Rizpah Moon

[Planetology, Astronomy]
Planet type
Terraformed satellite moon. Tropical standard ecology.
Unique moon of the planet Ecclesia-4.
Cogwerk Society of Planets, governed by the Legionnaires of Galactic Trade.

Rizpah's moon is one of the most favored vacation and rest places for officers of the Galactic Trade Legionnaries, one of the five main factions of the Cogwerk Domain.

The fabulous and opulent palaces built in the coast or in deep corners of the verdant moon are surrounded by idyllic gardens that look like authentic replicas of the biblical Eden.

Geology and Ecology
The soil is rich on substrates that favors an exuberant biology. A verdant biosphere covers the 93% of the land's surface. Near the coast there is are the Rizpah Mountains with Mt. Coffleppot as highest point. Beneath the mountains, there are underground natural complex where the smugglers hiding from the Legionnaires put in safety their shipments.

Among an almost endless list of species, many of which remain unclassified, Rizpah has the largest known population of Snavurms, and its succulent meat has become an exotic dish for which they are hunted for import.
Only a 15% of the Rizpah surface is inhabited by Cogwerk citizens, while in the emerald sea of jungle there are reports about big populations of indigene tribes who time to time enter in conflict against the Legionnaires of Galactic Trade (LoGT), who keep the tribes under control with their overwhelming higher technology, pushing them back into the dense jungle.
While the peaceful and idyllic coasts under the LoGT control are safe areas used as vacation retirement havens, like Esmeralda Cove as the more renown, the jungle is plenty on odd and bizarre fauna and perils, as the aggressive Snavurms, rebel native tribes and ancient shrines and temples that by the opinion of some anthropologists and historians seems remnants of an ancient Forerunner civilization.

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Etymology and origin of the Rizpah name.

Rizpah (Ancient Earthen Hebrew word meaning "coal" or "hot stone"). Rizpah is a biblical woman who gave her mother’s love with courage in the most difficult hour, witnessing the death of his children and guarding them.

Given the links of the Legionnaires of Galactic Trade with a monastic life, it is not strange that they chose a name related to the sacred ancient texts.

Among all the heart-moving episodes in the Ancient Earthen Bible, none is as compelling and touching as the story of Rizpah and her care of the dead. 

The name of Rizpah is venerated and remembered as the name of a mother who protected with courage her dead sons sacrificed by reasons of State. She protected them from injury from the vultures in their dead and finally recovering the corpses to give them the proper sepulture.

Saul, King of Israel, broke an oath he had made with the Gibeonites for Joshua. Although the idolatrous Gibeonites had deceived Joshua, the treatise with them had been made, and the oath not to destroy them by the sword was sealed in the name of the Lord. But when Saul came to power, he devoted himself to the obliteration of the enemies of Israel, and treating the Gibeonites as a pagan settlement in a holy land, he tried to annihilate them. As soon as Saul met his death on Mount Gilboa, the Gibeonites sought redress for the desecration of Joshua's oath. 

Then, a severe famine lasting for three years overtook the land of Israel, and David, who succeeded to Saul as King, was divinely informed that the famine was in consequence of Saul’s slaughter of the oath-protected Gibeonites. They demanded by way of compensation that the seven sons of Saul should be hung up “before the Lord” in expiation for what had been done there. It thus came about that innocent children had to bear heavy punishment for the sin of their father. The five sons of Saul by Merab, and Saul’s two sons by Rizpah were taken and hanged upon a hilltop for all to see. Thus vengeance, a divine prerogative, was taken out of God’s hands, and executed by revengeful men in God’s name upon seven innocent men. They were cruelly slaughtered, not to appease divine wrath, but to satisfy a human thirst for vengeance. History affirms that innocent people suffer for the sins of their rulers. 

Rizpah watched through the days and weeks during barley harvest with those seven blood-covered bodies hanging on the respective trees, and noble Rizpah protecting them from the vultures waiting to gorge themselves on the corpses. 

Even during the rain, Rizpah continued watching the moldering bodies of the dead standing out stark against the sky. Her beautiful, sacrificial motherhood. David heard of her motherly devotion and long vigil and he commanded that they should be recovered and buried in the family grave at Zelah and Rizpah’s desire for proper respect for her dead was fulfilled.

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(By GJ - 685605)