
[Astronomy, Planetology]

Glacion 4j-32, is the fourth of ten icy planets in the Nuadan System. A frigid waste world inhabited by an isolationist religious community of Shinto hermit-engineers. The only populated location in the planet is their hermit colony in the Monastery of Kyobushan.
Location: In the nether fringe of the Shogunate and the Illyrian Hegemony, currently under the Shogunate tacit protection, but with null interest.


Glacion is the accusative of Glacio, that in Classic Old Terran Latin means "Ice", name received from the first settlers belonging to an Illyrian mission, before being definitively occupied by a Shinto Monastic Order from the Shogunate.

As the name implies, the planet is permanently covered by eternal snows and glaciers.

Other denominations: Glacion, Glacius, Aisukurimu.

Polar Radius:  9,110.05 Km.

Equatorial Radius:  10,068.15 Km.

Circumference (equatorial): 63,259.99 Km.

Density: 5.20 gr./cm3.

Mass: 5,1835×1000 kg

Average surface temperature: Below -50º Celsius (-58º F)

Orbital Radius: 1.8601 ua

Orbital Period (in standard years): 682.7 standard days / 1.87 standard years.

Rotation Period: 61.6 standard hours (2.56 standard days)  

Habitability: Low living conditions. The ecosystems predominate in the equatorial area.

Natural Satellites: 3 minor moons.

Atmosphere (composition): Standard, with high ionization.

Other Features: Frigid planet of everlasting ice glaciers.

Government: Shinto monastic order, administratively dependent on the Shogunate.

Capital: Hermit Colony of Kyobushan. (the unique settlement)


The surface indistinctly covers masses of water and land in a never ending mantle of snow. The view has an indescribable and resplendent beauty, inviting to the silent introspection.

The predominant Arctic climate on almost all the surface during the 682 days of the year, is only appeased in the equatorial belt, in which the cold is less extreme, allowing a greater presence of animal and vegetate life.
Most of the planet has a dangerous terrain, hidden under the fragile crunchy ice fields or camouflaged under apparent plains of soft snow that hide dangerous holes to marine wells or to entrails of ice and toothed stone in the undergrounds of Glacion.

There are very large glass caves with forms of unspeakable beauty, mostly unexplored and harboring some dangerous species rarely seen on the surface.


Originally, Glacion housed a mining colony in search of the prized niobium. When all the prospections revealed that the planet lacked mineral resources of interest, they abandoned the planet, leaving behind a small community of hermitage monks belonging to the Shinto cult.

The hermits, who had found refuge with the Illyrian miners after a pirate attack on their transport during a pilgrimage, turned the facilities into a Shinto monastery. 

Over the time, the monastery of Kyobushan in Glacion became a paradigm of ascetic life and the perfect place to find inspiration, which attracted a second group of shogunate monk-engineers, who were well received by the founding monastic community.

The hermit engineers of Glacion came to achieve renown in the Shogunate, despite their strict isolation, so much that by the year 3100 the Meiji Shogunate Emperor Kiyomizu commissioned the hermitages to design a new Mech that could counter the burning might of the Illyrian Cindron, the monks brought to life the Nifthel Class.

As a reward, the Emperor promulgated an Imperial Decree granting total usufruct and government rights on the planet to the Shinto Monastery, however, given the zero interest that the planet aroused, whether from an economic or military point of view, some considered the imperial gift as a mere gesture of recognition, but also a strategic maneuver that tacit established the adoption of the Glacion's sector of Nuadan, under the protective mantle of the Shogunate.


There is no industrial or commercial activity. The monastery is dedicated exclusively to meditation and the creation of new designs, which are later built by Alpha Corp in their Manufacturer Facilities in the Shogunate.

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(By GJ - 685605)