Colony Drop

[Mech Warfare & Mercenary Glossary]

Especially aggressive tactical attack maneuver in which (figuratively) an orbital colony is collided against a target on the planetary surface.

This term was coined by the prestigious and long time unbeaten clan Zeon, and represented one of their favorite maneuvers and trademark.

Along the time, Zeon developed numerous tactical variables, which nevertheless always retained the characteristics of brutality and celerity, identifying features of an authentic colony drop.

Some types of Colony Drop could include:
  1. Deploy in the combat zone by landing their Mechs in drop pods from orbital aircraft.
  2. A sudden, quick and brutal confrontation in which they attacked aggressively with everything they had at hand.

Only the elite clans of the first divisions like Juggernaut or Leviathan were able to neutralize a colony drop.

The Xeon clan, counterpart of Zeon, in the alternative dimension of Unification, developed an analogous but infinitely more cruel tactic, in which a Mech of Skriag class was projected against the star of the place of combat, provoking its entrance in Nova and The consequent destruction of all those who had not evacuated the place in time. This maneuver caused the destruction of several dozen worlds in their dimension.

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(By GJ - 685605)