Trion (Trinitas)

[Astronomy, Astrogeology]

Name: Trion   
Sector: Cogwerk Space
Subsector: Trinitas
Sun System: Triple star system (The Fates) 
Society of Cogwerk Planets Flag

a1. The Triple star systems of Trinitas.

The planet of Trion (aka Trinitas) belongs to the Trinitas system, a hierarchical physical triple star system in which each star orbits the center of mass of the system. The system is composed by the Atropos, Lachesis and Clotho. Lachesis and Clotho form a close binary system, and the Atropos orbits this pair at a distance much larger than that of the binary orbit.

a2. Dimensions
  • Gravity: 10.59 m/s2 (1.08 G)
  • Mass: 1.47791e19 Kg. 
  • Volume: 3.76228e12 Km3.
  • Equatorial radius: 9,655.71 Km. (5,999.77 Miles)
  • Polar radius: 9,641.05 Km.  (5,990.67 Miles)
  • Mean radius: 9,648.37 Km. (5,995.22 Miles)
  • Circumference (equatorial): 60,668.50 km. (37,697.64 Miles)
a3. Geosphere
  • Shape: Spherical geoid.
  • Structure: Standard.
  • Surface: 82.28% Sea / 17.72% Land.
  • Inner structure: Geological layers with a smelt metallic nucleus, which keeps the balance of gravitational forces.
a4. Atmosphere
  • Composition: Standard enriched with high presence of helium and ozone. 
  • Climate: Standard-moderate.
  • C. Max: 57.8º C (136º F)
  • C. mean: 18.5º C ( 65.3 º F)
  • C. Min: -36º C (minus 32.8º F)


  • b1. Orbit: 1.2 Galactic year. (438.3 standard days)
  • b2. Rotation: 0.8 Standard days. (19 hours)
  • b3. Seasons: Standard (4 seasons).


Trion has a natural moon, Aquila, and two artificial satellites providing an interplanetary defense system.

  • d1. Biosphere: Standard
  • d2. Resources: Trion is rich on deposits of ferronite and titanium, above any other resource.
  • d3. Human geography: Multi ethnic. All inhabitants are citizens of the SoCP and members of the entity known as the Trinitarian Symposium, which constitutes the third Cogwerk faction in power.


The Trinitarian Symposium, the system and the planet owe their name to the extraordinary peculiarity of its three stars, which are named as the Moirai, Old Terran Greek myths, also known as the Parcae in Roman myths or the  Fates, were the female personifications of destiny. In the mythology, Atropos, Lachesis and Clotho controlled the thread of life of all mortal and immortals from birth to death.

Likewise, the habitable planet of the system, which receives the name Trion or the Trinitas system itself, has three moons (one natural, Aquila, and two artificial), which, in addition to contributing to the gravitational balance and stability of the planetary ecosystem, provide three bases from which an impenetrable defense barrier against attacks from space was established, and the monitoring of any disturbance on the planetary surface.

From Trion, most of the major mercantile transactions of Cogwerk society are regulated, constituting its stock market heart and a hive of economic operations that affect the trade of thousands of planets.

The Trion Society is an example of civic society whose values ​​exert a great ascendancy in its economic activities, which is characterized by maintaining very low levels of corruption.

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(By GJ - 685605)