In 3327, a new wave of piracy began to noticeably hamper the economic activity in the Society of Cogwerk Planets, apparently with the connivance of different of the Cogwerk factions in an attempt to gain greater prominence over the remaining factions.

SoCP Flag
In the midst of the overflow of SoCP's military forces, in their attempts to repel the well orchestrated and numerous assaults of the pirates, as well as to prevent guarded the frontiers against a possible Hegemony action to snatch the border systems, two political parties arose , which thrived amid the situation of chaos.

Both parties, the New Order on the one hand, and the Freedom Party on the other, antagonistic and populist discourse, sought to have the solution to the problem, demanding for themselves the political direction of the SoCP.

Duke Crimson and the New Order

Duke Crimson, known as a notorious smuggler in the Cogwerk space, maintained that the richest and most powerful factions were using the pirates to execute a vendetta against the antagonistic powers within the SoCP and thus obtain economic, political and military hegemony.

Crimson argued that this situation also offered a semi-legitimacy to the pirates within the Cogwerk space and called for the support of forces outside the SoCP (the mercenary clans) to restore order and banish the pirate threat.

Mammoth Jack and the Freedom Party

Officer in command of the SoCP´s 1st Cavalry Division, he has been involved in the past in different military and political maneuvers against totalitarian governments, conducting sabotage actions against the Hegemony. Relative to Duke Crimson, of whom he is uncle, he led the Freedom Party, the opposition party of the New Order.

The Freedom Party argued that the new order was one of several forces that used pirates and that its maneuver to destabilize the political situation in the SoCP and manipulate the popular reaction only served as a smoke screen to eliminate competition.

Mammoth Jack filed a request to the mercenary clans in search of a real solution in the SoCP system that he deemed corrupt, arguing that any support to his nephew, Duke Crimson would only serve to maintain a status quo of stiffness and corruption.

Support of the Major Corporations

With the evolve of both political campaigns, Talbus Arms decided  to support the New Order and Duke Crimson's goals, and the Legionaries of Galactic Trade endured the Free Party led by Mammoth Jack.

Talbus Arms and the New Order gained greater support from the mercenary clans, which earned them a greater influence in Cogwerk Society, granting Duke Crimson victory over his uncle Mammoth Jack and the Freedom Party.

During the celebrations, Talbus Arms released an enhancement module for the iMech class that was distributed among the supporting mercenary clans to increase the chances against the pirates when fighting in narrow scenarios that may require smaller Mechs.

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(By GJ - 685605)

Trion (Trinitas)

[Astronomy, Astrogeology]

Name: Trion   
Sector: Cogwerk Space
Subsector: Trinitas
Sun System: Triple star system (The Fates) 
Society of Cogwerk Planets Flag

a1. The Triple star systems of Trinitas.

The planet of Trion (aka Trinitas) belongs to the Trinitas system, a hierarchical physical triple star system in which each star orbits the center of mass of the system. The system is composed by the Atropos, Lachesis and Clotho. Lachesis and Clotho form a close binary system, and the Atropos orbits this pair at a distance much larger than that of the binary orbit.

a2. Dimensions
  • Gravity: 10.59 m/s2 (1.08 G)
  • Mass: 1.47791e19 Kg. 
  • Volume: 3.76228e12 Km3.
  • Equatorial radius: 9,655.71 Km. (5,999.77 Miles)
  • Polar radius: 9,641.05 Km.  (5,990.67 Miles)
  • Mean radius: 9,648.37 Km. (5,995.22 Miles)
  • Circumference (equatorial): 60,668.50 km. (37,697.64 Miles)
a3. Geosphere
  • Shape: Spherical geoid.
  • Structure: Standard.
  • Surface: 82.28% Sea / 17.72% Land.
  • Inner structure: Geological layers with a smelt metallic nucleus, which keeps the balance of gravitational forces.
a4. Atmosphere
  • Composition: Standard enriched with high presence of helium and ozone. 
  • Climate: Standard-moderate.
  • C. Max: 57.8º C (136º F)
  • C. mean: 18.5º C ( 65.3 º F)
  • C. Min: -36º C (minus 32.8º F)


  • b1. Orbit: 1.2 Galactic year. (438.3 standard days)
  • b2. Rotation: 0.8 Standard days. (19 hours)
  • b3. Seasons: Standard (4 seasons).


Trion has a natural moon, Aquila, and two artificial satellites providing an interplanetary defense system.

