The Art of Mech War (I) Principles

[Strategy, Tactic, Warfare]


Before getting into more practical and detailed questions, an introduction to the Five Ancient Principles of Health and Spirituality is necessary. These principles are the quintessence of a balanced and healthy body and mind. 


"A calm and analytical mind is the best weapon"

Do not worry about a war, a battle or any conflict or issue. Just act to solve it. 

When we allow a conflict to cause us concern, we are defeating ourselves by undermining our energies in a non-productive way. Instead of wasting the most valuable of your resources, your own energy and time in defeatist thoughts and little or nothing productive, do the following:
  •  Analyze: Analyze the conflict or problem without subjective evaluations.
  • Conclude: Locate the possible solutions. 
  • Act: Address the simplest, which offers less resistance to your intention to resolve the conflict.
Once you know the best action to take to overcome an enemy or difficulty, no more excuses or worries can fit: Do what you should.


"Invincibility is in calm, vulnerability in anger"

If you allow wars to drag you to the path of anger, you will only lose your energy uselessly, in addition to losing objectivity, entering a state of perpetual alienation. If on the contrary, you manage to maintain calm before your worst enemies, you will have won part of the combat by being able to better evaluate your opponents and the involving circumstances (ground, the forces involved, planetary conditions, etc.), and therefore, to choose the best conditions of victory.

Only a calm mind is capable of perceiving the battlefield and the multiple factors that a Commander or a Mech Pilot must take into account. On the opposite, an angry mind will overlook many details that will turn against oneself.

Between the first and second principles, there is a close relationship, since anger can easily create worry and stress, and worry will feed fears that will culminate in anger.


"He who prepares for war in times of peace, walks towards battle with victory at the gates."

"Military maneuvers are the result of carefully elaborated plans and strategies in the most advantageous way to achieve victory."

"If you know others and you know yourself, not in a hundred battles you will be in danger; if you do not know others, but you know yourself, you will lose some battles and conquer others; he who does not know himself or know others, will be in danger of losing all battles"

No war is won alone without the relevant logistical, tactical and strategic support.

Logistic Work: Prepare all your resources to always keep your staff ready. Keep your forces always operative and updated, ready to take action at any time and situation with the greatest efficiency. In this regard, it will be discussed in more detail in chapter "II. Logistics".

Tactical & Strategy Work: Study your enemy, as well as to your allies. Learn from them and yourself and prepare your battle plans before they even take place.

Track opponent clan averages to learn who will be your opponents.

Track their crew and their relative power compared with your allies and your own forces.

In this regard, more will be said in chapters "IV. Tactic & V. Strategy".

Hard work will discipline the mind and body, and conjugated with discernment, will lead to excellence.


"He who allows an unreal notion of himself to take over his senses will be at the mercy of his enemy".

Never underestimate the opponent and prepare your forces with honesty, always prepared to fight the most powerful of the opponents, however humble this appearance may be.

Some pilots can achieve a certain degree of success and celebrity. This can lead them to oversize their abilities and induce them to overconfidence in their faculties, or to disparage the opponent, making them drop their guard and neglect their tasks, causing a poor result or even leading to a sure defeat.

Never fall into self-complacency and over confidence, and fight your enemies with humility and respect, preparing yourself to fight them with your best faculties.


"He who hates his enemy is already self defeated"

"The greatest victory is that which requires no battle"

"The supreme art of Mech war is to subdue the enemy without fighting"

Hate will throw us into states of anger and fear or concern, which as we saw above, will make us lose energy and time and invite disastrous decisions.

Love is the greatest force of humanity. The best Mech pilots devote their lives to the defense of the Mankind.

Their engine is the love to this cause before the hatred towards the enemy.

A warrior who consecrates his life to love will fight for a superior cause and will be more effective in battle than those who fall into the deep pit of hatred.

Guided by his high cause, he will be encouraged in the moments of greatest difficulty and giving strength in moments of weakness.

The Mech pilot will be imbued with a assertive sense that will allow him to face difficult situations without losing heart.

When a Commander loves those over whom he commands, that is, when he professes a genuine respect and loyalty to them, when this occurs, the soldiers will show loyalty and respect to their superior, and will give the best of themselves.

Last but not least, it is proven that a pilot who vibrates with the energy of Love, can make much more easily a connection with his AI, as well as other AIs with which he is not familiar.

(By GJ - 685605)