
[Mech Technology]
The general belief is that Jadoon has been produced by Star Factories, but in fact, their original and true manufacturer has always been the mysterious hermit engineers of the Most Esteemed Brotherhood of San Lorenzo, who have achieved the creation of two of the most formidable Niode Mechs in the Galaxy: the light Novum, the unique flying Mech, and for the Ultraheavy Fighting Machine class, the Revenant. Their incursion in the crystal technology released two interesting alternatives for common Mechs: Jadoon and Yallan. Both might lack the expertise of their Niode creations, but among the crystal Mechs, they stand strong.

All the creations of the hermit engineers are characterized by their organic design with forms similar to large crustaceans with curved shells, these forms have a vulnerability to missile weapons, since they expose a greater surface to the expansive effect, but effective against another type of weaponry.

On May, 1 of 3282, David Buchanan piloted the first combat ready Jadoon.

  • Release Year: 3282
  • Manufacturer: Most Esteemed Brotherhood of San Lorenzo (SoCP)
  • Quality: Crystal
  • Class: BFM (Big Fighting Machine)
  • Tonnage: 90
  • Armor (base): 210
  • Heavy skill required: 45
  • Pilot Qualification for acquisition in legal markets: 71
  • Cost: 
    • Crystal: 360
    • Ferrite: 14,800
    • Bioptics: 11,200

2. EQUIPMENT: Jadoon can get at his max upgrade the following equipment modules:
Cockpits: 6 (Standard)
Progression: 6, 9, 17, 38, 75, 110.

Chassis: 6 (Standard)
Progression: 21, 28, 34, 43, 55, 90. 
Engines: 6 (Standard) 
Progression: 3, 12, 13, 15, 22, 39. 
Shields: 3 (Sub-Standard)
Progression: 4, 9, 17.

    Equipment progression by level 
    (Cockpits / Chassis / Engines / Shield module slots)
    • Level 3: (0 / 0 / 1 / 0)
    • Level 4: (0 / 0 / 1 / 1)
    • Level 6: (1 / 0 / 1 / 1)
    • Level 9: (2 / 0 / 1 / 2) Cockpit & Shield modules.
    • Level 12: (2 / 0 / 2 / 2)
    • Level 13: (2 / 0 / 3 / 2)
    • Level 15: (2 / 0 / 4 / 2)
    • Level 17: (3 / 0 / 4 / 3) Cockpit & Shield modules.
    • Level 21: (3 / 1 / 4 / 3)
    • Level 22: (3 / 1 / 5 / 3)
    • Level 28: (3 / 2 / 5 / 3)
    • Level 34: (3 / 3 / 5 / 3)
    • Level 38: (4 / 3 / 5 / 3)
    • Level 39: (4 / 3 / 6 / 3)
    • Level 43: (4 / 4 / 6 / 3)
    • Level 55: (4 / 5 / 6 / 3)
    • Level 75: (5 / 5 / 6 / 3)
    • Level 90: (5 / 6 / 6 / 3)
    • Level 110: (6 / 6 / 6 / 3) Maximum development.


    Weapon Focus: By build, Jadoon obtains Laser Damage + 57%, and Fire Damage + 13%. 
    Weaponry Ratio: Sub-Standard

    Weapon Slots: 11 base + 1 weapon every 6 upgrades. 
    • Level 50: 19
    • Level 100: 27
    • Level 150: 36
    • Level 200: 44
    • Level 250: 52
    • Level 300: 61
    • Level 350: 69
    • Level 400: 77
    Jadoon comes from manufacture loaded  with the following 11 weapons:
    • Res Laser x2 (Tier 5 Common laser weapon)
      • 52 Dmg, 100 Speed, 2x Dmg 4%
    • Chemthrower x2 (Tier 6 Common  fire weapon)
      • 57 Dmg, 104 Speed, Burn 9%
    • Ol' Willie Pete x1 (Tier 5 Common fire weapon)
      • 51 Dmg, 104 speed, Burn 7%
    • Cheops Beam x5 (Tier 4 Common laser weapon)
      • 40 Dmg, 100 speed. No skills.
    • Particle Slate x1 ((Tier 3 Common laser weapon)
      • 28 Dmg, 101 speed, No skills.


      Comes from assembly line with the following skills:
      • Speed - 20
      • Laser Damage + 5%
      After reaching maximum skill development at level 108, the Jadoon class will possess the following skills:
      • Speed + 17 
      • Laser Damage + 57% 
      • Fire Damage + 13% 
      • Trample 9% 
      • 3X Damage 10% 
      • Crit-Kill 5% 
      • Slow (15) 
      • Shield (30) 
      • Missile Vulnerable 10% 

      • Level 1 Laser Damage + 5% (Acc. Laser Dmg + 5%)
      • Level 1 Speed - 20 (Acc. Speed -20)
      • Level 5 Speed + 4 (Acc. Speed -16)
      • Level 10 Laser Damage + 7% (Acc. Laser Dmg + 12%)
      • Level 11 Fire Damage + 5% (Acc. Fire Dmg +5%) 
      • Level 14 Speed + 4 (Acc. Speed -12)
      • Level 18 Trample 3% Acc. Trample 3%)
      • Level 20 Laser Damage + 7% (Acc. Laser Dmg + 19%)
      • Level 23 Speed + 4 (Acc. Speed -8)
      • Level 26 Trample 3% (Acc. Trample 6%)
      • Level 29 Missile Vulnerable 10% (Max. Miss. Vulnerab. 10%)
      • Level 30 Laser Damage + 7% (Acc. Laser Dmg + 26%)
      • Level 31 Fire Damage + 8% (Acc. Fire Dmg + 13%)
      • Level 32 Speed + 4 (Acc. Speed -4)
      • Level 36 Trample 3% (Acc. Trample 9%)
      • Level 40 Laser Damage + 7% (Acc. Laser Dmg + 33%)
      • Level 41 Speed + 4 (Acc. Speed 0)
      • Level 50 Crit-Kill 5% (Max Crit-Kill reached: 5%)
      • Level 50 Slow (15) (Max Slow)
      • Level 56 Laser Damage + 4% (Acc. Laser Dmg + 37%)
      • Level 60 Speed + 5 (Acc. Speed +5)
      • Level 69 Laser Damage + 5% (Acc. Laser Dmg + 42%)
      • Level 73 Speed + 4 (Acc. Speed +9)
      • Level 74 3X Damage 10% (Max 3x Dmg)
      • Level 82 Laser Damage + 5% (Acc. Laser Dmg + 47%)
      • Level 89 Speed + 4 (Acc. Speed +13)
      • Level 95 Laser Damage + 5% (Acc. Laser Dmg + 52%)
      • Level 100 Shield (30) (Max Shield)
      • Level 102 Speed + 4 (Max speed reached: +17)
      • Level 108 Laser Damage + 5% (Max Laser Dmg: + 57%)

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      (By GJ - 685605)