
[Mech Technology]

This Mech Subcategory includes those units originally designed by the Forerunner or by Droch'ah himself, to feed his dreadful armies employed in the attempt to subjugate and destroy the mankind and bring a rebirth of the Forerunner Race.

Apart from being the product of the Forerunner high science, their most important common denominator is the way they have all been built, mimicking some of the dinosaurs of the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods, eras that took place in the cradle of humanity of Old Terra before the appearance of the human being.

These Mech classes were found on the reefs of Yomi, a rough planet apparently an important outpost of Forerunner scientists in the distant past and which became the Droch'ah's Head Quarter.

Brief description of the Dino Mechs in chronological order of their discovery (follow the links through their names to enter into their specific and detailed profiles):

  • Discovered in: Yomi Reefs, 3285
  • Produced by: AlphCorp (Shogunate)
  • Tons: 90
  • Tech: Niode (Forerunner Technology)
  • Weapon modules: 13 base + 1/4 upgrades
  • Max equipment modules: (6 / 5 / 5 / 5)
  • Base Armor: 230
  • Max build skills:
    • Dodge (27) 
    • Speed +24
    • Fire Damage + 98%
    • 2X Damage 10%
    • Crit-Kill 4%
    • Fork 25%
    • Splash 10%
    • Auto Repair (4) 
    • Fire Shield (25)
    • Laser Shield (25)
    • Project. Shield 10)
  • Discovered in: Yomi Reefs, 3286
  • Produced by: House of Strategoi - Star Factories (Illyrian Hegemony)
  • Tons: 90
  • Tech: Niode (Forerunner Technology)
  • Weapon modules: 12 base + 1/4 upgrades
  • Max equipment modules: (5 / 4 / 5 / 6)
  • Base Armor: 180
  • Max build skills:
    • Precision (12) 
    • Speed - 8
    • 2X Damage 18%
    • 3X Damage 18%
    • Crit-Kill 6% 
    • Fork 25%
    • Trample 12
    • Auto Repair (4)
    • Splash Shield 30%
    • Trample Shield 88%
    • Fork Shield 25%
    • Wide Fork Shield 50%

The personal Mech of Droch'ah. Although other Regis were given to his League of Ages henchmen, the personal Regis of Droch'ah has been never equaled and is counted among the most powerful Mechs ever built in the Galaxy.

Although the Regis produced by AlphaCorp do not have the potential of Droch'ah's personal Mech, they continue to be impressive machines with a fearsome destructive potential in the hands of the right pilot.
  • Discovered in: Yomi Reefs, 3287
  • Produced by: House of Aurelius - Star Factories (Illyrian Hegemony)
  • Tons: 90
  • Tech: Niode (Forerunner Technology)
  • Weapon modules: 13 base + 1/4 upgrades
  • Max equipment modules: (7 / 6 / 6 / 4)  
  • Base Armor: 260
  • Max build skills:
    • Dodge (2) 
    • Precision (5) 
    • Speed +2
    • Laser Damage + 54% 
    • Proj. Damage + 15% 
    • 2X Damage 10% 
    • 3X Damage 18% 
    • Crit-Kill 10% 
    • Fork 20% 
    • Trample 10% 
    • Wide Fork 8% 
    • Auto Repair (5) 
    • Laser Shield 25% 
    • Trample Shield 40% 
  • Discovered in: Yomi Reefs, 3300
  • Produced by: House of Midha - Star Factories (Illyrian Hegemony)
  • Tons: 100
  • Tech: Niode (Forerunner Technology)
  • Weapon modules:  11 base + 1/3 upgrades
  • Max equipment modules: (7 / 5 / 7 / 7)
  • Base Armor: 285
  • Max build skills: 
    • Precision (30) 
    • Speed - 9 
    • 3X Damage 4% 
    • Auto Repair (7) 
    • Fork 35% 
    • Missile Damage + 56% 
    • Proj. Damage + 26% 
    • Shield (84) 
    • Splash 25% 
    • Splash Shield 65% 
    • Trample 30% 
    • Trample Shield 70% 
    • Wide Fork 4% 
    • Wide Fork Shield 80%

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By GJ - 685605