Unification Consumable Resources

[Technology, Chemistry]

Exploring the mercenary clans in the Unification dimension enabled us to gather intelligence for the preparation of a large-scale assault, as well as finding some useful resources that included altered versions of our Hatoraides and Stim packs.

The singularity of the alien dimension from which Unification comes (the Fusion equivalent in that dimension) seems to have an analogous version for each of the characteristics and circumstances of our own dimension.

Continuing this premise, it seems that the chemical enhancers that our pilots employ, have their replica in the Unification's dimension.

Although chemists are not yet able to determine some of the chemical components of alien consumables, laboratory tests performed on Novum Dolorum, proved to be not harmful to our organism in the short term, as well as a stimulating function identical to ours Stims and Hatoraides, with absolute compatibility.

The found consumables were analyzed, showing that they were organically compatible with us in a total degree of tolerance that theoretically allowed the consumption of the maximum dose of our own Stims and Hatoraides and of a similar dose of the versions of the alien dimension. This virtually doubles the usability of these consumables without endangering the human organism.

Thus, a pilot who has hoarded a handful of these resources, could consume six large Hatoraides, six Hatoraides and the same amounth of Unification Hatoraides of similar type, totaling twelve large and twelve normal (with a total stimulation capable of allowing 18 additional combats). A pilot seeking an adrenal stimulation can also consume four Large Stim Packs and six Standard Stims, along with four Unification Large Revivers (the Unification version of Stim Pack) and six other standard Revivers providing 140 energetic units of further activity)

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(By GJ - 685605)