Falco Lisi's Day

[Anniversaries, Calendar]

30 January

The day commemorates the discovery by Dr. Falco Lisi (or Dr. Falcon Lisie, depending on the resources) of how to use and travel through the Gateways. The celebration is universally recognized and celebrated as the moment when the gates of the galaxy became open to the spread of mankind.

For more than three decades, Dr. Falco Lisi, who was an eminent scientist in the Physic's branch of Electromagnetism, had studied the relationship between the Lisi energy fields (named in his honour) and the Gateways. Finally, he was able to establish the link that helped to activate them: the old Forerunner Niode Matrices that were conserved in some museums.

With those Niode Matrices he managed to place the final puzzle piece to his long investigation and the successful accomplishment of the first jump through a Gateway on 30 January of 2287.

Dr. Lisi was favoured with good fortune as the Gateway that he crossed during his first experiment led to a planet with non-hostile conditions. Since the doctor conducted the experiment alone, and without taking into account the many risk factors that could have killed his life in an instant, it was very fortunate that he was able to return and thus be able to make known the greatest discovery of his time.

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(By GJ - 685605)