
[Astronomy, Astrogeology]

Name: Consol α 
Sector: Cogwerk Space
Subsector: Consol α (Consol Alpha)
Sun System: Cepheus 
Society of Cogwerk Planets Flag

a1. Dimensions
  • Gravity: 11.77 m/s2 (1.2 G)
  • Mass: 2.729e19 Kg. 
  • Volume: 8.06e12 Km3.
  • Density: 1.118 Kg/m3.
  • Equatorial radius: 12,438.054 Km. (7,728.65 Miles)
  • Polar radius: 12,362.002 Km.  (7,681.39 Miles)
  • Mean radius: 12,400.03 Km. (7,705.18 Miles)
  • Circumference (equatorial): 78,150.53 km. (48,560.47 Miles)
a2. Geosphere
  • Shape: Spherical geoid.
  • Structure: Volcanic Tectonic.
  • Surface: 64.83% Sea / 35.17% Land.
  • Inner structure: Geological layers with a smelt metallic nucleus, which keeps the balance of gravitational forces.
a3. Atmosphere
  • Composition: Terran standard. 
  • Climate: Soft.
  • C. Max: 40º C (104º F)
  • C. mean: 18º C ( 64.4 º F)
  • C. Min: -8º C (17.60º F)

  • b1. Orbit: 1.3 Galactic year. (474 standard days)
  • b2. Rotation: 1.7 Standard days. (41 hours)
  • b3. Seasons: Consol has two main and soft seasons with small transition between and gradual climate change, from a low cold Autumn to a sort of warmly spring.


Consol has a single artificial moon, named as Demeter, for climatic and ecology control and stabilization.
Demeter, has also defense functions controlling and closing the near space area.

  • d1. Biosphere: Standard
  • d2. Resources: The geological strata still rich in mineral deposits, but to protect the planetary environment, the extraction has been limited.
  • d3. Human geography


Consol is the metropolis planet of Consolidated Mecha, the main faction of the Cogwerk Planets Society (SoCP) and it is, in fact, considered as the capital of SoCP.

Consol is probably the most urbanized planet in the galaxy, with urban cores interconnected as in a neural system and extending across the surface in the form of districts of the dimensions of the ancient states of the pre-digital era.

Consolidated Mecha's corporate facilities occupy about one-tenth of Consol's complexes, with the remaining nine-tenths dedicated to the leisure and rest of the population as well as ample ecological reserves perfectly integrated among the urban areas.

Consolidated Mecha had its base of operations on the planet Mercury 9, but with the growth of its industry, soon saw the need to move to a new environment that favored its growth.

For this reason, a new planet (Consol) with suitable conditions for the terraformation, was adopted like the headquarters of Consolidated Mecha and later would be transformed into the de facto administrative capital, for the society of Cogwerk Planets.

When the SoCP formalized its creation by signing the Great Treaty, the first place in which it was thought to have the representatives meeting for such a great event was Consol, but finally it was agreed the election of a planet from none of the five main factions, of so that the creation of SoCP would end up being formalized in Greenfall.

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(By GJ - 685605)