Dr. Falco Lisi

[Physic, History]

Dr. Falco Lisi or Falcon Lisie (Old Earth - Zug 2203, Geneva 2292) was an eminence in the Physic's branch of Electromagnetism, and his passion for the study of all the energies that participate in the flow of forces through the multiverse, made him face to One of the greatest mysteries of his time: the Gateways, sending him to his obsessive study in a career that his colleagues considered desperate and chimerical and that at first, undermined the prestige that had previously been worked.

During nearly three decades of intense study focused on the Gateways, he discovered the main energy sources that were later named Lisi Energy and interacted with the Gateway as if they were immense generator coils.

While searching for the trigger or activator between the gateways and the Lisi energy fields, he discovered almost by accident that the atomic structure of the Niobium observed a sympathetic behavior that partially aligned the Lisi fields surrounding the Gateway.

In this way, Dr. Falco Lisi finally found the clue that led him to relate the link between the then mysterious relics, now known as the Niode Matrix, who were gathering dust in the Smithsonian (Washington) and Miraikan (Old Tokyo) . After obtaining the relevant permits for his experimentation, he finally made the discovery that would make him the most acclaimed and famous of the scientists of his time, and who would engrave his name with golden letters in the history of mankind.

Dr. Falco Lisi would discover in 30 January 2287 how to unlock the Gateways and travel through them, thus providing a new era for humanity, and the whole galaxy to explore and colonize.

It is said that he himself risked his physical integrity making his first jump without adequate protections, for mankind fortune, he was able to return safe and sound to make humanity share his great discovery.

Among many other awards, he was recognized in 2290 with the Nobel Prize on Physics on the occasion of his two major and great discoveries 
  • His theorem of major forces, which establishes the existence of an energy of magnitude superior to all the others (electric power, light energy, mechanical energy, thermal energy, etc.), Superior Energy that was later called Lisi in his honour, which in a practical sense, allowed the development of generators whose power tripled that of those previously existing with less environmental impact, 
  • The opening of the Gateways, unlocking one of the greatest of the mysteries in his time and facilitating the expansion of mankind through the galaxy.
To the displeasure of the doctor, already in his time, the public recognition of an energy of superior nature, came to originate the emergence of cults that took the doctor as their guru or prophet, and the Lisi energy as a clear and objective manifestation of the Divinity, to which they called the Eon, dusting old mysticisms.

Two years later, in 2292, he died peacefully in his sleep. He was 89 years old and according to his relatives, he kept his mind clear until his end. In his epitaph in Gèneve, were writen the following words: 

"Vous qui avez ouvert les portes de la galaxie à l'humanité, vous traversez maintenant la plus grande et la plus mystérieuse des portes. Que Dieu vous bénisse dans cette nouvelle aventure.

You who opened the gates of the galaxy to humanity, you now cross the largest and most mysterious of all gates. May God bless you in this new adventure"

In the year 3121, the Society of Cogwerk Planets, organized a great event in which the posthumous recognition of Hero of the Humanity was granted to the scientist.

At present, Dr. Falco's achievements are part of basic education in most of the educational systems of the three Great Powers.

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(By GJ - 685605)