
[Quantic Physics, Technology]

Multiverse is the term used to define the set of the many existing universes, different from our own. The structure of the multiverse, the nature of each universe within it, as well as the relationship between the various constituent universes, depend on the bases or macrocosm laws. According to any of these laws, the multiverse comprises everything that exists physically: The totality of space and time, all forms of matter, energy and quantity of movement, and the physical and constant laws that govern them.

So far, the key that opens the threshold to the multiverse, seems to be linked to ChroNiode or fragments of it, with which, with the help of technology, it has been possible to create portals similar to gateways, but capable of transcending time and space, allowing travel to any distant point of the multiverse or to different temporal moments.
The Craftsmen have developed this technology, albeit in a limited way, using it to assist universes in which the recurrent threat of the Forerunner Droch'ah, seems to check again and again the different realities.

The alternative universes explored and aided, so far, are:
  1. Metaverse Zero (Unlocked in 3323)
  2. Metaverse One (Unlocked in 3324)
  3. Metaverse Two (Unlocked in 3328)
  4. Multiverse (Unlocked in 3336)
  5. Unification Universe (Unlocked in 3316)
Those alternative universes listed from 1 to 4 share similar conditions, as alternate timelines where the Mercenary Clans have never existed before the "Mainverse" Pilots travelled there. In all of them, 

In none of them did the threat of a drug exist, within the same temporality, and it was his sudden irruption in those realities, with the purpose of destroying or enslaving humanity, which has impelled the Craftsmen of each alternative reality. to spread a message of help, with the hope that it would reach a reality in which Droch'ah would have been defeated or in which there were means to combat it. That superior reality, capable of fighting and defeating the Forerunner has turned out to be ours.

Traveling to an alternative timeline, metaverse or multiverse:

The Craftsmen learned the tech to open a gateway to the different alternate timeline, metaverse or multiverse. Although the travellers cannot physically transit between realities as there is a barrier separating the destinations. The Craftsmen on the destination side need to create clones into which the pilots from the origin universe will implant their consciousness. 

The process has some flaws and some skills may be lost, but all memories will be retained. 

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(By GJ - 685605)