
[Mech Technology]
During the year 3287, mankind was confronted for the first time with the mayor mankind foe for more years, the last of the Forerunners, an extinct race that faced its almost total extinction more than 100,000 years ago and from which Droch'ah' oh-Thyehgr was his last survivor. 

The personal Mech of the last Forerunner was a monstrous Niode-Titan imitating the Tyrannosaurus Rex, a powerful predatory dinosaur considered the king of the giant lizard who dominated the cradle of civilization millions of years before humanity emerged from the primal mud.

At the time it was confronted, the Regis proved to be an unstopable machine of destruction capable of bringing down terror among the unfortunate pilots who crossed paths with the Forerunner.

Some time later, and after suffering his first defeat, Droch'ah left behind numerous Regis  that were previously piloted by his captains and who were seized by the members of the legendary clan CyberStorm.

Later and thanks to reverse engineering, the first human manufacturing samples of the Regis model were produced, although inferior in capacities to the original models of  Forerunner technology, they became real monsters of destruction.

  • Release Year: 3287
  • Original Design: Forerunner Technology. Droch'ah' oh-Thyehgr
  • Manufacturer: House of Aurelius - Star Factories (Illyrian Hegemony)
  • Quality: Niode
  • Class: BFM (Subclass: Dinomech)
  • Role: Assaulter
  • AI: Tyrant Alpha
  • Tonnage: 90
  • Armor (base): 260
  • Heavy skill required: 45
  • Pilot Qualification for acquisition in legal markets: 79
  • Cost: 
    • Niode: 135 
    • Ferrite: 18,000
    • Bioptics: 16,000

2. EQUIPMENT: Regis can get at his max upgrade the following equipment modules:

Cockpits: 7 (Superior)
Progression: 2, 6, 16, 21, 31, 46, 154.

Chassis: 6 (High)
Progression: 3, 8, 25, 26, 38, 87. 

Engines: 6 (High)
Progression: 10, 19, 29, 35, 71, 123. 
Shields: 4 (Low)
Progression: 5, 23, 34, 55.

Equipment progression by level 
(Cockpits / Chassis / Engines / Shield module slots)
  • Level 2: (1 / 0 / 0 / 0) 
  • Level 3: (1 / 1 / 0 / 0) 
  • Level 5: (1 / 1 / 0 / 1) 
  • Level 6: (2 / 1 / 0 / 1) 
  • Level 8: (2 / 2 / 0 / 1) 
  • Level 10: (2 / 2 / 1 / 1) 
  • Level 16: (3 / 2 / 1 / 1) 
  • Level 19: (3 / 2 / 2 / 1) 
  • Level 21: (4 / 2 / 2 / 1) 
  • Level 23: (4 / 2 / 2 / 2) 
  • Level 25: (4 / 3 / 2 / 2) 
  • Level 26: (4 / 4 / 3 / 2) 
  • Level 29: (4 / 4 / 3 / 2) 
  • Level 31: (5 / 4 / 3 / 2) 
  • Level 34: (5 / 4 / 3 / 3) 
  • Level 35: (5 / 4 / 4 / 3) 
  • Level 38: (5 / 5 / 4 / 3) 
  • Level 46: (6 / 5 / 4 / 3) 
  • Level 55: (6 / 5 / 4 / 4) 
  • Level 71: (6 / 5 / 5 / 4) 
  • Level 87: (6 / 6 / 5 / 4) 
  • Level 123: (6 / 6 / 6 / 4) 
  • Level 154: (7 / 6 / 6 / 4)   Maximum Development


Weapon Focus: Regis is a Laser type combat unit obtaining a high enhancement to Laser weapons of + 54% damage. 


 Weapon Slots: 13 base + 1 weapon every 4 upgrades
  • Level 50: 25
  • Level 100: 38
  • Level 150: 50
  • Level 200: 63
  • Level 250: 75
  • Level 300: 88
  • Level 350: 100
  • Level 400: 113
Regis comes from manufacture loaded  with the following 13 weapons:

  • Twin Grazer x2 (Tier 13 Elite laser weapon)
    • 125 Dmg, 100 Speed, 3x Dmg 10%, 2x Dmg 10%
  • Flavian Spear x2 (Tier 10 Elite laser weapon)
    • 70 Dmg, 100 Speed, Crit-Kill 15%
  • Heat Laser x5 (Tier 6 Common laser weapon)
    • 60 Dmg, 100 speed, 2x Damage 6%
  • Hyper Amp x4 (Tier 5 Common laser weapon)
    • 46 Dmg, 100 speed, Slow (2)


