Dodge vs. Precision 3287 Research

[Mech Technology, Research]

In August 3287 (Aug 2014), two renowned Pilots, Feng Jiang and Ben Rail, conducted a research to decrypt the exactly working of the Dodge and Precision skills.

As a result of the investigation, whose results were made public for general knowledge and benefit of the pilots, the Craftsmen awarded both with the medal and recognition as Reverse Engineers.

Chronology and results of the investigation 

Feng Jiang, a now retired veteran, began looking for the secrets of some Mech Technicians about the Dodge and Precision skills for a better understanding of the Pilots, which were well guarded by the Manufacturers' Guilds.

Initially established the following question - premises.
  1. To find the exact effect of Precision and Dodge
  2. To determinate if the hit chance increased or decreased by 1% by 1 point of each one (Dodge and Precision)
  3. To determinate if there were an upper bound, a top rate of overall hit rate.
  4. To determinate if there were a lower bound, a bottom rate of overall hit rate.
  5. To determinate if there were any default values and modifiers.
  6. To determinate if the Honor Guard bonus (up to +8% Dodge) was an algebraical addition or a percentage over the current total dodge of every Mech.
From these premises, another experienced pilot, Ben Rail, joined Jiang's research, and both started their research by conducting 1,200 test strikes, using abundant resources (such as a high amount of Niodes to acquire enough Helix) and generating tests for different scenarios with maximum and minimum values in both Precision and Dodge.

Jiang and Rail reached the following conclusions:
  1. There were a 30% passive dodge. 
  2. Because the passive 30% Dodge, it appeared that Dodge values above 60% did not modified the avoidance of the Mech, as reaching a cap or top of 90% (30% passive + 60% from Mech & HG)
  3. That higher Dodge than 60% (90% with the passive) did not even serve to cancel opposite Precision, because the Dodge Value couldn't be functional in first stance once reached the 90% cap.
  4. Dodge rates from Mech and Equipment skills + Honor Guard were added to that passive base, up to roughly 90%.
  5. Precision rate was applied to counter the final dodge value, down to roughly 3% - 5% Dodge.(Their tests showed that 72 Precision vs 0 dodge gave not a 100% hit rate, but around 97%)

72 Precision vs. 112 Dodge tests showed a 18% hit rate, where 60 Dodge vs. 60 Precision was near 30% hit rate.

Based on those results, Jiang and Rail concluded that the chances of 60 Dodge vs. 72 Precision would be 18% as well.

Conversely, a Precision rate above 85 would also be useless as that would bring 90 to 5, anymore pointless.

At present, Ben Rail noticed changes in the values, obtaining the following table:

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By Mechanomicon. 
Rights and all credits to Feng Jiang and Ben Rail - 459199