The Art of Mech War (II) Logistics

[Strategy, Tactic, Warfare]

"The line between disorder and order lies in logistics"
"He who knows little about War, speaks first of tactics, the one who is a good connoisseur, first considers the logistics".

There is no force in the Galaxy capable of maintaining itself without a good logistic supply.

The first thing that a good Mech Commander or Pilot must do, is to obtain assiduously the resources with which to acquire and upgrade the Mechs, Equipment and Weapons that will build their different combat formations.

There are five basic resources and three consumable supplies that encompass all the personal and material goods with which to create a Mech combat force:

  1. Allies (Human resources)
  2. Bioptics (Basic material resources)
  3. Crystal (Common material resources)
  4. Ferrite (Basic material resources)
  5. Niode (Elite material resources)
  6. Stim Packs (Consumable supply)
  7. Hatoraide (Consumable supply)
  8. Upgrade Kit (Consumable supply)
The objective is to accumulate the maximum possible quantity of these resources.

"Unity brings strength, but the expert Mech Commander will learn to use it wisely"

The Allies aren't perhaps a very obvious resource during the first steps for a Mech Pilot, but soon will reveal their capital importance as a must have.

The allies provide the following benefits and supplies:

  • Cover your Honor Guard. We will discuss about the HG in the Tactic Chapter.
  • Continual resource of supply and exchange of daily goods. 
    • Hatoraide (Single, Large and Super Hatoraide)
    • Stim Packs (Single and Large)
    • Crystals
    • Upgrade kits 
  • Provide a free crystal source by supporting them prospect their crystal farms.
  • Provide immediate ferrite by joining your allies' Honor Guards.

Aim to keep the larger possible amount of allies. The most, the better. Keep sending with enough frequency the exchange of supplies (gifts).


This is one of the basic resources omnipresent in the acquisition of Mechs, upgrading them and acquiring equipment and weapons when not getting them by bulk (see forward)

Can be acquired through the following actions:

  • Salvage on missions.
  • Salvage from battles against other pilots.
  • Retro feed or cannibalization. Dissembling other Mechs, equipment modules or weapons not desired you will receive a portion of ferrite, bioptics and crystal/niodes depending the quality of the dissembled item.

During sales of lasers or ice, acquire Fury Lasers or Envelopers by buying them through bulks (which will only cost you crystal) to sell them back to the markets (so you will receive a third of the crystal back, but also, of ferrite and bioptics).

This is the best way to acquire large amounts of ferrite and bioptics without involving participation in missions or combats.


Crystal is the main common or standard resource with which the structure of standard or common Mechs, equipment and weapons are manufactured. The crystal quality is quite below the Niode quality Technology (see Niode below), but still necessary in the development of your Forces.
  • Salvage on Circuits (Highest resource of Crystal)
  • Harvesting Allies' Crystal Farms. (Best "free" resource of Crystal)
  • Salvage on missions
  • Salvage on Battles
  • Retro feed or cannibalization. Dissembling Crystal quality Mechs, equipment modules or weapons.

Within the bioptics, this is the other basic and omnipresent resource in every Mech, upgrade, equipment component or weapon.

The various ways to acquire Ferrite are:
  • Rewards after join an ally Honor Guard.
  • Salvage on missions.
  • Salvage from battles against other pilots.
  • Retro feed or cannibalization. Dissembling other Mechs, equipment modules or weapons not desired you will receive a portion of ferrite, bioptics and crystal/niodes depending the quality of the dissembled item.

During sales of lasers or ice, acquire Fury Lasers or Envelopers by buying them through bulks (which will only cost you crystal) to sell them back to the markets (so you will receive a third of the crystal back, but also, of ferrite and bioptics).

This is the best way to acquire large amounts of ferriet and bioptics without involving participation in missions or combats.


"The spirit of victory lies in the heart of the Niode matrices"
The supreme resource. The Niode are Niobium based Forerunner Technology which constitutes the basis of the Elite quality Mechs, their upgrades, elite equipment and elite weapons.

The future success of every Commander and Pilot will reside in their ability to acquire the highest possible amount of Niode.

The different ways to acquire Niode are:
  • Purchase of Niodes. (Note 1)
  • Videos. Watch of Galactic Adds and Sponsors (Note 2)
  • Work for News Networks (ANN, GG, Mechanomicon, MeGaCom) (Note 3)
  • Level up. Pilot promotion (leveling up rewards with 5 Niodes per level)
  • Bets. Betting in the Galactic Gambling during Clan Tournaments. 
  • Raffles. Participation in Galactic Raffles sponsored by the Craftsmen. (Note 1)
  • Mission Drops. Rare salvage on missions.
  • Mission Mini Bosses rewards.
  • Craftsmen contests (sporadically, the Craftsmen will release different contests like Mission spotted or support on new gear designs.
  • Retro feed or cannibalization. Dissembling Niode quality Mechs, equipment modules or weapons. 

Pilots who wish to achieve excellence must necessarily acquire as many Niodes as possible. We will deal with this aspect soon in an annex document.

An easy way to obtain a few Niodes is to participate in the KotM circuits, where often the rewards after obtain silver or bronze require little effort and that can be dismantled to turn them into a few Niodes if you do not want to keep them. In the long term, the amount will be important.

