The first Mech design

[Mech Technology]

The original Red Ant design

The eminent engineer of the rising Shogunate, Dr. Han, was the first scientist to experiment seriously on Mech technology for war purposes.
His creativity and the ambitiousness of his proposals made him fall in disgrace before his former leaders of the Shogunate, who turned him into a pariah.

To save his life and to continue his research, he took refuge in a distant mining prospecting, under the protection of the Radix tribe, a plebeian house of certain power among the members of the Illyrian confederation, which later became the Hegemony. There he helped the Illyrian engineers to develop efficient mining prospecting machines, whose real potential hid that of his original project of a combat Mech.

The moment to put an end to his work, came through the confrontation between the Illyria Confederation and the Empire of Sol because of the excessive taxes that Sol imposed on the galactic colonies.

During his research and development for the creation of the new weapon, this was the first design concept of what would be the Red Ant, which was the result of the cooperative development between his studios and the Radix engineers, using the original project made for his first company, in the Shogunate and that it would never be approved by its old and little visionary leaders.

After new changes in search of greater effectiveness and combat efficiency, the original project would undergo some changes before seeing the light in the year 3087, in which it received its baptism of fire in the battle of the markets, in which the Confederation Illyria obtained his independence from the Sun Empire, cementing the foundations of his current power as one of the three Major Powers.

It is rumored that Dr. Han was recruited by the mysterious Craftsmen to the overwhelming success of his creation, who protected the Doctor with anonymity but giving him the opportunity to unleash his most brilliant creations.

Despite the long time elapsed, (more than 250 years) it is also believed that Dr. Han has received genetic treatments to prolong his longevity, no doubt, thanks to the immense fortune and resources of the Craftsmen.

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(By Mechanomicon)