Darknoll Gang

[Galactic Threats, Society]

The Darknoll Gang constitutes the dominant mafia in Cogwerk Port, moving with almost total impunity in front of the local authorities.

This criminal group is behind every illegal activity in Cogwerk Port: contraband, extortion, kidnapping, theft, money laundering, influence traffic, murder. Everything is legitimate for this dangerous band that has bought the silence of practically all of the stable inhabitants of Cogwerk Port, city of which they constitute the power in the shade.

Tainted by the influence of the Forerunner Droch'ah, they collaborated in the acquisition and transfer of the Chroniode possessed by Droch'ah and which he used for his plans of galactic domination.

The most prominent members of the Darknoll Gang are:

  • Darius Darknoll (Darknoll Chief)
  • Maggie Iron Knickers
  • Marvelous Marvin
  • Lazarus Darknoll

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(By GJ - 685605)