
[History, Calendar]

The Galactic or Standard calendar is an adaptation of the old Sol Imperial calendar, which in turn was formerly called the Gregorian calendar. Originally from Old Terra, which from the year 1582 began to replace the Julian calendar (instituted by the Roman emperor Julius Caesar in 46 BC).

This calendar is based on the earth cycle and its translation around its star in the Sol system, establishing twelve divisions or months to the solar year of 365,242189 days, or what is the same, 365 days, 5 hours, 48 ​​minutes and 45.16 seconds.

After the discovery of the Gateway jumps and the quick expansion of humanity across the galaxy, the Solar calendar was maintained by the Old Terra empire and its colonies. When Old Terra lost its influence on the colonies and these became independent, with the formation of new great powers in the galaxy, continued to maintain the validity of the solar calendar in order to facilitate a common reference in the confines of the great powers, for administrative and commercial purposes.

Although the Illyrian Hegemony, the Shogunate and the Society of Cogwerk Planets came to have their own calendars, the standardization of the Galactic calendar and its use for all the Great and Minor Powers finally prevailed.

Some Anniversaries of Interest

(By GJ - 685605)