  • d1. Biosphere: Standard
  • d2. Resources: Trion is rich on deposits of ferronite and titanium, above any other resource.
  • d3. Human geography: Multi ethnic. All inhabitants are citizens of the SoCP and members of the entity known as the Trinitarian Symposium, which constitutes the third Cogwerk faction in power.


The Trinitarian Symposium, the system and the planet owe their name to the extraordinary peculiarity of its three stars, which are named as the Moirai, Old Terran Greek myths, also known as the Parcae in Roman myths or the  Fates, were the female personifications of destiny. In the mythology, Atropos, Lachesis and Clotho controlled the thread of life of all mortal and immortals from birth to death.

Likewise, the habitable planet of the system, which receives the name Trion or the Trinitas system itself, has three moons (one natural, Aquila, and two artificial), which, in addition to contributing to the gravitational balance and stability of the planetary ecosystem, provide three bases from which an impenetrable defense barrier against attacks from space was established, and the monitoring of any disturbance on the planetary surface.

From Trion, most of the major mercantile transactions of Cogwerk society are regulated, constituting its stock market heart and a hive of economic operations that affect the trade of thousands of planets.

The Trion Society is an example of civic society whose values ​​exert a great ascendancy in its economic activities, which is characterized by maintaining very low levels of corruption.

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(By GJ - 685605)


[Astronomy, Astrogeology]

Name: Consol α 
Sector: Cogwerk Space
Subsector: Consol α (Consol Alpha)
Sun System: Cepheus 
Society of Cogwerk Planets Flag

a1. Dimensions
  • Gravity: 11.77 m/s2 (1.2 G)
  • Mass: 2.729e19 Kg. 
  • Volume: 8.06e12 Km3.
  • Density: 1.118 Kg/m3.
  • Equatorial radius: 12,438.054 Km. (7,728.65 Miles)
  • Polar radius: 12,362.002 Km.  (7,681.39 Miles)
  • Mean radius: 12,400.03 Km. (7,705.18 Miles)
  • Circumference (equatorial): 78,150.53 km. (48,560.47 Miles)
a2. Geosphere
  • Shape: Spherical geoid.
  • Structure: Volcanic Tectonic.
  • Surface: 64.83% Sea / 35.17% Land.
  • Inner structure: Geological layers with a smelt metallic nucleus, which keeps the balance of gravitational forces.
a3. Atmosphere
  • Composition: Terran standard. 
  • Climate: Soft.
  • C. Max: 40º C (104º F)
  • C. mean: 18º C ( 64.4 º F)
  • C. Min: -8º C (17.60º F)

  • b1. Orbit: 1.3 Galactic year. (474 standard days)
  • b2. Rotation: 1.7 Standard days. (41 hours)
  • b3. Seasons: Consol has two main and soft seasons with small transition between and gradual climate change, from a low cold Autumn to a sort of warmly spring.


Consol has a single artificial moon, named as Demeter, for climatic and ecology control and stabilization.
Demeter, has also defense functions controlling and closing the near space area.

  • d1. Biosphere: Standard
  • d2. Resources: The geological strata still rich in mineral deposits, but to protect the planetary environment, the extraction has been limited.
  • d3. Human geography


Consol is the metropolis planet of Consolidated Mecha, the main faction of the Cogwerk Planets Society (SoCP) and it is, in fact, considered as the capital of SoCP.

Consol is probably the most urbanized planet in the galaxy, with urban cores interconnected as in a neural system and extending across the surface in the form of districts of the dimensions of the ancient states of the pre-digital era.

Consolidated Mecha's corporate facilities occupy about one-tenth of Consol's complexes, with the remaining nine-tenths dedicated to the leisure and rest of the population as well as ample ecological reserves perfectly integrated among the urban areas.

Consolidated Mecha had its base of operations on the planet Mercury 9, but with the growth of its industry, soon saw the need to move to a new environment that favored its growth.

For this reason, a new planet (Consol) with suitable conditions for the terraformation, was adopted like the headquarters of Consolidated Mecha and later would be transformed into the de facto administrative capital, for the society of Cogwerk Planets.

When the SoCP formalized its creation by signing the Great Treaty, the first place in which it was thought to have the representatives meeting for such a great event was Consol, but finally it was agreed the election of a planet from none of the five main factions, of so that the creation of SoCP would end up being formalized in Greenfall.

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(By GJ - 685605)