Multiverse Council and the Order of Honour

[History, War]
During the month of November of the year 3336, the mercenary pilots who joined the Multiverse Campaign, to fight the Droch'ah menace of that different reality, both new as the veterans of the Metaverse campaigns, met in council to settle some questions regarding the tournaments hosted by the Craftsmen.

The leaders of the clans formed in the multiverse, as well as their lieutenants and some other eminent pilot, were summoned to the council.

After some surprisingly brief deliberations, the common agreement was reached whereby those pilots who obtained qualification in the circuits of the King of the Mountain to win an Redeemer, retired to areas where they did not harm those who came behind, object of allowing a greater acquisition of Redeemers, Mechs virtually impossible to produce in our galaxy and whose number would be of great benefit for the own defense of our galaxy and the strengthening of the Mercenary clans.

As a result of the agreement and the camaraderie of the Mercenary Clans in times of need and when facing a common enemy, the Order of Honour was created to commemorate this agreement and honour the pilots who sacrificed themselves, allowing others to obtain a Redeemer for the greater good instead harvest gold after gold for their own benefit.

The Council also extended a request to the Multiverse-Craftsmen conclave to increase the number of King of the Mountain competitions, in order to prepare the pilots more conveniently, as well as, circumstantially, to favour the possibility of more pilots benefiting from the new agreement and therefore more Redeemer were obtained. The Craftsmen, after a quick deliberation, agreed to the request, doubling the frequency of the KotM circuits.

Those awarded with this honour medal will be listed at the end of the Multiverse campaign.

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(By GJ - 685605)