Although the most obvious way to acquire Niodes (purchase Niodes) is at the same time the most expensive, it is not the only way to acquire an important amount of Niodes. For those pilots who have sufficient inspiration, time and energy, it is highly recommended to work for one of the editorial groups, always looking for researchers, interviewers and journalists.


"Concentrate your energy and hoard your strength"
A Stim pack reactivates the maneuverability and mobility of a Mech, instantaneously recharging the accumulators of the reactor once exhausted after a prolonged and intensive activity.

However, only a limited number of daily Stims can be used without overloading the reactor. 

The AI ​​of the Mech will inhibit any attempt superior to the allowed one to avoid the overload and that the reactor enters in critical mass reaction.
  • Standard Stim Pack will provide 10 additional energy to a Mech.
    • Up to six daily uses.
  • Large Stim Pack provides 20 additional energy to a Mech.
    • Up to four daily uses.
The Stims can be exchanged between the allies, so that a greater number of allies can provide a continuous supply of the daily Stims needed to optimize the activity and maneuverability.


Hatoraides are a semi-legal drug, only licensed to licensed Mechs pilots, which act on their nervous system allowing them to fight for longer before resting.

It has been shown that in critical situations, the use of Hatoraides can be essential to obtain a victory in tight encounters.

A maximum of 6 daily can be consumed (5 for the unstable Super Hatoraide). In the past daily doses were lower, but were increased because of a viral strain designed and spread throughout the galaxy by Dr. Gorax.
  • Standard Hatoraide. Restore 1 battle.
  • Large Hatoraide. Restores 2 battles.
  • Super Hatoraide. Restores 8 battles. (These are precious but volatile, and can be shared only during the final days of a KotM circuit)


This valuable kit allows the immediate upgrade of the chosen Mech.

It is recommended to always keep stored as many as possible to keep your daily use, since their use is limited to one of each type per day.

Upgrade Kits classes are:
  1. Standard: Upgrade Kit. Increases the current Mech snow by +1. If said Mech was in the middle of an upgrade process, it will be interrupted and lost, although it will also win the upgrade of the kit.
  2. Double: 2x upgrade kit. After its use in the desired Mech, it will increase 2 complete levels instantaneously. Its use is also limited to one per day (compatible with the use of the individual kit). Double upgrade kits can be awarded in the craftsmen daily raffle made among those clans with higher tonnage destruction scores.
  3. Special: If you are so lucky as to find a Chroniode fragment in Yomi (after defeating the Droch'ah followers), you can use it to perform a fast overhaul that will increase by +20 levels to the chosen Mech.

The recipient of an Upgrade Kit must have a lower level that allows the complete upgrade, otherwise, the kit will not act and will remain not spent.

Notes about Niode Acquisitions

1. Niode Purchases. The best options to acquire Niode through purchase are:
  • Clan Purchases in which every clan member purchased 100$ or 200$. Every pilot will receive above 2,200 Niodes form a 100$ clan purchase (a ratio of 1: 22). But every pilot not purchasing will reduce that amount. (With this objective, a temporary clan can be created with those pilots willing to make the clan purchase, whose minimum number should be six members and the maximum equal to the limit of clan members at the time of purchase. The number of members will not alter the amount of Niodes received, but must be at least six in order to create the clan and get access to this purchase option.)
  • Raffles. During the celebration of a Raffle, you will have a chance to win one of the top five rewards, being the top one a stack of 4,500 Niodes. Despite not getting the top five raffle spots, all participants will receive 50 Niodes. It is worthy to invest 1$ to receive 10 to 12 immediate Niodes and 50 more once completed the raffle (Ratio of 1:60 for a single 1$).
  • Massive Purchases. Instead of investing small periodic amounts, it may be of interest to accumulate them to make a purchase of 100, 200 or 500 $. Who can afford this type of purchase or have the patience to save that amount, will receive a major bonus in the form of higher elite Mechs the higher the purchase. The Craftsmen will deliver a complete collection with all the Mechs on the market for purchases of $ 500 or more, which will be added to the received Niodes. In turn, the bonus Mechs that do not interest to keep, can be dismantled (sold) to increase the amount of Niodes, as well as the weapons they bring equipped and that the pilot don't wanted to keep.
  • Sales. For other optional purchases, it is advised to wait for Seasonal Sales (Xmas, Birthday, Halloween) in which the given Niodes will increase. Also, the platform grants a higher percentage of Niodes.

2.  Videos. Depending on several factors, you can access the videos. Recent reports indicate that US users can get about ten a day, although this may change depending on the advertising campaigns.

For each video, you will receive a free force Ion Beam (small elite laser weapon that can be sold to obtain 1 Niode as some ferrite and bioptics).

If you persevere and get ten daily videos, after ten days you will have obtained 100 Niodes. After a year, more than 3k., Which is an important amount that well spent will help considerably increase your combat strength.

3. Fan Contributions. There is a possibility that a pilot could receive Niodes for each work (Mech, Equipment and Weapon reviews, Interviews, Articles of opinion, Tales and Histories, Battle reviews, Comics, Poems and other stuff) submitted to one of the fan sites of galaxy publications as ANN , GG, Mechanomicon or MegaCom. To learn more, links to these sites can be found here.

(By GJ - 685605)