Battle of the Outer Dimension

[History, War]

The Preparations

In 3320 and with the discovery of the Chroniode and the development of new technological capabilities driven by the projects of ChronoPower, Inc. The possibility was opened of opening portals that linked with the native dimension of Unification.

After refining the technology of the PSDs (Portal Stabilization Devices) previously used to manipulate the gateways opened by Unification during its assault of 3219, it was proved that by altering their field manipulators using Harlan's Chroniode, they were able to connect to the appropriate vibration level to open stable gateways leading to the Unification's dimension.

Once the mercenary clans obtained their modified PSD, the possibility of accessing the dimension from which the threat of Unification came was tempting. The advisory council of security composed by the great powers, along with senior representatives of all the clans concerned, adopted the decision to send reconnaissance missions that would gather the necessary intelligence with which to judge the situation better.

The first reports showed some empty planets, with little or no security and less military presence, and no enclave that maintained an advanced technological level. Some pilots found deposit spoils with some useful resources like alternative packages of Unification's stims, called renovations and their own Hatoraides. At the same time, clans collected samples by request of Alpha Corp, from the Shogunate, as for Cherry Blossom Mechworks, from the Sengakuji Reaches, that could be used to research and develop new enhancement modules for the Freon and Gigus class mechs, improvements that may be useful for the incoming assault to the Unification.

Although this was not determinant given the wide extension that any galaxy can possess, the fact of finding some abandoned facilities and ruined nucleus with marginal population, made think to many that perhaps Unification had undergone an important part of its armies in its sweeping assaults to our dimension.

This view was reinforced by the information that Raven, the allied agent who had been imprisoned by Unification, was able to filter into our battledimension with the help of a fragment of the Drochah Chroniode, which he secretly possessed since the defeat of the Forerunner. These reports emphasized the weakness of Unification, which had shifted from an aggressive attitude to a completely defensive after its repeated defeats.

Finally, the opinion that our forces should take the initiative gained strength, sending numerous reconnaissance missions in preparation for a massive assault on the alien dimension.

The Burning Skies Operation

The direction and planning of the operation "Burning Skies" was designed by General Nova, the Chroniode Research Oversight Committee and advisors from the Great Powers.

A daring plan was draw by General Nova, with two main targets and a secondary one:
  • Destruction of the Unification Generators that allowed to open the gateways to our dimension, to stop the Unification attacks.
  • Give a definitive strike to the Unification Army, able to weaken it time enough like to keep forward the initiative in case unification found a new way to make their travel into our dimension.
  • To rescue the several prisoners kept by Unification during their first campaigns against our world, and particularly, to free to the agent known as the Feeder of Ravens, who as well could assist the operations helping to identify the main targets.
To attempt these goals, Nova was proposing a planetary assault with the employ of the guerrilla tactics, forcing to a Unification weakened by their successive attempts against our dimension, to fragment their forces in their need to prevent any damage done on their Gateway Reactors, paying them their own medicine, as using the same tactics they employed during their invasion assaults against our dimension.

After gather the required Intel through blitz incursions in Unification dimension and after intensive training through the Squad Wars hosted by the Craftsmen, Hundreds of small swarms of mech squads entered the Unification dimension by employing Dr. Oki's PSDs perfected by the ChronoPower Inc. Technology, overflowing Unification forces in their attempt to defend their gateway generators, and losing this way, any possible supremacy they could have keep in their own domains.

All the objectives of the Mercenary Clan Squads were fulfilled to perfection: The prisoners were rescued and a great defeat was inflicted upon the Unification, which saw their forces decimated and their generators destroyed.

After the victorious operation, both the Great Powers and the mercenary clans were convinced that a long time would go by before they came back to hear about Unification.

(By GJ - 685605)