Regis comes from assembly line with:
  • Speed - 26
  • Laser Damage + 8%
  • 3x Damage 2%
After reaching maximum skill development at level 130, the Regis class will possess the following skills (without equipment):
  • Dodge (2) 
  • Precision (5) 
  • Speed +2
  • Offensive Skills:
    • Laser Damage + 54% 
    • Proj. Damage + 15% 
    • 2X Damage 10% 
    • 3X Damage 18% 
    • Crit-Kill 10% 
    • Fork 20% 
    • Trample 10% 
    • Wide Fork 8% 
  • Defensive Skills:
    • Auto Repair (5) 
    • Laser Shield 25% 
    • Trample Shield 40% 
  • Vulnerabilities:
    • None

  • Level 1  Laser Damage + 8% (Acc. 8%)
  • Level 1  Speed - 26 (Acc. -26)
  • Level 1  3X Damage 2% (Acc. 2%)
  • Level 3 Trample 10% (Max value 10%)
  • Level 4 Fork 5% (Acc. 5%)
  • Level 5 Trample Shield 15% (Acc. 15%)
  • Level 7 Laser Damage + 4% (Acc. 12%)
  • Level 9 Crit-Kill 2% (Acc. 2%)
  • Level 15 Speed + 4 (Acc. -22)
  • Level 17 Dodge (2) (Max value 2)
  • Level 19 Laser Damage + 4% (Acc. 16%)
  • Level 22 Auto Repair (1) (Acc. 1)
  • Level 25 Speed + 4 (Acc. -18)
  • Level 26 Laser Shield 25% (Max value 25%)
  • Level 27 Laser Damage + 10% (Acc. 26%)
  • Level 30 Trample Shield 10% (Acc. 25%)
  • Level 33 3X Damage 8% (Acc. 10%)
  • Level 35 Crit-Kill 2% (Acc. 4%)
  • Level 37 Laser Damage + 10% (Acc. 36%)
  • Level 43 Laser Damage + 10% (Acc. 46%)
  • Level 45 Speed + 4 (Acc. -14)
  • Level 50 Crit-Kill 6% (Max value 10%)
  • Level 50 Fork 15% (Max value 20%)
  • Level 54 Trample Shield 15% (Max value 40%)
  • Level 55 Speed + 4 (Acc. -10)
  • Level 65 Proj. Damage + 15% (Max value 15%)
  • Level 70 Precision (5) (Acc. )
  • Level 76 Speed + 4 (Acc. -6)
  • Level 82 2X Damage 10% (Max value 10%)
  • Level 88 Speed + 4 (Acc. -2)
  • Level 95 Laser Damage + 8% (Max value 54%)
  • Level 100 Wide Fork 8% (Max value 8%)
  • Level 104 Speed + 4 (Max value +2)
  • Level 110 Auto Repair (4) (Max value 5)
  • Level 130 3X Damage 8% (Max value 18%)
Resultado de imagen de stegosaurus armatus

The Tyrannosaurus Rex ("Tyrant King") was one of the most well-represented of the large theropods. Tyrannosaurus lived on the upper Cretaceous Period, 68 to 66 million years ago until the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction.

Tyrannosaurus was a bipedal carnivore dinosaur with a massive skull balanced by a long, heavy tail, large and powerful hind limbs, and fore limbs short but unusually powerful for their size, with two clawed digits. 

The most complete specimen measures up to 12.3 m (40 ft) in length, up to 3.66 meters (12 ft) tall at the hips, and according to most modern estimates 8.4 metric tons (9.3 short tons) to 14 metric tons (15.4 short tons) in weight.

Although other theropods rivaled or exceeded Tyrannosaurus rex in size, it is still among the largest known land predators and is estimated to have exerted the largest bite force among all terrestrial animals.

T-Rex was by far the largest carnivore in its environment, and was most likely an apex predator, preying upon hadrosaurs, armoured herbivores like ceratopsians and ankylosaurs, and possibly sauropods. Although some scientists suggested the dinosaur was primarily a scavenger. The question of whether Tyrannosaurus was an apex predator or a pure scavenger was among the longest ongoing debates in paleontology during the Digital Era.

More than 50 specimens of T-Rex have been identified, some of which are nearly complete skeletons. Soft tissue and proteins have been reported in at least one of these specimens. The abundance of fossil material has allowed significant research into many aspects of its biology, including its life history and biomechanics. The feeding habits, physiology and potential speed of Tyrannosaurus Rex are a few subjects of debate. 

As the archetypal theropod, Tyrannosaurus is one of the best-known dinosaurs since the 20th century, and has been featured in film, advertising, and vintage graphic resources, as well as many other types of media.

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    (By GJ - 685605)