This code is a valid example for an elite Mech unit and can be used to create your own code, adapting the parts that are considered appropriate, in agreement between the members of the unit.
The Codex statements are to be committed by the Unit members. Any disagreement can be discussed between the whole Unit to allow a renewal and flexibility, when agreed by a majority.
The spirit of your clan has to be strong to reach success. Your team has to grow in communication, maturity and team work as the only path to be successful in your goals and enjoy the game experience of a clan in the process.
The communication between the leader and the crew is capital to optimize the teamwork, tactics and strength of your faction or clan.
The inability to keep the communication will wound the performance of your team, lowering the success.
Inability to contact leadership could result in termination of membership.
4.1. Wars.
Attendance is a must during the monthly events (Clan Wars, Squad Wars and Faction Wars). In case you wouldn’t attend an event, communicate the circumstance with your Clan Leader.
All clan members should be active participants in each monthly clan event. If you are not able to participate or will have limited access during the event, then please contact your clan leader to discuss the best course of action (stay in clan, temporary removal, move to another clan or project clan).
4.2. KotMs, Circuits and other activities.
It depends on the style of your clan as a whole, participation on those may be a must or not required yet. Make sure to ask what is expected in your clan.
5.1. Optimize your force.
Try to keep strengthening your squad as much as possible. Don’t hesitate to ask for advices between your clan or in the Mech Point forum as much as you may need to solve all your doubts.
The smart pilots are those who recognizing their doubts aren’t afraid to ask how something can be done rather than saying it can't be done.
5.2. Honor Guard (HG).
Watch for the best days to renew your HG, so that don’t ended in the middle of a battle day.
A full Honor Guard will boost your dodge by +8% and your damage in +58% after you reached level enough.
5.3. Specialists (Specs).
All the pilots should aim to have all specialty formations usable by their level updated and available for use. The formations don’t have to be optimum for use, but available to get easy points against weak and/or out of formation opponents.
All the clan members should aim to have at least one specialty formation that were highly effective against opponents in their division. All members are required to have a full ant formation.
6.1. Honor Guard (HG).
During the Clan and Faction Wars, all the expert pilots keep their HG maxed to keep as strong as possible.
6.2. Specialists.
If during a war you have been given a spec. You have to watch to stay in your spec formation while not attacking.
6.3. Offensive Loses (OLs).
If you fail once against an opponent, check the battle and try him again only if you had pretty decent reasons to think you are going to win. If you failed twice against a certain opponent during a war, stop attacking him as certainly the odds will be against you.
7.1. Socially in Chats & forums.
Be respectful to your clan mates as well as other players and developers on the public channels. Remember you came here to play for joy, or that should be the goal, not to upset other players.
7.2. Alting.
The players are to restrict alt account usage to the following:
7.2.1. KotM: Don’t enter more than one acct per player in Divisions 9-12. Not one acct per division, but 1 acct in total. This limitation will encourage new player growth and development for the long-term survivability of this game.
7.2.2. Clan Wars: No one player should have control of more than 1/3 of accts in a clan, and clans must consist of at least 5 different players. No more than 15 accounts in total should be played in a single clan event. You may have more than 15 accounts, but only enter up to 15 into each monthly clan event.
7.2.3. These standards are to prevent new players from being discouraged from continuing play.
7.3. KotM Competition between Clan mates.
A player should avoid attacking clan mates; however, if the attack cannot be avoided, then it is acceptable, as long as you don’t knock a clan mate out of bronze, unless no other option is available. Hitting a clan mate in gold and silver positions is acceptable, but not should not be encouraged.
7.4. Team Raids (Faction, Clan and Squad Raids)
As After a Faction, Clan or Squad War has been completed and the rewards given, each Unit Leader will receive a token with instructions to start a Raid against a Major Threat that will need to be fought.
At the end of said raid, all the participants receive the salvage of the battle as spoils of war, which are distributed at random, based on the number of kills made by each member.
Each member of the unit is expected to have a balanced distribution of the kills, so that the highest possible number of participants in the raid have the same possibilities of obtaining benefits.
In general, no one should cause more kills than those required to have the opportunity to acquire Mechs, without first obtaining the permission of the Lead Clan, in case a kill cap has not been established.
The following applications are usually allowed:
- Snack-bar extension for Chrome
- Auto-clickers (for selling and buying weapons)
- Tiny Task and other simple MACRO tools that were not used to exploit bugs in the game nor to cheat.
The use of bots or auto clickers and similar software used to automate PvP fighting of any kind (battles, KotM, circuits) is a reason of ban by the hands of a Game Dev and shouldn’t be tolerated either by any decent Clan.
(By GJ - 685605)