The Art of Mech War (V) Strategy (I) Strategy Phases

[Strategy, Tactic, Warfare]



The phases or stages of the Strategic process can be identified as:

1.1. Motivation
1.2. Vision
1.3. Information & Analysis
1.4. Planning
1.5. Operating 


"Without the desire to achieve victory, there will only remain defeat."

Cause, ideal, goal or project that is pursued or by which one works and that constitutes the main source of inspiration and motivation.

An experienced pilot and an elite military unit will soon become rusty and harmless weapons if they lack the most elementary: a cause or incentive to fight.

The Mech pilots without the necessary motivation will lose focus, will fight without enthusiasm and their actions will lead them towards fatal defeat.

When the warrior is inspired and his cause is strongly rooted and with solid foundations, he will fight with greater concentration and energy towards victory. On the contrary, those Mech pilots without the necessary motivation will lose focus, fight without enthusiasm and their actions will lead them towards fatal defeat.

The indications to detect a low moral and lack of motivation are:
  • Lack of preparation (outdated formations, empty weapons and equipment slots...)

  • Unfilled Honor Guard during battle rounds.

  • Being out of spec, without the proper formation.

  • Lack of focus, attacking enemies that have already defeated them.

When a team member is detected with little or no interest and moral, it is the leader's job to motivate that member. If he fails in this, a precautionary measure would be to remove him from the group, since low morale is highly contagious and can cause discomfort among the rest of the group, either by infecting them with their lack of passion, or by the damage caused to the group by its low performance in combat.


"Who does not know where he is going, leaves at random any chance of reaching his destination"

Before planning our strategy, it is necessary to be able to foresee the future in the short, medium and long term, in particular, in relation to the plans themselves. In this way, we can take into account the possible problems that we will have to solve in our path and the obstacles that we will have to avoid.

This is important to planning  all our Strategy. After every step achieved, there must be another new step behind, to be able to reach our final goals.


Before drawing a strategic plan, it is necessary to know the factors and data that will affect our strategy Planning.
  • Learn how to optimize your own force or those on your allies.

  • Learn about the forces of your crew.

  • Learn about the strength of your potential enemies.

  • Be aware of the division your clan may enter.

  • Learn about the available allies that may collaborate in division control.
The more data we could gather will help to adapt our plans to our possibilities. Without information we are like a blind fish, unable to detect the upcoming shark that will end irremediably swallowed. 


"Without a Strategy, every tactic becomes sterile"

Although there are many uncertainties as there is the possibility that new parameters and unknown factors alter our forecasts, establishing and identifying objectives will help us draw a plan to achieve them.

Draw the strategy to follow, consisting of a plan or multiple plans to follow for each contingency.

When planning objectives, it is necessary to establish priorities or what is the same, give up those options that are not optimal or beneficial with the available resources, to concentrate on those options that we can satisfy with the available capabilities.

Planning requirements:
  • Focus or prioritization. It is necessary to learn to renounce tiny objectives that would detract from the global objective.
  • Communication / Participation. Count on your crew when designing a plan, they could provide new and valuable ideas, and increase the feeling that the plan is something of their own, instead of being seen as something foreign and strange.
  • Flexibility and adaptability. The plan must be flexible to adapt to new situations that arise with the passage of time and the evolution of the strategic plan.
  • Milestone. Establish stages, guidelines, milestones or indicators. They will allow to evaluate the progress of the plan in its different phases.


"If the instructions are not clear and the explanations and orders are not entrusted, the fault is of the commander" 

Once we had the strategic plan to reach our goals, we must move to prosecute them.

There are some excellent theorists who can design great strategic plans, but who fail in putting them into practise. 

In this stage, it is advised to periodically review if we are achieving or moving towards every one of the steps that will lead us to our goals.

(By GJ - 685605)