The Serpentarius Brood, also known as Serpentarious Mechs, Kaiju Mechs or Living Mechs, have been identified as alien technology, belonging to an ancient and lost race, of which the archaeological evidences point as an antagonist of the Forerunner.
The discovered and produced Serpentarius Mechs (Gigus, Nakshi and Skriag) shares the extraordinary particularity of being a synthesized living, organic Mech, whose inner molecular structure is closer to a non carbon living being base than to a mechanical construct.
The way to Access the cockpit of these living Mechs can be traumatic for those pilots who lack courage, determination and a strong willpower, since they must literally let themselves be swallowed by the living Mech, to access the control cabin housed under the extraordinary bionic-spinal bulb, that integrates silicon-organic matter with highly advanced circuits of alien technology, powered by the TL100 A.I.
The way to Access the cockpit of these living Mechs can be traumatic for those pilots who lack courage, determination and a strong willpower, since they must literally let themselves be swallowed by the living Mech, to access the control cabin housed under the extraordinary bionic-spinal bulb, that integrates silicon-organic matter with highly advanced circuits of alien technology, powered by the TL100 A.I.
For more information, check the Serpentarious Brood entry.
- Release Year: 3273
- Manufacturer: Cherry Blossom Mechworks (Sengakuji Reaches). In past produced by AlphaCorp.
- Quality: Crystal
- Class: Huge Mech
- Subclass: Serpentarius Brood (Living Mech and 'Kaiju' Mech)
- Role: Assaulter
- AI: Model TL100
- Tonnage: 80
- Armor (base): 180
- Heavy skill required: 35
- Pilot Qualification for acquisition in legal markets: 52
- Cost:
- Crystal: 280
- Ferrite: 10,000
- Bioptics: 10,000
Equipment progression by level
(Cockpits / Chassis / Engines / Shield module slots)
(Cockpits / Chassis / Engines / Shield module slots)
- Level 2: (0 / 1 / 0 / 0)
- Level 3: (0 / 1 / 0 / 1)
- Level 4: (1 / 1 / 0 / 1)
- Level 6: (1 / 1 / 1 / 1)
- Level 12: (1 / 2 / 1 / 1)
- Level 16: (2 / 2 / 1 / 1)
- Level 22: (2 / 3 / 1 / 1)
- Level 25: (2 / 3 / 2 / 1)
- Level 28: (3 / 3 / 2 / 1)
- Level 32: (3 / 4 / 2 / 1)
- Level 34: (3 / 4 / 2 / 2)
- Level 38: (3 / 4 / 2 / 3)
- Level 42: (3 / 5 / 2 / 3)
- Level 48: (3 / 5 / 3 / 3)
- Level 62: (3 / 6 / 3 / 3)
- Level 72: (4 / 6 / 3 / 3)
- Level 82: (4 / 6 / 4 / 3) Maximum Development
Weapon Focus: Gigus is a flamer combat unit obtaining an enhancement to fire weapons of + 55% damage and a secondary to missile weapons of + 26%.
- Level 50: 15
- Level 100: 23
- Level 150: 32
- Level 200: 40
- Level 250: 48
- Level 300: 57
- Level 350: 65
- Level 400: 73
- Rupture Shot x2 (Tier 5 Common fire weapon)
- 53 Dmg, 104 Speed, Burn 8%
- Magmolator x1 (Tier 4 Common fire weapon)
- 40 Dmg, 101 Speed, Splash 5%, Kickback 20% odds 20% Dmg.
- Death Heat x2 (Tier 5 Common missile weapon)
- 48 Dmg, 98 speed, Splash 4%
- Square Flame x2 (Tier 3 Common fire weapon)
- 30 Dmg, 103 speed, 2x Dmg 2%, 3x Dmg 2%
Gigus comes from assembly line with:
- Speed - 14
- Fire Damage 24%
- Missile Damage 4%
- Speed - 8
- Offensive Skills:
- Fire Damage 55%
- Missile Damage 26%
- Slow (10)
- Splash 14%
- Trample 20%
- Defensive Skills:
- Shield (26)
- Ice Shield 8%
- Laser Shield 5%
- Vulnerabilities:
- None
- Level 1 Speed - 22 (Acc. -22)
- Level 1 Speed + 8 (Acc. -14) *
- Level 1 Missile Damage + 4% (Acc. 4%)
- Level 1 Fire Damage + 4% (Acc. 4%)
- Level 1 Fire Damage + 20% (Acc. 24%) *
- Level 5 Ice Shield 8% (Max value 8%)
- Level 7 Speed + 3 (Acc. -11)
- Level 8 Fire Damage + 7% (Acc. 31%)
- Level 9 Shield (2) (Acc. 2)
- Level 10 Splash 2% (Acc. 2%)
- Level 14 Speed + 3 (Max value -8)
- Level 18 Fire Damage + 7% (Acc. 38%)
- Level 19 Shield (2) (Acc. 4)
- Level 20 Splash 2% (Acc. 4%)
- Level 21 Laser Shield 5% (Max value 5%)
- Level 23 Missile Damage + 4% (Acc. 8%)
- Level 28 Fire Damage + 7% (Acc. 45%)
- Level 29 Shield (2) (Acc. 6)
- Level 33 Missile Damage + 4% (Acc. 12%)
- Level 43 Missile Damage + 4% (Acc. 16%)
- Level 50 Fire Damage + 10% (Max value 55%)
- Level 50 Splash 10% (Max value 14%)
- Level 50 Missile Damage + 10% (Max value 26%)
- Level 57 Trample 10% (Acc. 10%)
- Level 77 Trample 10% (Max value 20%)
- Level 87 Slow (10) (Max value 10)
- Level 90 Shield (20) (Max value 26)
(By GJ - 685605)