
[Military, Politics, Society]

Lesser noble house of the Illyrian Hegemony.

The Sectorum House belongs to the patrician class. Although it isn't one of the main houses, its consecration to the army, along with some feats of their first ancestors, granted a status that allowed them to ascend to a position of modest influence in the Hegemony.
With the creation of the research colony of Novum Dolorum, the house Sectorum became the staff of the Commander in charge of the colony security, as well as to the custody of the scientists population, in whose repression, the Sectorum don't disdain the use of cruel practises of suppression and domination.

Among the most nefarious practises, it is known that they keep scientists in conditions close to those of a prison, and make them work under the influence of Stym, a powerful drug that stimulates the mind and provides energy to maintain them in prolonged working hours, but which in turn is highly toxic and very addictive.

The most prominent members of the Sectorum House, Rilius Sectorum and his brothers Patrick and Rufus, seems to have secretly taken advantage of the cloning techniques developed by the villain Doctor Drake during his stay in the colony, perhaps for this reason, many Mech pilots who have ventured into Novum Dolorum, claim to have eliminated them repeatedly. Sometimes, to return them to find days, weeks or months later, in appearance, in perfect combat conditions.

Most important Sectorum members:

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(By GJ - 685605)