Rilius Sectorum

[Galactic Threats, Personalities]
Rilius Sectorum is the third opponent or M&M's (slang for Mission Miniboss) and  second in command in the Novum Dolorum colony. The Sectorum belongs to a minor Illyrian House serving on the defenses of the Novum Dolorum scientific facilities, protecting them from uninvited intruders as well as serving as prison guards to keep the scientists confined and exploited in their endless researching work.

Status: Reported as dead although the Novum Dolorum Security Commander Tory must have been cloned the whole Sectorum members to enlist their clones in the dangerous duty to protect the Scientist Compound. The Sectorum Clones are reported to have been killed often over time.

Last known location: Novum Dolorum Security Compound.

Known partners: Member of the Sectorum House, in service under Tory's command in the Novum Dolorum Security Facilities.

Allegiances: Illyrian Hegemony.

Known skills: He uses three of the rare and formidable flying Mech known as Novum. As personal Mech, he drives a modified raging Cindron.

Other features and demeanor:

Like his brothers and many inhabitants of the hegemony, particularly of the patrician classes (the elites), Rilius uses a legionary armor and vestments of ancient Roman style, but in his case, it is a replica that has integrated matrices of niodes that copy and perfect patterns of movements and thoughts during their combats, which allow them to refine and optimize to a degree of excellence the piloting of their combat personal Mech.

During one combat he lost his eyes, after which he received the implant of two cybernetic eyes with which he enjoys a vision superior to that of most of the pilots.

Rilius' Squadron

Always formed by 13 Mechs, usually with the following composition:

2 Novums. Callsign: Novum, Spectrum
2 Orcus. Callsign/Pilot: Joculitian Denari, Orkus
 1 Fides. Callsign/Pilot: Repitioum

2 Cindrons. Callsign/Pilots: Dinorum, Antotildus
1 Pyrophorus. Callsigns/Pilots: Desilina
2 Infernos. Callsigns/Pilots: Trajan Cassius, Giaus Kai
 1 Vupa Walker. Rilius Sectorum's Personal Mech

2 Bone Walkers. Callsigns: Vestilius Reine, Gaian Onorus

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(By GJ - 685605)